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Mirio's POV
I turn around and see that Tamaki is on the floor, passed out.
"TAMAKI!"I scream as kneel down trying to wake him up."Hey doc what's going o-!!"I start to say but notice quickly that Doctor Akira is gone."Fuck,"I curse before picking Tamaki up his clothes covered in ash as I sprint out leading anyone else I see away.I finally am able to get out to smell the fresh air when I notice someone's on the roof.I look up carefully to see a white coat, my eyes widen.Doctor Akira?Is that him.I strain my eyes to look but I fail to see.I swallow thickly as I observe and see someone else jumping away and off the roof.As much as I wanted to, I couldn't follow.Not while Tamaki was with me.I went to a semi secluded space a few feet away from the building where I laid Tamaki down.His breathing was heavy and slow but still there.He let out soft coughs now a lot softer than when we're inside.I observed the area.Patients where everywhere and and doctors and nurses helping them calm down.Police officers littered the scene quickly as well as firefighters.
"What...this is strange,"I overheard a firefighter say.
"What is?"The police officer who was talking with him asked.
"Normally when there's a fire like this as strong as some people say, windows would be braking and surely the fire would be visibly spreading.It's almost like there's only smoke..."The firefighter explained.I grit my teeth I had to talk to that police officer about the two people that were there on the roof and what they knew.I quickly wrapped Tamaki in my coat and picked him up before going over to the police officer.
"Sorry to interrupt but...Sir I wanted to ask what you know about what happened with this fire..?"I asked in a formal way.The police officer looked at me for a moment and then at Tamaki.
"Ah!He is uh.."
"Your pro hero Lemillion correct?"He asked I nodded and he smiled."I know the situation, every official does, we've been sworn to secrecy...about the fire...as you might have heard the firefighters are claiming that there wasn't a fire but there was a chemical spill that caused the appearance of fire...the origin they believe is in one of the doctors offices...Doctor Akira I believe.."My eyes widened at the doctors name.That's...Tamaki's doctor.
"Wait I saw two people on the ro-!!"I started to say before I heard some yell out."Is that Lemillion!!?"I jumped before seeing the police officer I was talking to shield me.
"It's dangerous please evacuate,"He said to the group of reporters.One of the reporters looked around the officer to me and shot a picture I tensed before bolting my way to my car.


Having people know who I am...

Is exhausting

Tamaki's POV
I woke up to see that I was in a car.More specifically in Mirio's car.His scent layered the seats.I sat up to see my clothes beside me, but Mirio isn't.I look around to see police car's and fire trucks, as well as a couple ambulances.I grab my clothes and hide away from the car windows so I can change out of my ash covered hospital gown.After I'm done I fidget to my seat before hearing the car door open.I look up quickly to see Mirio.He notices me just as quickly and sighs heavily before smiling softly.
"I'm glad your okay, you suddenly passed out"Mirio said relief coating his words.
"What happened?"I asked as Mirio fully got into the car.
"I don't know...apparently there wasn't any fire..."Mirio said his voice puzzled.
"Only Smoke?" I asked
"Fire fighter are investigating now but....I saw two people on the roof....and one of them was Doctor Akira...."He said making my eyes widen in shock.
"What?Really?Why?"I asked quickly.
"I don't know...I told the police but they're still trying to deal with panicked people so it'll take a while..."Mirio said and I sighed haft heartedly.This would take a while.
"Do we know anything else about what happened?"I asked and Mirio shrugged.
"Beside the "fire" starting in Doctor Akita's office there's nothing...hell they can't even find the man himself."Mirio said scratching his head in frustration.He groaned and I sighed.
"This is troublesome,"I said as I looked out the window to see dozens of people out in about and patients being driven to various other hospitals with the doctors and other medical professionals.
"We should go home I'll contact my agency about what happened..."Mirio said and I felt warmth envelop me at that word."home"

We walked into Mirio's apartment and I quickly switched on the TV to the news.I gingerly turned down the volume as I overheard Mirio's conversation with his boss at his agency.But that was slow lived as the news caster quickly spoke and there words attracted my interest.
"Breaking news:The villain White Flag has escaped from jail!!His whereabouts are still unknown.Again, the villain White flag, who attacked pro hero Suneater, has now escaped jail,"The news caster repeated and I felt my blood run cold.Mirio stepped closer as he stopped talking to his boss.
"Hey boss, do you hear this...?"He asked his voice low.
"Yeah I hear it..."I heard his rough voice sigh."You two should'nt contact anyone, I'll get the police over so they can do something about your safty...who knows if that villain will-!!"As he spoke his voice cut off and the lights turned off.
"Crap.."Mirio hissed as looked around."Tamaki stay close to me.."He whispered.I felt my blood race in my veins fear rising in my chest.But surprisingly it wasn't because I might be in trouble but because...
"Mirio I-!!"




"Get behind me Tamaki!!"




The banging didn't stop.They kept getting louder and louder as I closed my eyes shut.After a moment though it was almost hellishly quiet.My heart raced in my chest as I tightened my grip on Mirio my body as tense as it could ever be.I felt my heart jump out of my chest as the front door flung off its hinges.I heard laughter ring in the room.
"Hahaha I knew we could get this shit off!!"I heard a man say as he stepped in he had curly reddish hair with rugged clothes on as well as a knife and what looked like a gun holster on his waist.
"Be quiet Shinru your too noisy..."Another man said and his hair was straight black as he wore a hood with jeans.He seemed to be the more monotone of the two.Shinru—the one with reddish hair spoke out immediately as a retort.
"Oh come on!!I don't even know why your here Sen!!"He—Shinru—retorted back.
"You two pay attention to the mission,"A third wheezed out to them making them both look over to the third who revealed himself as he stepped on to the broken door.
"We're here to do a job,"The third said and it seemed like he was the leader of the three, he wore a black mask with a sharp coat and jeans.I tensed.We were already out numbered.
"Yes sir,"The one named Sen said as he looked around before his eye caught us.
"Haha, found um boss,"The one named Shinru spoke out with a grin as glared at us.
"What The hell do you want,"Mirio growled his arm in front of me as defense.
"It's none of your concern hero, we're not here for you,"The stoic one said as he stepped forward before a glare of red grazed my eyes.And in a flash Mirio was pushed against the wall.I felt a sharp pain my hand coming up to my arm that bled from a scratch.But I couldn't concern myself with something like that, not now.
"Mirio!!"I yelled out about to race over to the leader who was now squeezing Mirio's neck.He was killing him.But I should have kept my eyes on the other two because before I knew it they pulled me up.I screamed as electricity shook my core.The red haired male smirked—his quirk—I felt my body go numb.I couldn't pass out, not now.I bit the the black haired male my mouth being coated in iron.He growled before tossing me aside.I hit the wall as my back felt the impact I could see the rage the black haired male felt toward my action and I smiled my mouth dripping with his blood.
"Boss,"He growled his eyes shinning with sadistic needs.
"Don't kill him,"The leader muttered his attention still on Mirio who was chocking as he tried prying his hand off his throat.I tried running over to Mirio but of course I was stopped.The black haired male rammed my head into the wall.I felt pain ring in my ears as my body shook with force.
"Now you'll sit here and watch as your little friend dies in front of you,"The black haired male said his eyes shinning with red as his quirk was activated making my body stick to the wall.I felt tears role down my cheeks as blood rolled down my face my gaze blurry.I gritted my teeth as I watched the leader of these two bastards choke Mirio.



"MIRIO!!!"I screamed and as I felt a horde of emotions tackle me.But then...I heard choked and pained screams...more than one.I opened my eyes to see that I used my quirk, sharp needle like things poking out of the tips of my fingers as I watched the villains squirm away from where they got pierced.I got the guy with reddish hair in the side and The black haired guy in the shoulder.The leader was hit in the chest, causing him to let go of Mirio.
"Hah..."I breathed out as I saw Mirio cough out.He was okay.But before I could relish in my glory I saw a glint of red.And then pain.And then black.

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