Bonus chapter (1)

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So I decided to write a bonus chapter from when Valentina was born.


Third POV:

The Costello family is on their toes since Melanie went into labour for the seventh time.

Vincenzo rushed his screaming wife to the hospital along with his sons in excitement of a new child.

Vincenzo Costellos, the Don of the American mafia already had six sons who he loved to the moon and back.

They were:
Alessandro- 10 yrs old
Elijah- 8 yrs old
Lorenzo- 7 yrs old
Xander and Xavier- 3 yrs old
Matteo- 2 yrs old.

He was ecstatic when he learnt that he is going to become a Dad for another child. He hoped this time it was a girl.

Actually not just him. The entire Costello family including his parents hoped it was a girl since they all have been dying to have one in the family of only boys.

But Vincenzo was very clear about the seventh child. If this time also he gets a son he was going to accept him as a blessing. He will in no way love his seventh son any less than he would his daughter.

"Ahhhhh", Melanie yells pain as he was getting wheeled inside the room.

Vincenzo ran alongside her holding her hand trying to comfort her in any way possible. She squeezed it and he ran his hand through their hair.

He had learnt a few things though during his other six child births that the hand he's using to hold his wife's is gonna break soon. But he dare wouldn't complain about the pain.

She had actually once sprained his wrist after she held it so tight during the birth of the twins. He winced in pain and Melanie gave him the deadliest glare making him shut up.

That day he got a lecture on how a sprain is nothing compared to popping two kids out of your body. He agreed no doubt and swore to never complain again.

They wheeled her in and the doctor came to check her.

Vince stood next to her head and kissed her head to ease her pain. Melanie took deep breaths and winced when she felt a strong wave of pain.

"You're not that far. Just some more time before the child comes", The doctor informed.

"What? There's more time! Oh god", Melanie threw her head back on the pillow in exhaustion.

Doctor smiled sympathetically.

"Then doctor why is she in so much pain?", Vincenzo said in concern.

"Oh she's feeling the contractions Mr Costellos", Doctor said softly.

Vincenzo made an O face and nodded in realisation. He missed the glare his wife was giving him though.

The doctor then left saying she'll come back soon to check her again. Once she left Melanie turned her attention to her husband.

"You!", Melanie gritted glaring at Vince.

Vince's eyes went wide and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Oh babe. I love you", Vincenzo nervously chuckled.

Melanie narrowed down her eyes at him.

"This one's the last Vincenzo I swear! I'll fucking kill you if you ask for another!", Melanie growls

Vincenzo frantically nods in agreement.

"I love my six sons and will love this seventh one. But seven and done. You will have seven angels already and you dare ask me for another one. If you want one give birth yourself", Melanie gritted her teeth and then winced when she felt one contraction.

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