Draco's Mission

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EVERLASTING: https://www.wattpad.com/946338524-everlasting-draco-malfoy-x-reader-the-letters

With a sigh, you lifted yourself and left the Slytherin common room after Harry had come to pick you up. It was told that Dumbledore wished to see the two of you, and therefore Harry, having been the one who heard this information, felt it his duty to pass it onto you. You hadn't seen Draco since last lesson, so it'd been a while - you assumed for him to be with Blaise or with his friends, perhaps with the girls. Whatever he was doing, you did not doubt that you sat in his heart and mind and he was guided with his love for you.

When you and Harry reached Dumbledore's office, you bumped into Snape who was just leaving it. In the process, Harry glared at Snape whilst Snape ignored him entirely. You, on the other hand, kept your poker face as you walked past him, and you and Harry finally entered Dumbledore's office after being called in.

"You wished to see us," Harry said.

"I did," he smiled, gesturing towards the two chairs before his desk, which you and Harry sat at. "It's been a tough couple of years for the two of you ... with a lot of stress. Therefore, I would like to offer you study help."

"Study help?"


"I mean ... sure," Harry said, slightly confused. "But this is a bit sudden."

"I just believe that with all the things the two of you have been forced to do - all the stress and fighting, dealing with your scars, I believe it is unreasonable to leave you behind, when all the other students have had easier opportunities as they could focus solely on their studies."

"I get what you're saying," you began, "but Harry and I are generally caught up."

Dumbledore sighed, shaking his head with a slight smile. "I will offer the help, of course, but truth be told ... I have pulled you in here for another reason."

"Explains it," you nodded. "Go on."

"As you know, Professor Slughorn joined our school this year. However, he is a very good old friend of mine ... but he is keeping something from me. He has kept a memory from me."

"A memory?"

"In fact, he has given me a false memory." Dumbledore paused. "It's very important. This memory. And I was going to ask either of you ... if you could try and somehow persuade Professor Slughorn into giving you the real memory."

"I could do it before Harry."

"As if," he scoffed, turning to you.



"That's ... what I like to see," Dumbledore smiled softly, "and please, if you could ... do try to be quick with it. It is important, and you will find out when you succeed in retrieving the true memory. When you do, inform me of it."

"Harry sucks so he'll lose."

"Shut up, [F/n]."

"Alright, you two, how are you doing?"

"Good," you replied.

"Of course she's doing good. She's become a prostitute."

"Harry, please," Dumbledore sighed.

"Just admit you're ugly and go," you added.

"Alright, off you go you two," Dumbledore said with a smile, shooing you off. And, when in the process of leaving, your name was called back by Dumbledore, with which he added, "and congratulations on your progress with Mr Malfoy."

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