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Authors note

lets all take a moment and appreciate this edit of timothy in a slytheirn uniform. Plus I didn't make it someone did so credits to them Also sorry I forgot their @. 

Anyways back to the photo, OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGM ahhhhhhhhh


After those words, me and Draco have been inseparable. Our summer break was fun, it went from travelling to Hawaii, to staying at my house and just chilling. We did all sorts of this that Draco has never done, like zip lining, going horseback riding, and even going sky diving. It was really fun and amazing. We tried all sorts of food, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Spanish and more. As each day grew by we had more fun then the other day. Our summer day were filled with laughter, smiles and even kisses. Sometimes I wanted to just to stay like this forever, but sometimes I want to start something new with him.

I never visited his house once. He said how boring it was, and also scary. However I do want to visit it one day, however Draco said it wasn't the time. I still wore his necklace and the bracelet he made for me, it was tacky yes. But it was still thoughtful and cute. Now for the last 2 weeks of our summer break, my family wanted a trip, just us. Meaning no Draco. He was sad, but understood how family was first, so we for once during this break separated. It was quite sad honestly separating from him, yes. But family comes first.

My family and I visited Paris, it was beautiful. I honestly didn't worry going back to school. I have been keeping in touch with Pansy, Blaise, Ron, Hermione, and Harry. It was nice hearing about their wild stories. But, still no one knew about me and Draco.


Now it was time to start our sixth year. I heard this year would be the hardest one from some of the perfects but I think their lying. I was happy to get back, here. It was nice and cozy here. It was my second home.

I greet everyone in the common room, even the first years. I gift some souvenirs to Pansy and Blaise, saving the main one for Draco. I saw Draco walk in, and he was pale. Although he is pale, today however, he looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep in like forever. He had eye bags, and wore a black suit. He didn't say a word and just made his way to his room. It was odd actually, usually he would greet his friends and maybe even me. But not this time, this time he walked away he didn't even look at me. Hell, he didn't even look at Blaise, Blaise looked down. He knew something, and I didn't.

I decided to see what was wrong with Draco so I told the guys that I was gonna run to the bathroom, when really I was gonna meet Draco.


"Hey, are you okay?" I walk in.

"Get out" he yells.

"Wait what? Did I do something?" I said worried.

"No, I just- ugh- Isabella, just leave me alone alright?" he throws his luggage.

"Okay no need to get so aggressive" I back away. Something was off and I ought to know.

"Tell me what is it, or I'm not leaving" I cross my arms.

He laughs.

"What? Tell me, now" I order.

"I wanna break up, that's it. Now leave me" he answers. He looks at me and his eyes are watery. He is on the verge of tears.

What did he just say? He wants to break up? But, what changed. Just weeks ago we were fine.

"Don't tell me that you were mad about the family trip" I say.

"I am not, I just want to break up, you were just a fling alright?" He said, coldly.

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