The Protagonist

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"Flowers? A secret admirer?" Hermione laughed, gazing at the flowers which you held dearly in your hands, looking at all their shapes and forms, their colours and meaning, understanding it completely and falling for your own thoughts and ideas, knowing that Draco was out there, speaking to you.

"Malfoy's out and someone's already trying to butt in?" Ron asked, also staring at the flowers.

You did not answer, however, and simply turned to Niklaus, who gazed at you longingly with his bright eyes. Slowly, you whispered, "I assume a response is in order?"

He stared at you still, blinking slowly, and his refusal to leave told you that he was indeed awaiting an answer. Thus, you sighed with a smile, turning to your friends and with no explanation bidding them goodbye, before rising from the bench and, with Niklaus still on your shoulder and the flowers in hand, you turned to the grand doors of the Great Hall as you began to exit it, leaving everyone in awe and confusion at the bouquet and your sudden leave. Those who recognised the owl were left to stare at it in longing, for not many did recognise it - it took a close relationship to do so - and only Blaise Zabini, as he watched you leave, felt his eyes began to gleam upon the sight of the flowers and Niklaus.

"But how shall we ... respond? I can't risk the letter being found," you whispered to yourself as you headed through the castle halls and made your way for the Slytherin common room, where you would find your paper and quill, "he understood the phrase ... so perhaps he has access to Latin translation? Or maybe flowers? Oh, Niklaus - I must let him know ... that I love him. I can't leave him hanging. And I wish to see him ... but I cannot possibly go ... and he can't possibly come here."

Niklaus offered no response, as he stuck by your shoulder and remained by the side of your head, occasionally rubbing himself against it as a way of comforting himself. He knew you as his second owner, for he had seen the dear manner in which his owner regarded you, and it was not the first time that he was forced to send letters to you or, better yet, any gifts which Draco ever found suitable for you. However, as you sat, you gazed upon the paper and the quill before yourself, debating on your words - whether they were to be in Latin, or in English.

"Yes ... he understood the quote, which means he has access to Latin words. I know for sure, because he does not know Latin," you said with a light laugh to Niklaus, "I wish to see him, Niklaus ... and I believe I know where. There is but one place in this world ... that Draco and I know that none of the rest of the world does. Someplace that isn't directly tied to me, nor tied to him. I think meeting him there would be a good idea. I must tell him ... but I'll keep it brief. No use in overcomplicating a language he probably scarcely has access to."

And thus, you inhaled deeply before dipping your quill in ink and placing it against the paper. To keep it brief - let him know of your feelings, and of your wish to meet, which you hoped he would be able to do.

amantium irae amoris integratio est.

You stared at the ink upon the paper. The paper remained mostly empty, with the short phrase in the middle of the paper, as you gazed it, the feeling of butterflies arising in your stomach.

"God, this is so cringe," you huffed, drooping your head, "but I partially feel like I'm in a dramatic movie. A book. If I was the main character of a novel, would people write fan-fiction about me?" You asked, partially yourself and partially Niklaus, as you turned to him with a curious smile. The owl stared at you, possibly ridiculing you, and you could tell that he was urging you on to keep writing to give him the letter so that he could return already. "Yeah, yeah, alright."

You thus turned back to the letter and continued.

congrediemur. London, Jack. dies Saturni. media nocte.

"Is this brief enough, do you think?" You turned to Niklaus, who stared at the letter. "Let's hope he remembers who Jack is, and most of all, where he lives." And with this, you sighed and, with trembling fingers, shoved the letter in an envelope. "Ay, where's the shitty wax?" You began to rummage through your bag, looking for your wax and all the equipment required, alongside the candle and matchsticks. "Nah, this is actual bullshit. Has someone stolen my wax? Oh, never mind, here it is." You pulled out the candle first, setting it alight first and setting it down. You took the pot and hovered it above the flame, feeling it warm up, before taking your wax and pressing it inside of the warm pot, as you began to see it melt. "Melt, baby, melt."

Niklaus stared at you, disappointed at you, leaving you to scrunch your face at him.

"Don't tell your owner I talk to myself." You paused. "Everyone already thinks I'm insane enough."

And when the wax had sufficiently melted, you slowly tilted the pot onto the envelope in the correct place, sealing it shut, before pressing your stamp down into the melted wax with the first letter of your name as a means of signature.

"I'm so fancy." You whistled at your own doing, proudly grinning. "Niklaus, I'm literally living my best life. I've just written a secretive letter in Latin, after sealing it with melted wax, and now I'm giving it to an owl to deliver it to my secret lover. Holy fuck, I am literally the protagonist. And so sexy too."

Niklaus blinked.

"Yeah, fine, here you go." You huffed, offering the letter to Niklaus, who snapped his beak at it and held it tightly. "Be safe, alright?"

He blinked once more. Consequently, you rose and leaned over to the window in the dorms, opening it, and Niklaus flashed you one last final look of goodbye before setting off into the warm sky as he opened his wings and dashed through, holding your letter in his beak tightly. Now, all you were left to do was wait. Wait and hope that the letter was delivered safely to the correct owner, and that Draco had the sufficient knowledge and resources to decipher it and fulfil it. 

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