Kings and Queens

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You placed the fork into your mouth, feeling the warmth of the lasagne encompass you entirely. You immediately sank into its taste, closing your eyes with joy and relaxation, for the knowledge that Draco Malfoy was the one who'd made this for you - oh, it made it all the more splendid in taste. Yes, it was created with not only care but also with love - the very love that the boy bore for you, as he sat beside you at the table and watched you eat with one hand on your thigh, gently rubbing it as he was filled with joy when he saw the colour drift back into your face, signifying your upcoming wellness. That is not to forget, of course, all those around, as you sat in the living room. All eyes were on you, watching you eat, everyone wholly astounded at the ease of your functioning as you ate ... lasagne.

"I simply do not understand, that is all," Hermione began with a sigh, sitting at the sofa and twisting herself to keep her eyes on you.

"Hermione," you sighed, placing the fork on the plate, "I'm literally so cool that not even Bellatrix can scar me. Is all."

"Yes ... it seems so," she smiled lightly, "well, nonetheless, I'm very glad that you're okay."

"I am too." You nodded agreeably. "Although I do wonder - Lupin, do you think dreams can have any significance in the future?"

"Dreams? You ask an odd question. Why? What did you dream of?"

"I know that my dreams do, I think," you said quickly, "or maybe I am overthinking it. But I had a dream in which I found my own corpse in the grass. It was horrible, really, I mean bugs were coming out of my mouth and eating me, and my lips were torn and I was covered in blood, and it honestly looked like my head was twisted. It did not look like a splendid death at all, you see, and I am wondering ... if I am to die, must it be in such a gruesome way?"

"First of all," Lupin sighed with a light laugh, shaking his head, "you won't be dying anytime soon, especially not with all of us here protecting you." As confident as you were in your ability to protect yourself, hearing Lupin's words brought about a whole other state of relaxation. Yes, yes ... there are other people out there willing to protect you, and themselves, and your friends ... as great as you may be, the burden is not entirely on you, for you are but a teenage girl. Lupin continued, "but I don't believe a dream like that would have any significance at all, actually. You're in an after-shock state. The Cruciatus hit you harshly, and dreams like that are very normal. I hope you are aware that you're likely to experience night terrors for the foreseeable future."

"Yes ... " You said slowly, clicking your tongue with a frown, "I should've anticipated that."

"With the right mindset, they will pass," Lupin quickly said, recognising your growing discomfort at the thought. He could only imagine how grotesque your dream had been, for your displeasure was very clear at the knowledge that it could repeat. "And we will all be here to support you and ensure that you recover well."

You inhaled slowly, looking down, and nodding. Only after a second, when you felt Draco lightly tighten his grip around your thigh, you exhaled again and looked up with a more certain outlook on your face as you met everyone's eyes in the room before saying, "thank you, to all of you. I don't think words can possibly explain how dearly I love you all, and how thankful I am for what you have done for me. I know I am an absolute dickhead, as I get told enough," you turned to Harry and flashed him a look, causing him to roll his eyes and smile, "but you've all remained by my side. You've all amazing patience ... and I'm so glad to have people like you. I understand why my parents loved you all, for you are all great people." You paused. "Except Harry."

"Oi," he groaned. But as you smiled at him, he could not help but cross the living room and lift you up off your chair before pulling you in for a hug as he tightened his grip around you. There was absolutely no hesitation in your reciprocating, as you also held Harry tightly in your arms and, in fact, sunk into his shoulder, feeling the familial presence arise between the two of you. You weren't one to particularly believe that family relations held any significance in one's life, for blood does not determine one's kindness and love, but when it came to Harry, you felt an inevitable and indefinite sense of gratitude and love for the boy, knowing very well how he'd taken care of you over all these years, referring to you as his little sister (even though you were the same age, of course) and loving you endlessly, despite your troubles.

Everlasting 2 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now