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Mirio's POV

It takes me a couple minutes to drive to the hospital that Tamaki was registered to.Once I stepped into the hospital's emergency ward I saw Izuku Midoriya, a UA student who is about to graduate as a 3rd year.
"Togata-kun!?!?"He exclaimed before running up to me with another boy who I recall to be, Shoto Todoroki, another UA student."I'm sorry, so, so sorry, I-I, one minute he was right by my side the next he was with that villain...I-I..!!"Midioriya rambled apologetically as his face was painted pale.
"Don't blame your self, Midoriya, no one knew that this would happen.."Todoroki said his voice monotone but his eyes said another story, they were bright and comforting toward Midoriya.
"You should listen to um...Todoroki-kun, was it?"I asked trying to get confirmation on his name and he nodded.
"Yes, I am Shoto Todoroki, Midoriya's..."he paused glancing at Midoriya before continuing the introduction."...friend, I'm also from UA,"He explained and I nodded looking back at Midoriya who was clenching his fists with tears building in his eyes, guilt obviously his main emotion.
"You should listen to Todoroki-kun, Besides I guarantee Tamaki doesn't feel that way,"I said, getting a questioning look when I said Tamaki's name, it happened a lot, especially if no one knew that we were childhood friends.But before I could explain a nurse grabbed my attention.
"Are you Tamaki Amajiki's family?"She asked and I smiled sheepishly.
"Um...no...I'm his childhood friend..Mirio Togata, I was told by my boss that I was requested?"I questioned and the nurse looked at me before looking at her clipboard.
"Normally we would have a patient first see there family...but...seeing as his family cannot be contacted we'll let you be the acception, Togata-Kun please follow me,"The nurse says as she guides me away from the two friends.I wave an apologetic goodbye before hurrying to catch up with the nurse leading me to Tamaki.Only 2 minutes passed and the area we were in was quiet, making me anxious, this seemed a lot more serious than I thought.We turned a corner and I saw a doctor talking with two police officers.The nurse guided my to them and I assumed that the doctor was Tamaki's.
"...this is a very rare condition it doesn't happen very often so I'll have to conduct more tests before..-!!"The doctor was saying before he heard us coming closer, stopping mid-way to look over at me and the nurse.
"Doctor, this is Mirio Togata the friend of the patient,"She introduced and the doctor looked at my for a moment before looking back at the nurse nodding and smiling slightly.
"It's nice to make your acquaintance, Togata, I'll explain Amajiki's condition shortly.But you two need to step away,"He said to the police officers who nodded respectively and stepped away, leaving.The doctor looked at me again and smiled haft heartedly.
"Thank you for allowing me to see him,"I said solemnly making the doctor nod as we sat down.
"It's only natural, your the one he requested after all,"The doctor said as he looked over the room in front of us that hide Tamaki and the a bright wall coloring.
"How is he?"I asked concern dripping from my words.
"His condition is stable.But there is something off that is happening, physically, that is,"The doctor started to explain as he rested his head against his palm."The quirk that he was hit with seems to have drained not only him physically but also his quirk has been drained,"The doctor explained which made my heart skip a beat in panic.
"Has he lost his quirk?!"I asked, panicking.
"No.His quirk will regain its energy as well as his body, but the rarity of this situation makes it so that we don't have enough knowledge about when that will come to pass."The doctor explained making me nod my panic decreasing."What we theorized has happened is that because of the quick loss of energy of his physicality and quirk and of the affect of the quirk itself made it so that his body changed to accompany the loss of energy.To put it simpler he has become younger, basically shrunk,"The doctor explained and my eyes widened a mix of confusion, surprise and curiosity hit me.
"Will it be perement?"I asked
"We see it being that he will go to his original age and size after a bit of time, when he can regain strength but that could be from a week to a couple of months.Not to mention that we don't know if his mental age has decreased also, the only way to know that is when he fully wakes up,"The doctor says and I nod a bit."Other than this he has a high fever that might go away in under a week, but we'll have to monitor his recovery."The doctor finished explaining which at that point made the officers come back.
"I see, and I'm guessing I'm going to have to talk to these officers?"I asked looking straight at the officers who stopped and waited a couple feet away from us.
"Yes, but I'll allow you to see Amajiki before talking to the authorities,"The doctor said also noticing the officers intrusion to the conversation.
"We'll just be asking a couple simple question, nothing serious."One officer said and I nodded.
"I want to see Tamaki, see how he's doing,"I said getting up at the permission of the doctor as he opened the door to reveal a bed and a mess of indigo hair resting on the pillow.I walked in further to see Tamaki but he looked different.He looked when he did when we were both in elementary school.Cute.
"He looks like he did when we were in elementary school.."I repeated my thought out loud so the doctor could hear and he nodded.I brushed my finger against his silky hair as I blushed.Tamaki's hand grabbed on to mine.His hand small and warm, mine big and rough.He pushed my hand against his cheek.I blushed madly, I knew that he was asleep but this was a lot more touchy feely than I'm used to from Tamaki.
"Mirio.....Mirio...m...I...r..I...o..."I heard him mumble his voice trembling and hoarse as he opened an eye slightly but not committing entirely on the action.
"Tamaki...are you awake?"I asked and it took a minute before his eyes widened he grabbed on to my hand with more force as he pulled me closer."Ah!"I gasped as the doctor walked up to Tamaki.
"Amajiki?!What happened?!What do you remember?"He asked as Tamaki cuddled his burning face against my chest.
"Villain...Mirio....black..."He whispered words hoarsely out of his mouth.
"The villain?White flag?Do you mean white flag?"I asked gently to which Tamaki nodded as he gripped on to me tighter.
"Villain....was...looking for..."he paused his grip still tight around me."....looking for.....M-Mirio..."he whispered out before falling unconscious.
"Tamaki..."I whispered before looking at the doctor who was jotting notes down."What happened with the villain?"I asked which got an answer from the police.
"Put in custody,"One of them said which made me pause.
"Once his condition improves...can Tamaki be aloud to stay at my residency until he turns back to normal?"I asked, both the doctor and the cops.All three nodded."And the villain...am I able to meet the villain?"I asked the police specifically which took a moment more to answer.
"Yes...but precautions would have to be made for your protection,"One of the officers said and I nodded.
"I'd like to talk to the villain that caused this.."

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