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It was early in the morning. Somewhere between 5 in the morning and 6 in the morning. Draco as per usual was awake at that time. I grab my blanket and pour some coffee in my mug. I walk outside and the snow breeze rushes into my pale skin. "Everything good happens to me when its snowing." I say. Even though I caught a cold during the weekend, I still loved snow. "Its so cold in here. Shiley come back inside or at least close the door." Draco whined. "You'll be fine just sit back and enjoy this" I smile. "What's so good about snow anyways?" He said. "Everything, everything wonderful happens during the snow fall" I take sip of my coffee. "Yeah, sure name on thing" he crossed his arms. "Well, my birthday. And the list would go on" I reply.

"When is your birthday?" he asks. "Why?" I reply. "Come on just tell me shirley." his rosy cheeks blistered through the snow. "December 16th" I reply. "Okay, for your birthday I won't call you shirley for the whole day" He says. "Wow, thank you for that" I smile. " I'm gonna go back inside, you however don't freeze to death" He muttered. "Will do" I laugh.


I walk outside of my common room and saw Cedric waiting for me. "You didn't have to wait for me" I laugh. He kisses me. "Oh come on it's what every boyfriend does" He kisses my cheek. "What classes do you have today?" He asks. "Just the core subject sadly" I reply. "Ah well I'll walk yo to them." He hugs me. "Ced, at this point I wont even ask you to walk with me. I know you will" I laugh. He laughed too and then kissed me.


I walk over to the great hall when I see Pansy and Blaise talking. I walk over to them. "Hey, guys" I say. "Omg, you're finally here" Pansy cheers. "Why? What do you mean?" I ask. "Well you have been with you hufflepuff boyfriend all this time, we just missed you" Blaise answers my question. Was I really spending time more with my boyfriend? I needed to fix that. "Sorry guys, I'll make it up to you guys" I assure them. "Well its okay, anyways we are having the same usu-" Before Pansy can finish her sentence I interrupt her. "Yes I know the same parties." I groan. "I- how did you know?" Uhm. Is this girl serious. "We have parties like almost every single day" I say.


Walking to history of magic class with Hermione is nice, we have that time to catch up with basically anything. I trusted her more than anyone in this whole class and so did she. It was quite knowing that and considering the fact that her Harry and Ron go way back into first year but it was nice. "So how are things going?" I ask her. "Its good, plus I got over my little crush on Ron, actually I took interest into someone else." She says. "WHO?" I yell. Oops. "Sorry, but who?" But with that we were already in class. "You'll know later" she winks. "Hermione no, just tell me right now" I threaten her. "Fine, fine." she drags me out of the classroom. "Its......Dean" She whispers in my ear. And thus she leaves. Leaving me shocked.

I walk over to my table where Draco is reading. I sit down quietly. I gather my thoughts of what I just got. But, Ginny is dating Dean? What? Like I mean I know that Ginny likes Harry, wait no scratch that, shes in love with Harry. And Harry loves Ginny too, but he doesn't want to admit that. This whole thing is bizarre and confusing.

I decide to hold of those thoughts for another time and go back to seat. I sat beside Seumus. Like almost every class he always bothers me. I manage to ignore him most of the time, but during classes he would send me love notes. Cringy. I must say. I look over at Draco, he mouthed. "Shirley Temple." I roll my eyes.

Prof Binns assigns us an essay that's due tomorrow. It was Goblins. Our class wouldn't end for an hour or so, so like almost everyone we researched through books to find more about goblins.


Class just ended, finally. I walked outside and immidietly. "Where is your little boyfriend?" Draco smirks. "None of your business" I push him away. "So, you don't know?' he looks at me. I roll my eyes. "Is there no one else at this school who you can bother?" I say. "Yes, but I choose you." He points his finger at me.

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