Koldovstoretz Game

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Loving you seems easier every time we're apart. I only remember the fondness I've ever felt for you; I turn away from all bad memories, telling myself I survived them - how bad could they have truly been, then? Then, I face you. The fondness disappears, and I sabotage what could have been. I turn away from you, and I am cruel and cold to you. I am tired of being hurt by you; I shield myself from you. But not when you're away from me. Oh, no! Then, I am in love with you. Then, I am so nostalgic for us. Then, everything that ever passed between us was mere childlike love. We are innocent once more. Untainted. And then I face you again, and I shut down. 

You splashed your face with the icy water. And once more. And once again. Your fingers were numb from the level of coldness that the water passed through you. 

This game could prove to be your biggest challenge yet. Everyone warned you of this - you were constantly reminded of this - that the Koldovstoretz Seeker is a challenge. That he puts up a fight. 

Rumours had it that he was no longer at Koldovstoretz; that he graduated some time ago. He was called back in for the games. This was allowed as long as the individual had graduated within the last two years; though it rarely happened, for, often, those who had graduated, had gotten on with their lives and their Quidditch skills depleted without consistent practice. This guy, apparently, was better than any of the individuals who'd auditioned for the position, despite having graduated some years ago. 

You had the confidence knowing you were going to win. But that tiny spark of anxiety built up in your stomach, accepting the possibility of a challenge. On top of everything that had passed recently, your mind was struggling to weigh everything equally. 

I'm [F/n] Potter. I'm [F/n] Potter. I'm [F/n] Potter. 

It always worked. Tying positive connotations around one's name works. Because you are [F/n] Potter, and she has achieved wondrous things that people did not deem possible. It all comes back around to one name; to one individual. 

I've done it before. I'll do it again. 

The cold water continued to drip and spill, down your cheeks and off your chin, sticking to your Quidditch clothes. The adrenaline hadn't kicked in yet, but the water numbed your face entirely, as well as your fingers. 

Turning out, you headed to the exit of the changing rooms. With your team, everyone spoke amongst each other, discussing strategies and ideas. Who would do what and when. No one spoke to you, until Graham nudged you, noticing your cold stare into the distance.

"You good, Potter?"

"Better than ever."

"That's the spirit. Win this one for us, will you?" 

You didn't even look at him, but continued staring off into the distance. He used this as his cue to step away and talk to some other players. 

The rules were being called out. Players were being called out. One by one, seconds drew closer to the beginning of the game. It was time to walk out. Hogwarts was named. There, everyone began to walk out in a single file. 

The crowd was insane; it was the biggest turnout you'd seen yet. It was louder than any other game before, and the game hadn't even started yet. 

You became intensely aware of the locket around your neck, feeling it pressing against your chest, and you were instantly reminded of your mother. As though she were there, holding your hand. Harry, you also knew, was watching you. With your father, and Sirius. They were all watching you, and they all believed in you. They knew you'd be okay. They knew that it was your time. 

As soon as everyone was outside, you stared around the arena, attempting to find Draco. To see who he was sitting with. With ease, you located your best friends, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Blaise, for they all carried huge signs with them, rooting for both Hogwarts and for [F/n] Potter. Draco was not sat with them, to your dismay, whilst a part of you expected this. Your eyes flew from one side to the other, attempting to find him. 

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