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Tamaki's POV
I woke up to warmth coating me.I blinked but still saw blackness.Something was weighing on me and I slowly tried getting up but failing.I groaned before realizing what I was stuck under.I was under heavy sheets that enabled me to get up.I slithered out of the sheets slowly before getting up.I sighed as I relaxed on the bed.I must have fallen asleep because I don't remember coming back to a bed.I looked around to see that I didn't remember coming here.I panicked shortly before the memories came back to me.I was in my child form and Mirio took me to his place.I looked around before blushing.I had never come here to visit before or anything so everything was new to me.I glanced at the digital clock that read 9:40 AM.I sighed before slowly sitting up.I knew I could have slept in more but I had no interest in the dark void of sleep at the moment.What I was more concerned with was the plans for my telling the public about my being in this form.I had no interest in doing so physically and I'd rather have my agency do it but I had no idea of if or when my boss would tell the public.Especially since I still need to stay with Mirio in case anything changes.I heard a thumping sound and jumped at the sudden noise being pushed out of my thoughts violently.I listened carefully before hearing the door open slowly, I tensed my imagination getting the better of me before the person revealed themselves to obviously be Mirio.He yawned rubbing his eyes as he walked in.I sighed in relief to see him.
"G'morning.."He said his hair mismatched swaying every which way as he yawned stretching until he hit the door frame.He winced at the sudden force before looking at me and laughing.He seemed to do a lot of this lately.I ignored him knowing it was probably something about my appearance before stumbling out of the large bed.
"Good morning Mirio,"I said as I stretch a bit before walking up to him."So um...what do we do now?"I asked and Mirio thought for a moment before leading me to the bathroom.
"You can get cleaned up in here while I see about breakfast,"He said and I nodded my eyes still lingering on him.
"What about you?"I asked and he shrugged.
"Later, I guess.."He said before smiling.I smiled back before stepping into the bathroom the cold tiles pricking my feet.Mirio strolled into the kitchen in search of some food as I freshened up, brushing my teeth with one of Mirio's new torch brush's, quickly realizing my height was a bit troublesome as I couldn't reach the sink.I groaned before using the tub next to the sink as a stepping stool.Once I was done I walked out of the bathroom to see Mirio slouching on a chair.I paused before sitting across from him and staring at him.
"Mirio, why are you sulking?"I asked and he didn't answer his eyes looking at the fridge.I hopped off the chair and walked over to the fridge and heaved it open to see an empty space.I paused before sighing.I couldn't believe it.I mean we checked it last night but it seemed everything that was once there left, empty shelves the only thing remaining.
"I'm so sorry Tamaki!!!"Mirio exclaimed as he bowed formerly to me.I blushed before frantically waving my hands wildly.
"No!No!Its fine...I mean we were already going to leave so we might as well stock up on food and stuff anyway!"I said my eyes averting his.
"Really?"He whimpered and I nodded a yes which made him cheep up enthusiastically."Okay then, I say we go to a cafe for breakfast and than go shopping!!"He said and I nodded.
"Yes but first Mirio we should both get ready to leave."I said which made Mirio pause as he looked over me realizing quickly that I still had the clothes that I left the hospital in.He laughed awkwardly before nodding.
"Though I don't know if I have any clothes that will-oh I remember I do have some clothes from my childhood locked up here!!"He exclaimed as he raced over to his bedroom with me following closely behind.He rummaged around before finding a box that was hidden under his bed.He dusted it off before opening it to reveal some small petite clothes.He pulled them out and showed me.
"Ah!I remember these clothes you wore them when you were in elementary, right?"I asked and he nodded before giving each one to me.I had seen a few that looked unfamiliar.That would make sense since when I met Mirio for the first time was around the end of elementary school but it was only until middle school that we actually started being friends.
"Alrighty!I'll go get ready while you decide what to wear!"He said before going into the bathroom.I looked over the clothes and ended up choosing a yellow shirt with black shorts and some small black sneakers.I changed into them quickly before hearing the door to the bathroom open to reveal a wet haired Mirio.He must have rinsed his hair and changed because he wore fresh new clothes now."Okay, I think we're ready!!"Mirio says with a smile, I nod as we head out.It takes us a couple minutes to get to the garage to get Mirio's car but once we get in we're pretty much ready to roll out.We stop at a small cafe to eat breakfast and it seemed like not many people were there so we had a peaceful time eating our food.And then Mirio drove to a mall which I reluctantly agreed upon after hearing the fact that we needed a variety of things that not just one store would give us and since malls had a variety of different stores and items it was more efficient.We parked and it was almost frighteningly populated.I groaned not feeling any bit comfortable about going anywhere near there.I was about to open my mouth to suggest Mirio go in without me before he spoke out first.
"Tamaki, when we're in there I want you to stay as close to me as you possibly can...and keep you face down...try not to attract attention.."He said his face serious and I nodded."Okay then!I'll be needing your help so, let's try.Remember we can always just back out if it gets to be to much!"He said with a grin his eyes shinning brightly at me.He always knows...what I'm thinking.I sighed.Before nodding a small smile edging on my face as we get out the car.I quickly grab on to his shirt as we walk in.There's a crowd of people and that makes me grip on tighter to Mirio.He looks at reassuringly before we hurry to go to the clothings section of the huge mall.We go into a few before there's one that catches Mirio's eye.We quickly walk in and I pause, looking up at Mirio who grins at me.
"This store is one I go to a lot for more of my favorite clothes!"He says with a huge grin as he leads me to the kids aisle.I look around and I notice the store isn't very big and there seems to be two separate changing areas.Mirio leads me to an aisle that shows cute shirts and sweaters.One that catches his eye is a cat hoodie, he hands it to me with a smile and I look at it before pulling it over my head.It fits perfectly and it feels quite comfortable it's soft fabric hugging me closely.I blush as Mirio leans in and seems to be Fondling the fake cat ear.I snapped my head down which made him pull his hand away.
"Sorry, did that make you feel uncomfortable?"He asked and I shook my head.
"No!Its just well...it surprised me a little..."I said my gaze averting his quickly not staying in one place for very long.
"I see...okay I'll try to give some warning next time sorry,"he said before straightening up from his crouching position."Let's look around more, okay?"He asked and I nodded quickly taking off the hoodie and draping it over my shoulder.We looked around for a bit more to find two other outfits, one for casual wear another for sleepwear.We walked over to the changing area before stopping as Mirio seemed to see something.I looked closer to see a blonde male who wore an outfit that seemed to be for employees presumably for this store.
"Hey!Is that you?Denki Kaminari from Class 1-A?"Mirio asked as he walked up to the male who looked up at him before grinning.
"Hey!Mirio Togata!Well I'm a 3rd year now so yeah!But hey you are a pro now, it's been what 2 years since the last time we fought head to head,"The boy who I now remember to be Denki Kaminari a UA student who used to be in class 1-A as a third year.
"Well the last time was with your whole class,"He said with a small chuckle.Kaminari nodded in confirmation.
"Yeah your were like really cool back then...I mean you still are...eh haha.."He awkwardly laughed trying to hide his awkwardness before he glanced at me.He crouched down to me."Hey, who's this?"He said with a small smile."Wait don't tell me..."Kaminari had a horrified look.I questioned the look before realizing quickly where his mind went.I guessed Mirio found out to because he quickly deflected the false information.
"No!No!He um...is a friends kid, not mine,"I blushed at the thought of someone actually thinking that...at this point I was steaming with embarrassment as I pressed my head against the wall as I hugged my legs.
"Ah!T-Tamari!Wait, um..."Mirio quickly tried calling out before he called a random name out probably to try and hide my identity but I could tell just by my personality and how I looked  that the other male was going to figure it out.
"Wait...dark hair...hiding in a corner....name with a T....wait is this Tamaki Amajiki!!!Suneater!!!"He shouted out in disbelief making everything stop in the silence of people who were in the area to process the information.Whispers could be heard and I felt my body tense.
"Crap....Kaminari!"Mirio hissed before running up to me."Tamaki...what should we do?"He asked and I paused.
"Hide.."I said as I got up hugging him."T-this is easier then me following you..."I whimpered and he nodded.
"I'll explain later Kaminari..."Mirio said quickly before we both ran into the changing room.We closed the door to a collective amount of chatter that was filled with "Suneater?""where?"And the like of those fangirl like questions.I pressed my face against Mirio's chest as we waited until the chatter calmed until everything went quiet.We slowly walked out the changing room to see Kaminari with a pale face and sweat rolling down his face to his neck in nervousness.All three of us sighed in relief before we started explaining to Kaminari what happened and that I changed into this form because of a recent villain attack.Kaminari understood and agreed that he would keep it a secret and—as an apology—because of his outburst he would make a discount for the clothing.We thanked him before we went back into the changing room.I sighed again, relief washing over me.
"Sorry about that Tamaki I had no idea that he would be working here.."Mirio sighed before looking at me.
"No problem, now let's just get finished with this stuff...I'm exhausted..."I say and at that moment I felt myself fall back to a hard floor.I groaned as I yawned my introverted self not used to so much attention.
"I'll wait for you to pick out the clothes then we can pay and get to groceries and then we can head home..."Mirio said as he also groaned as he left me to my own devices.
This is going to be a long day...

Once I was done trying the 2 outfits and the hoodie Mirio payed for it all and decided for the best that I wear the hoodie to better hide my face and hair.I agreed and we took the tags off after the purchase was made and I wore the hoodie for the remainder of the day.I yawned as I slipped it on the soft fabric making me feel warm and cozy but in turn making me feel sleepy.I leaned on Mirio as we walked to the food section of the mall.My vision was starting to get blurry and the chatter of others made me want to hide in a ball.I must have dozed of because once I woke up I saw Mirio's worried face staring back at me.I groaned as I sat up.I looked around to see people staring at me.I blushed before hiding away slightly in Mirio's chest.He laughed awkwardly to the surrounding people making them step away and go back to what they were doing.
"Hey Tamaki are you alright you suddenly passed out..?"He asked and I rubbed my eyes before yawning pulling the hood over my face.
"Sleepy..."I yawned again my eyes feeling heavy.I heard Mirio chuckle and before I knew it he picked me up.I was so shocked that I awoke from my haft asleep stat.
"How about we just go to a small grocery store,"He said with a nervous smile and to that I nodded not wanting to stay in this place any longer.But just as I thought that I heard someone yell, "Wait is that the pro hero Lemillion!!!"And to that chaos in sued.There was chatter and I heard some flicking like a camera and I felt myself panic if those pictures were to get out people would get the wrong idea and think the same as Kaminari did about me in this form.I tightened my grip on to Mirio as I quickly began having a panic attack my breathing becoming quick and uneven."Wait who's the kid?", "Does this mean Lemillion has a secret love child or something?".I heard these types of question and I could feel Mirio tense.Before he whispered slowly to me.
"Hold on, Tamaki..."He whispered and everything went by quickly.Mirio brought up a hat and threw his jacket to distract the crowd as we fled.The crowd quickly caught on as they watched Mirio run with me clinging to his chest tightly.Once we were out Mirio quickly brought us to a secluded spot where no one would see us.Mirio panted as he held me tightly as I hugged him even tighter.Once we calmed ourselves we looked at each other.
"Sorry about this...I totally forgot about keeping me a secret too..."He said in between pants.I nodded to this.
"I...really do...sometimes forget...that your popular too..."I said my eyes still scanning around us in fear of the crowd finding or chasing us.
"Um how about this time I go to the store alone?"He asked and I gladly accepted.After that agreement we hurriedly went to find Mirio's car so we could be done with this shopping day.Once we were ready Mirio drove to a small grocery store, of course now wearing a hoodie to hide himself from any peering eyes.After 30 minutes or more he came back with 3 bags filled to the brim of food.He hoped into the drivers seat passing the bags over to the passengers side of the car as he groaned.
"I think from now on I'll be ordering food online to be delivered to me instead of having to do all this.."he said and I agreed nodding my head.

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