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Isabella Geller

After the party I made my way back to my dorm. It was only 9pm so I decided to read the book that Draco let me borrow. I changed into my pajamas and started reading. The story was beautiful, the writing was beautiful. Jane Eyre. What a great story. It has already been 2 hours and I was halfway into the book. I decided to finish the book tomorrow and give it back to Draco in the afternoon.

I woke up suddenly. I looked at my clock. 4:21 am. Well I was in fact thirsty and there wouldn't be any trouble going downstairs and grabbing a glass of water. I put on my slippers, and tiptoed downstairs. I managed to not wake up anyone.

I went over to the counter and grabbed a glass and poured in water. Out of nowhere I see Draco Malfoy. I gasp. I dropped my glass but before the glass even hit the floor Draco caught it. "What the heck is wrong with you" Not gonna lie those words kinda stung. "Dra- I mean Malfoy you almost gave me a heart attack" I say. He looks at me like I'm an idiot or something. "Well I'm gonna go now, uh good night" I smile and walk away.

I walk up to my bed and bury my face under my pillow. Oh god. Oh god. That was so embarrassing. Within seconds I fell asleep.


This past week has been somewhat boring. I did however befriend many people. I was very glad to have this many friends. Most of my classes have been with the gryffindors and the ravenclaws. But now it was time for my date with Cedric. I was so excited last night that I barely got any sleep. Now it was time to pick out an outfit. I decided to wear a black turtleneck, a plaid skirt with some tights, my coat, and a slytherin scarf. It was now 3:42 pm and me Cedric decided he would pick me up at 4:15. We would grab dinner at the Hog's Head, and then possibly go to the honeydukes sweet shop.

"Ey Isabella, Diggory boy is here" Blaise glared at Cedric while shouting. "Ah okay." I yell across the room. I put on my shoes grab my coat and run downstairs. "Hey Cedric" I greeted him. "Let's go shall we?" he smiles. Blaise rolls his eyes. "Okay, Bye Blaise." I said before taking off.



"Hey man, did I hear people talking?" Draco asks Blaise. 'It was that stupid Diggory boy taking out Isabella on a date" Blaise scoffs. Draco rolls his eyes. "You like her or something?" Draco teases Blaise. "No man, I don't see her that way, in fact I see her as more of a little sister. It's nice having a girl around here who I didn't make out with" he replies. Blaise in fact was very fond of Isabella. He wanted to be friends and get closer with Isabella but there was no time for it. In fact if he had however tried to even remotely get close with her people would assume the worst. Draco, unamused by Blaise's reply stood up and made his way onto the counter. "Oi Malfoy, also please don't hurt Isabella, she's a happy girl and very innocent." Blaise asks. Draco took this as a threat however. "Why would you think I would even go for that mudblood" Malfoy raged. "Don't call her that please" Blaise inquired. Draco rolled his eyes and left.


I came back from the date thinking it had only been about 2 hours but it was already 8:18pm and it was much later than I anticipated. I forgot that today the slytherins were hosting yet another party. I walked in and I was immediately greeted with Pansy. "Well you sure took your sweet time" Pansy teased. "Pansy no nothing happened I swear" I reassured her."Oh I know silly, I was just joking" I signed "Or was I?" she winked. At that moment I looked around the room. It is yet again the same everything. Same smell of liquor, same music being blasted off, and same people. It was at that moment I saw Draco he looked bored. I remembered I still had his book. I quickly ran to my dorm, grabbed the book and made my way over to the library in our common room. I left a note as I placed the book on a table.

Thank you for lending me this book.

-Isabella Geller.

During the party it made me feel so tense. I decided to go and explore the school, to gain an edge and know my way around the school like the back of my hand. When walking around I stumbled across a bricked wall it was halfway open. It was quite odd, I have heard Hogwarts has many secret rooms but I didn't know I would stumble across one. I decided to take a look at the place and quickly leave but when I took that step I was overtaken by the beauty of the place. It is in fact not the largest but it's not the smallest. The room had many windows giving natural sunlight, although it is now very dark the room was still beautiful as ever. I was amazed. It was so beautiful and magical. This was it. This was the place I was gonna visit every single day. Back in Beauxbatons I had a little secret room, a room where only I knew of, a room only I could visit. And now this place. Boy was I glad I had found it. I don't want anyone to find this room, but why was the brick wall halfway open then? Maybe someone forgot to close it? No, the room is far more beautiful for it to be forgotten. Maybe it was a sign? Perhaps I will never know but what I do know that this will be my happy place. My secret place


A.U note

Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter than the rest of them but I will update either tomorrow or the day after that:)))!

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