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Tamaki's POV

I watched as the smoke settled and my eyes watered.My heart burned with the pain I felt, not from the beatings or the fighting but the worry and hope that Mirio wasn't blasted by that quirk.The smoke cleared and I watch as a figure fell and I noticed, it was White Flag.He moved in the way of the blast and...protected Mirio.The leaders grip was losse his face contorted in shock but also the evil emotion of happiness—of the murder he committed—but I wouldn't be rash, to call it a murder, not yet.I twisted out of his grip and rushed to White Flag.
"Hey!"I yelled as I cradled White flag his body covered in grime and blood.He coughed out blood as he smiled."Why'd you do that....?Y-Your..."
"A villain I know....it's just....that...I couldn't let you two die....you have a light that's so bright that could...could dim if I didn't step in...You have something most don't....love...and I couldn't let that slip....and be destroyed into dust....there would never be anything good in this world otherwise..."He said his voice was rough and his face not using any energy in keeping its happy and playful expression.
"I-I'm sorry....just...just don't die...there are police out there we c-can get you to a hospital s-so..."I started but he shushed me.
"I'm not needed in this world...not anymore...you need...each other....you don't need me....I'm still a villain after all..."He coughed out with a laugh.Warm tears that I meant in all there emotion, spilled down my face as I felt a cracking pain in me, as remorse filled my heart.
"Thank you....You...you...were a hero today..."I said with a whisper and White flag's eyes widened before he smiled.
"I've....alw...ays....wa...nted....to be....a...hero..."He breathed out as his breathing slowed and his eyes darkened as his life fluttered away.

I'm sorry

My throat tightened but I knew I couldn't give up, not like this, I stood up, taking a piece of white cloth from the ground as I wrapped his corpse.
"Thank you,"I whispered as I looked down at him.
"Hahahahah!!!What a stupid thing to do!!To risk your life for a hero's!?What a shameful act of selflessness, he deserved to die!!"The leader said as he stepped in front of me.His foot grazing White flag's body his eyes wild with murderous intent.We weren't done here.Not yet.I growled, my tail that acted on its own occur swung as I faced the villain, my prior embarrassment of my lack of clothing, faded into a rage that I couldn't control.I felt my body move on its own as I felt a growing pain rage out of me as I changed.My adult hands shifting, my nails growing longer as they turned into paws.My sight changing as I only saw a red.My legs no longer holding me up right.But both my arms and legs were now holding me up as I stood on all fours.I growled my eyes clear in seeing the dark room around me, and Mirio.The villians stared at me in my new form—my wolf form—that outstretched all my 6 senses.I felt a howl grow out of me as I looked to the villains my sight set on the leader.But I ignored them for a moment because my eyes—my heart—reached out for Mirio.I walked over to Mirio to see his face contorted in pain as he slept.I whimpered at the state of him.I licked his face with my now long tongue that coated his face with saliva.He rolled around as if he was in a deep sleep trying to avoid being woken up.I sighed—a hearty sigh—before looking over to the villains who seemed to think that while I was distracted that they could grab me.It wouldn't work.I growled making them jump.It seemed they didn't like this new form of mine.I smiled at the thought.
"Really?Your getting scared of a dog, Hah!"The leader laughed at the two who seemed to be reluctant to get close.I couldn't blame them.I had a hunger for blood.And my canine teeth were sharp.The leader watched me, staring me in the eyes.My instincts shouted to kill him, to grab him by the neck and rip him apart.But I also knew that patients was key.The leader smirked before pulling up his palm.But he didn't aim it at me.No he aimed it at Mirio.I growled.Patients was no help in this situation.I grabbed Mirio by the collar and dragged him away.The leader smirked as I moved him to the corner of the room, my mass moving in the way of the sight of him.The leader cocked his head and motioned his two "helpers" to come over to me.
"Break him,"The leader growled and I was almost intimidated by the dominance he asserted.The two came up and seemed to lose there earlier fear.The orange haired villain smirked and kicked me, or tried, I should say.I bit his ankle making him yell out in pain but in doing this I left myself open and the other villain punched me in the rib.I felt a spike of adrenaline as I heard my rib crack.I yelped at the pain.It continued on like that until I could barely move.I whimpered but I made sure my body was the one they let there hits connect with.Once I stopped fighting back they smirked and stepped aside.
"Now it's my turn..."The leader growled."DIE!!!"He yelled out and I closed my eyes shut before hearing a bang.
"Police!Put your hands up!!"A police officer yelled out.I opened my eyes but my vision was blurry I could only see the figures of the villains leaving my range of sight.As a figure ran over to me about to grab me.I growled my eyes wide with fear.Were they here to take Mirio away from me?What if they were disguised as police officers?My anxiety captured my thoughts.The person was talking looking behind them and then looking back down at me, there hand about to touch me.I brought my teeth down on there hand.
"Ahhh!"I heard the blood curdling scream.Iron coated my mouth.I growled louder at the person.I didn't let go.I couldn't.Mirio was mine to protect...I couldn't let anyone take him.
"Calm down Tamaki,"I heard a familiar voice speak out.Another figure walked up.I felt warm tears spill out my eyes.

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