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We all come to a stage in our lives when we want to use some love paragraphs. When you are in love, you want to show your special person how much they mean to you. You are so eager to let them know that they mean the world to you and you are so lucky to have them in your life.

"I'll never love anyone again. There's no such thing as love! Love is not real. Love is a lie!"

Time and time again I've angered and deemed myself foolish whenever my heart got broken. From friendships to relationships, every new memory, new connection with a person only led to heartbreak. Then one day I realised, that I don't know what love is. I have never known what it is. And that revelation was frightening. And yet I said it. I said I love you. Without thinking straight.

Love is a force of nature. However much we may want to, we can not command, demand, or take away love, any more than we can command the moon and the stars and the wind and the rain to come and go according to our whims.

Love is bigger than you are. You can invite love, but you cannot dictate how, when, and where love expresses itself. You can choose to surrender to love or not, but in the end, love strikes like lightning: unpredictable and irrefutable. You can even find yourself loving people you don't like at all. Love does not come with conditions, stipulations, addenda, or codes. Like the sun, love radiates independently of our fears and desires.

Love is inherently free. It cannot be bought, sold, or traded. You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it — not for any amount of money. Love cannot be imprisoned, nor can it be legislated. Love is not a substance, not a commodity, not even a marketable power source. Love has no territory, no borders, no quantifiable mass or energy output.

And yet, here I am laying on my bed, crying. I felt guilty for kissing Edward. And I felt even more guilty for Draco witnessing that. Why did I do that? Why am I so stupid? Right now, Draco probably thinks that I'm a whore or something. That kiss with Edward meant nothing to me. It was just some game I joined in. I regretted that, a lot.


Walking to the great hall, I saw Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I sat with them for breakfast, because I couldn't bare myself eating breakfast with Draco. I want to try to avoid Edward. It's awkward really, it will be very awkward. Well, at least for me. Having said that I do bound to not hide myself from them.

"Who was that boy you were talking to?" Hermione asks. "What? Who?' I say, confused. "That guy, with curly hair" She points at Tyler. "Oh, yeah we are old friends thats just Tyler Roberts" I giggle. "Just, Tyler Roberts?" She winks. "Hermione" I shout. "Seriously he is very cute, like very cute" She stares at him.

"I think someone has a crush" I nudge her. "No, no way. I already have one" Hermione takes a bite of her bagel. "Who?" Ron shouts while standing up. We all look at him. "Sorry, but who?" He sits back down. "It's really no one's business really but Isabella I will tell you" Hermione grabs my hand and drags me to the hallway. "So who is it?" I asked, eagerly.

"Oh, no one. I was just trying to make him jealous." Oh, well that makes sense. "I see you" I wink. "Mhm, sure. Anyways what happened between you and Malfoy?" She asks. What? How did she see that?

"Uhm what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, I know something happened. Malfoy wont even look at you"

"Oh, yeah we broke up" I look down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" She hugs me.

"It's okay, I'm fine. But is it just me or did something happen to him, like he looks so, whats the word?"

"Depressed" She says.

"Yeah, maybe? Anyways I can't think about him right now" I shrug this subject off.


While walking to my Herbology class I see that we have yet again a combined class with the Gryffindors. The Slytherins whine, but are also somewhat glad, because now they pick on the Gryffindors. I sit next to Tyler, because its his first time here I ought to help him out.

During class Draco wouldn't pay attention in class, instead he would stare at me. He didn't look at me like he was mad, no it was like he was needing sympathy and care. I would sometimes look back at him and turn away. It was awkward really. Things were weird. He broke up with me so suddenly, and now look at him. He looks like crap and just looks so worn out.


This whole day went by like a blur, I'm the type of person to love first day's of school. but not today. For some reason I have a pit in my stomach. Like something is eating me alive, second by second. Tyler, knows about the secret place, but doesn't were it is. Kinda glad. And I'm kinda regretting now telling him about it. It was me and Draco's secret place. It was our little place were we hang out.

When walking back to our dorms I decided to quickly check in the secret place, I run towards the brick the wall, and open it. There I see him. Sitting there reading. He looks up and drops his book.

"Uh, I just have to get one thing" I walk towards the shelves and get the book 'The Oxford of Shakespeare, Hamlet' I grab it, until he comes near me. I back away.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He looks down. "Just say it" I shout. His eyes widen. "All this time, it was just a fling for you?" I say. "No, Isa-" He tries to reach for my hand. I back away. "Tell me why! Tell my why you broke up with me" I yell. "Its complicated Isabella, you wont get it" He tries to hide his tears.

"Well what is it, I will get it, I will understand you" I try convince him. "Look all you need to know is that I didn't mean any of it, you weren't just a fling I promise you that" He holds my hand. I don't let go. I have been craving his warmness all this time, today is not the day I will budge out. Not right now.

"What do you mean?" I squeeze his hand. "Just wait, wait a little longer alright?" He tears up. And then he kisses me. It was a soft kiss. It didn't last long. I touch my lips, they were warm.

"Why-" And with that he kisses me again, he planted wet kisses, I melted within his arms. Within that he pulled me into a big hug.

"Draco, seriously whats going on?" I touch his hair. "I can't tell you now, I will later. Just don't leave me, okay?" and with that he leaves. I was left there, on my knees sobbing. Draco was hurting, and no one knew why. Not even me.


Authors Note.

When I'm dont this book I am sooooo writing a Cedric one, Im a simp for diggory and Malfoy. Anyways loves please leave a comment if you like this chapter.

my tik tok is cedricdeadricc

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