Corpse at Your Feet

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And so, eyes turned. Voices fell silent, battles were ceased. Two sides of one war; fear or safety. There it was - the victory was there. Those eyes, those eyes which looked upon the world recklessly, carelessly, yet powerfully and cunningly. Those eyes which represented all the best and worst of both the light and dark. Those eyes, lightly squinted from the smile upon the lips. Indeed, indeed! Who else could it possibly be, reader, if not yourself? 

Ginny Weasley's fingers gripped her wand tighter as she entered the battle scene behind yourself, with Blaise Zabini mimicking her action with his wand too, also behind yourself. Their eyes met briefly as they followed you, as they nodded at each other in a determined and understanding manner, mutually understanding each other completely. 

"[F/n] Potter!" Voldemort's voice finally sung out as he turned to you amid the crowd, his wand firmly sitting on top of his hand and lightly between his fingers. He lifted his hands excitedly, as though to greet you, as a smile spread across his face. "What a darling! It is ever so great to see you!"

"Likewise," you sighed, ceasing your walk and standing at a distance to Voldemort. Behind him, you caught sight of many familiar faces; Bellatrix, Lucius, Narcissa, Snape, Draco. There were many faces which you recognised as a general rule, but none held such significance as those. "I apologise for being late."

"We were all wondering where you were, that is true!" He laughed. "It is lovely to see you, my [F/n]!" 

Your eyes flashed behind Voldemort, catching Draco's. Those wondrous, blue eyes gazing at you hopefully upon that pallid, distraught face. With a quick inhale, you turned back to Voldemort, forgetting Draco's existence and ridding yourself of any emotions previously attached. 

"How've you been, Tom?" You asked, smiling in a friendly manner. Yet, the mere mention of the name wiped the smirk from Voldemort's face - his scowl present. 

"I told you before - "

"Not to call you that," you nodded, "I remember."

"Of course," he smiled exasperatedly, "why would you listen, after all? It's never been your thing." 

Sighing, you approached him lightly. Both Ginny and Blaise twitched slightly in their positions, watching your figure carefully - they had not expected you to move from your spot. The general understanding was that they were to be behind you at all times - were they to follow now? They met their eyes and mutually agreed to stay in their positions and let you wander. And so, you wandered. Closer to the Death Eaters. 

"You know," you began, "you're actually wrong."


"I have listened. I've always listened. That is why I stand here, where I do."

"Because ... you listened? To whom, [F/n]?"

"To all of those who I loved, of course." You shrugged. "I listened to their fear of you, to their pain and suffering, all because of you. I listened to the things you caused them to experience. In the past, you know. Truth be told ... I never actually experienced that much suffering from you. But I listened, and I learned, that you can cause true pain and destruction. So, here I am, to prevent you from doing it again ... or something like that."

"Or something like that," he laughed, "now humour has been your thing." 

"The coolest part about me, Tom, is that everything has been my thing." 

You had seen Bellatrix's arm twitch already. It was no news. Thus, by the time she had swung her arm and cast the spell at you, you had already practiced enough flips and tricks to be cool during battle, that your cork screw flip dodged the spell entirely. Landing on your two feet, you could not help but grin proudly at yourself for dodging a spell in such a manner, finally using your flip practice to good use. 

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