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Harry potter has been praised for his scar all these years and now each one of us had at least one. Some scars were clearly visible but some scars were hidden within our hearts

Me and Draco both dropped of Blaise and Edward at Hogwarts express, not caring what their next steps would be. For the past couple of months this place as gone ballistic, but now it was free. We could do anything. 

As me and Draco held hands and walked to my old house, when I unlocked the door I was greeted with everyone. Smiling and crying happy tears. I quickly let go of Draco's hand which startled him and ran over to my parents and friends.

"We did it guys, we did it" I cried out while I hugged my family. 

Within that we decided to celebrate it, our victory. We had a whole feast, it was warm and a joyful place. Draco was happy too, he was finally free from all of this torture. I ate my food, it has been so long since I enjoyed food without stressing about.

I looked over at Hermione and saw her smile, I then looked at her arm. "Mudblood" her arm was carved in. I held her hand and whispered into her ear. "Its okay, she is in Azkaban now. She will pay for everything" I smile at her. "You're right" She squeezes my hand.

Sadly the day ended, but it was ended full of laughter and joy. Everyone left home other than the Weasleys, they had no home

"We have another house, its not as big as this one but its cozy. You guys can have it." My mom suggests.

"Oh sweetheart no, its okay." Mrs Weasley smiles.

"No seriously you guys can have it, we don't even visit that house, when was the last time we visited it hunny?" My dad says.

"I think about 4 years ago?" My mom replies.

"You can take it, its all yours and plus the house has lots of room" My mom smiles.

With those words the Weasleys thank us, and hug us out of joy. They now had a home, they were at full ease knowing the fact that they have a place to live, and even own.

"Oh thank you, thank you, you guys are so generous" Mrs Weasley hugs my mom.

"Your welcome" My mom smiles.

Everyone had a home now, except for Draco. I looked over at him smiling. But he looked down. His parents were sent to Azkaban, his manor was now destroyed. he had no home and no family. He was now miserable, full of sorrow and mischief. 

I slipped away from Mrs Weasley and grabbed Draco's hand, leading him into my room.

"Hey, are you okay?"I ask him.

"I would be lying if I said yes." He looks down.

As soon as he said that I quickly hugged him, he was hurt. 

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't be going through this." I sympathize him.

"It's fine" He hugs me back.

"You can stay here, at this old house, with me. My parents are planning to go back anyways so they wouldn't care."  I hold his arm.

"Really? Are you sure?" He smiles.

"Yes I am sure." I hug him.


6 months later

It has now been so long since I remember myself witnessing deaths, sorrow, and forbidden love. Now I live in my old house with Draco. We began actually dating the minute we moved in here. At first it was hard, we were different. But as our relationship over come many hardships we grew closer and closer. Our days were full of laughter, happiness, and love. I visit my parents at least once or twice a month, as though they live far away. My friends and I all hang out almost every weekend, we have grew so much closer since the war. 

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