Loving for the First Time

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"What the hell was that?" Blaise coughed, reaching his arm out across through the smoke to find Ginny, searching for her body and pulling her straight to him when he succeeded. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, are you okay?" Ginny cried out, squinting her eyes from the extremity of the smoke. 

"Did you see who casted that?" Blaise asked, squinting his eyes, waving the smoke away from his face. 

"No ... no I didn't ... see." Ginny whispered, turning her attention away from Blaise and towards the darkness and distance of the smoke. Furrowing her brows, she could not help but look back and forth, and around. Whispering, she said, "it wouldn't be possible, surely."

"What wouldn't be possible?" Blaise asked, attempting to follow where her attention was going as it darted back and forth. "Hey, what aren't you telling me? You know who casted that, didn't you?" 

Ginny's eyes widened as she turned to Blaise. There was no doubt in her eyes as she looked at him through the smoke. 

"It was [F/n]." 

She got up immediately, grabbing her wand and pulling it out, getting into the perfect battle position within the smoke. In a panic, Blaise followed, standing up and mimicking her actions, but with more uncertainty, shock and confusion to his face.

"What the hell do you mean it was [F/n]? Ginny, she's - "


"That's impos-"

"It all makes sense." Ginny whispered. "It all makes sense now."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I know her." She paused. "That was a [F/n] move - the explosion." 

"Ginny, I think you're - " 

But the smoke, the dust, it all began to clear. Everyone was still picking themselves up, standing up, checking up on each other, looking around and attempting to figure out who the explosion had come from. But they did not have to search far. 

As the dust continued to fade away, there, in the middle of it all, in the middle of where the explosion had been, with a large burned mark in the ground, stood [F/n] Potter. Your wand in your hand, your usual sly and devilish smirk on your lips, knowing you'd won. Knowing Voldemort stood no choice. He thought he was safe - he did not know ... he did not know that his soul was gone. There was nothing keeping him alive now but you. One flick of the wand and he was gone. You knew your power - you could feel it soaring through you the more you allowed it to, the more you embraced it. All those years of magical practice beyond Hogwarts - mastering wandless magic, feeling the magic in yourself, unlocking your potential - you were everything he wanted to be. You did not fear him. You were stronger than Voldemort. 

"Missed me, Tom?" 

He turned, catching your eyes, only for his proud smile to disappear. He had not expected this; no one had. 

"[F/n] ... Potter." 

"I've been told I'm quite the pest. Impossible to get rid of," you grinned. "Always coming back to life. Mad, isn't it?" 

"I killed you!" 

"Well yes, but no." You sighed. Lowering your eyes, widening your smirk, you gazed straight at him: the power dynamic could be felt by everyone - you were in control. "I die when I say so." 

"We saw you die!" One of the Death Eaters stepped forward, yelling. 

You turned to the Death Eater, pulling a face of disgust at his audacity to even bother talking to you. 

But amongst all of this, as you felt the power soar through you, and everyone's eyes stared in hope and disbelief, one pair of eyes lit up more than everyone else's. Deep now within the crowd of Death Eaters, a single soul stared, eyes of shock and disbelief, as his body slowly made his way towards the front of the crowd. His carelessness remained, pushing past every Death Eater slowly, not averting his eyes from you, fearing that losing you from his sight would be losing you forever. Even a blink was deadly. 

And when he succeeded, when he got to the front of the crowd, to his own parents and Voldemort, he stepped ahead, forgetting their existence, only seeing you in the scene, as though you were the main character of a beautiful theatrical performance. As he gazed at you, your living body, he could feel himself relive his entire story with you. 

He could feel his initial hatred, his growing attraction, his inability to resist you, his love for you; he felt it all spark into existence as though he were experiencing it in the very moment. He could feel your naked skin against his, he could hear your bitter cries and sweet laughter. He could taste the salt of your tears and the sugar of your sarcasm. He was reliving all his years of knowing you, of loving you. Only you - he could only see you. As though he were loving you for the first time, as though it was your first argument. As though you'd laid eyes on each other for the first time. As though you were kissing for the first time. As though you said, 'I'm in love with you, Draco Malfoy!' for the first time, on the bridge. As though it was the first time he was hearing 'Serva me, servabo te,' and trying to decipher its meaning. Your entire story with him was in his heart again, the emotions exploding again like a confetti, bursting through all his veins and his spirits, flooding into his cheeks with colour as every memory returned to him. He saw you - you - only you before himself, within himself. 

He loved you then, he loves you now. He did not stop. 


You turned, your heart stopping at the sound of the beautiful voice and the perfect manner in which he says your name. 

"You're alive. You're here." He continued to whisper, slowly approaching you to the middle of the quad, walking slowly in disbelief, afraid that moving too fast would make the living vision of you disappear once and for all. Worried that he was going insane. 

"I'm here," you added, a smile rising to your lips, watching him approach. "I'm here." 

And when he reached you, when he stood before you, he was far too afraid to touch, worried that his hand would fly through into thin air, and he would realise he was only dreaming. 

"Are you really here?" He whispered, his eyes growing back into life, colour returning, tears building again, eyes full of emotion and human experience. "Are you - " He began, unable to finish as the tears gathered so deeply, streaming down his rosy cheeks. 

You took the step for him, taking his hand and lifting it to your face, placing it softly on your cheek. "It's me. Really here."

"You're here," he exhaled, "you're here ... you're alive." 

"Enough!" Voldemort yelled, furrowing his (inexistent) brows as he flexed his wand, aiming it at you. "Always ... getting in the way, [F/n] Potter. It was fun for a while, but I am getting tired." 

"Bellatrix was tired too," you grinned, "so she's dead now." 

"Bellatrix has died?" A Death Eater asked in surprise.

"Silence!" Voldemort snapped. 

"Fine, take over the world," you shrugged, "but I draw the line at dragging Draco into your shit. And you crossed the line." 

There was no more time to waste. The magic was going to wear off your body soon, and you would be useless again. You had to act whilst you still could. 

Your wand had spurted its magic, throwing a spell at Voldemort, only for him to direct it away with his wand. 

"You thought that would catch me off guard?" He asked, smirking.

"No." You added confidently. "Rather, this."

And, on cue, a spell fell from behind, hitting Voldemort and sending him into the ground, forcefully. 

It was Harry. 

There were two of you now. Back in the game. 

The two of you had started it all off. 

It was time to end it now too. 

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