(47) Prank war

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[Valentina's POV]

Yesterday at night my squad and I were conversing over the phone about some random stuff when suddenly an argument broke between us about who pulls better pranks-girls or boys.

I mean is that even a question?

At first we were the argument was limited to Michael and I as we were trying to prove why either one of us is better than the other. This lead to a declaration of a prank war between boys and girls.

The next day at school, my girls-Iris and Mady were standing alongside me arms crossed in the middle of the corridor. In front of us were the boys- Ethan, Kai, Micheal and Liam.

As we practically have a stand off over here, the entire corridor got consumed with excited students eagerly waiting to see what's about to happen.

"So whoever can pull the most pranks until the end of the day wins, as simple as that", I stated.

"No rules is the way to go", Iris smirked.

I chuckled nodding. Mady and her high fived.

"Don't hold back", Micheal grins staring at me.

"Not in my nature", I shrug.

"Okay", Kai excitedly rubs his palms against each other. "Get ready to lose girls."

"Yeah that's not gonna happen", Mady rolled her eyes.

"We'll see", Ethan smirked.

"You three better not end up crying when we're done with you like a bunch of whining babies", Liam laughed, and then got joined by the rest of them.

"And you better pray you're still my boyfriend by the end of the day", Iris smiled sarcastically.

I double over in laughter catching Liam's horrified face. Mady silently snickers next to me.

"Woah woah. This is not fair. You cannot threaten to break up", Michael frowned. "That's low."

"Iris did say no rules", I shrugged. "Break ups are no guarantee."

Micheal practically gawked at me wondering why would I threaten to break up with him which was hilarious.

"Man I'm so glad we're gay. Girls are mean", Ethan muttered. Kai nodded, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"Iris!", Liam appeared offended.

"Accept your defeat if you're so scared", Iris shrugged smirking.

Now that suggestion caused an uproar amongst them. Kai and Ethan stared warningly at Liam daring him to forfeit which just made me laugh.

"You better not dude. Find a new girlfriend I don't care", Kai warned him.

"Hey!", Iris frowned.

Kai scoffed. "Like Liam's gonna find someone else. Chill Iris."

"Hey!", Liam frowned sounding very offended. Iris grinned though.

"This is outrageous", Micheal complained.

"You don't even have a girlfriend dude. I'm the one who's taking all the risk. Man!", Liam whines.

Micheal and I share a look before looking away clearing out throats.

"Alright alright. We've had our fun", Mady sighs with a small smile. "Iris and Val are just kidding. This is a prank war not a break up declaration."

Liam visibly relaxed. Micheal narrowed his eyes on me while Kai and Ethan look at us impressed.

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