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Draco was not at breakfast. 

That wasn't too unusual; he often didn't wake up in time for it. 

Draco was not in first period.

That wasn't too unusual again; he often slept in or didn't bother.

Draco was not in second, third, fourth, fifth period. 

Slightly more unusual, but not the end of the world. 

He wasn't at dinner, either. 

Now ... now was a time of worrying. 

Blaise claimed he had not seen Draco all day, and had assumed that he'd been with you during breaks. You even resorted to the worst possible scenario, and you, upon catching Pansy, Ana, Olivia, and Millicent, in the Slytherin common room, you even found the strength within yourself to speak to them.

"Have you seen Draco anywhere, by any chance?"

"Can't find your own boyfriend, Potter?" Ana cried out. "Maybe he's left you. Finally."

You squinted your eyes at her before taking a deep breath and replying. "You know, I don't get it. After everything, I would've thought you'd have dropped it by now. I guess not." 

"Dropped what?" She scoffed. 

"The bitterness and pettiness. What are you, five?" 

"Five!" She scoffed. "We just don't like your personality, Potter." 

"And you still want to fuck my boyfriend." 

"Let's see how long he'll be your boyfriend for. You can't even find him." 

You did not have the energy to pursue the conversation. Leaving the common room, you walked back and forth around Hogwarts, tiring yourself out quickly enough with your crutches. Walking around Hogwarts normally came to you with ease, but cursed with crutches, it was indeed a little more difficult. He was not here, and he was not there. He was not in, and he was not out. Draco really seemed to be missing from the castle.

"Have you seen Draco anywhere, Snape?" 

Snape looked up from his desk, at you, before looking back down at the paperwork he was filling in. "I have not." He said. 

"He's missing from Hogwarts, I swear." You said, sitting opposite Snape. "He's missed all lessons and all meals." 

"Well, he isn't here, and I haven't seen him."

"Why're you being so cold?" 

"Cold?" Snape asked, looking up at you and pausing his work. When you did not answer immediately but stared back at him with your longing and hopeful eyes, he sighed and set his pen aside. "Last I saw him, he was speaking with Miss Greengrass." 


"This was yesterday, so I don't know if this information is of any use to you."

"Miss Greengrass? Which one?"

"The younger."


Snape nodded. 

"Why the hell was he talking to her?"

"I don't know, but she seemed to have been planning something. I'll recognise the cunning and devious face anywhere. Draco, on the other hand, seemed surprised and confused. I do not know what they were discussing, but it did not last long." 

"So she is around." 

"Are you okay, [F/n]? You look distraught." 

"Distraught?" You paused. "I do not know what I am. Partially fuming, partially ready to stab someone." 

Everlasting 2 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now