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Two months have passed. In those two months a lot has changed. I do really well in school. In fact I'm the second smartest slytherin, Draco Malfoy being the first. I am dating the school's Golden boy, Cedric Diggory and our two month anniversary will be on Dec, 12th. I have friends who are very loyal, and kind. And with the secret place you may ask. Well, me and Draco have been visiting this place every single day. He wouldn't bother me at all if he ever walked in the room and saw me, and I wouldn't bother him. Things were great as it is. I feared that I would forget ballet so everyday I would make up an excuse and leave for the secret place. No one knows it other than me and Draco. Not even my boyfriend. It's better that way though having my own little place to quietly read, study in peace, and even practice ballet.

The goblet of fire just started. The four participants were Cedric Diggory, Victor Krum, Fleur Delacour, and Harry Potter. I felt bad for him. I mean we are all 15, we shouldn't be feeling this amoutn of stress. Hermione tried to help Harry as much as possible, Ron however was angry because he believed Harry had gone behind his back to put his name in the Goblet. He felt Harry should have told him and taken him along so he could have put his name in too. Ron was upset that it was always Harry in the spotlight, never him.

For the wizarding world, though, the Triwizard Tournament lasts for the entire school year. The three tasks are spread out over the course of several months. The first task took place in November, the second in February, and the third in June. Cedric was eager to start, I tried to support him but deep down I was worried.

Their first task were dragons. the Champions each had to try to steal a golden egg from a nesting mother dragon. The golden egg was the clue for the second task. The champions entered a small tent where Bagman gave them each a chance to pull a model of the dragon they were to face out of a purple bag. Each model dragon (which moved, naturally) had a number around its neck. The number referred to the order in which the task would proceed. Cedric Diggory led things off, drawing the Swedish Short-Snout. During those days Cedric would tell me what he would do if he won.

After that, the next task would be held on the 24th of February. Cedric used that time to prepare for everything. Harry was busy too, so he called of the D.A for a while. He said it was to early to even to start, meaning in our fifth year we would officially start it. Not gonna lie I was glad that happened. The whole goblet of fire issue surrounding Harry was a lot to take in for a 15 year old boy.

Now well, we had two months to spare. Two months with Cedric.


As days flew by  December, 16th was just around the corner, four more days until my birthday. It would be my 16th birthday.  It was already christmas week. Our school was filled with decorations, and lights. The great hall was blistering, and the chirstmas tree was bright. We have about two weeks, many students decided to leave Hogwarts and visit their loved ones, many stayed. Our chirstmas break would officially start on the 15th of December and we would return on January 3rd. Our Yule Ball was gonna be hosted on December 14th. Many girls were asked out already for the yule ball including me. Hermione was asked out by Victor Krum. Ron wasn't to pleased about it, saying how Victor was our enemy, but Hermione simply ignored him.


I got up by the loud noises coming from our common room. It was Pansy yelling at Blaise. "Why are you yelling Pansy? It's only 9am on a saturday."I whine. "Hm, I don't know Isabella, Blaise, tell her" Pansy glares at Blaise. "It was a joke, Pansy calm down" He laughed. "Whats the joke?" I got curious.

"Spell 'me'" Blaise smirks.

"Okay..M E" I reply.

"You forgot the 'D'."

a secret place (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now