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Tamaki's POV
It's been a week since the villain attack.And it would be an understatement to say I'm bored.I'm flat out tired of being in the hospital.Having to talk to people is troublesome and to think I still need to address the public.It's my worst nightmare.But it's been nice talking with Mirio even though lately I've been more sleepy than I usually am but that's to be expected since I have such a weak form.I really don't know how to react about being in this child form.It's unpleasant at the least but...also it's very aggravating.Being in this form reminds me...of who I used to be before I met Mirio.
"Tamaki?"I heard Mirio call to me and I snapped my head up."Are you okay you've been spacing out lately,"He said and I paused before giving him a small smile.
"I'm fine, just um....a bit...distracted.."I mumbled the last bit still not knowing really what to say.
"Oh...you know!!The doctor said he'd be able to discharge you as early as today!!I mean seeing as your fever is down and there seems to be no negative changes to you,"Mirio says with a hopeful grin.He's always had a contagious personality, one that draws people in, one...that draws me in.
"Yeah...it would be nice to get out of here..."I muttered as I looked at my small hands laying on the white sheets.My heart was racing and my mind was foggy I felt my face heat up and I was afraid I was catching my fever again.I breathed in slowly before looking at Mirio who was staring contently at me."If your...still okay with it...I'd like to stay with you until this quirk wares off..."I said in a more serious tone.For a long moment we just stared at each other.I didn't have the heart to keep my eyes on him so I looked away my face flushing."...t-that's..if you want...I mean..."I stuttered embarrassed.It took everything for me not to hide under the bed sheets.
"Haha!!Sorry, did I embarrass you?I just...well...I already planned on letting you stay at my place, so I was a little confused why you asked?"He said the remains of his laughter dying out word by word.
"I um...well...to make sure...you still....I don't know!!Its just it's been a week since you and um..."At this point I was digging my hair out at how pathetically I was explaining myself.I swallowed thickly as heat stuck to my cheeks as I scratched my wrist harshly, a habit that's stuck with me.I always do it when I'm embarrassed or cringing on something or even worse if I want to relieve any pent up emotions like fear or anger.Mirio shoves his face in front of me making me jolt.He frowned as he looked at my red wrist, his hands wrapping around my small arms.
"Sorry..."He whispered before pulling away.I swallowed thickly.
"No its...um...it's okay..."I muttered out gently as I tried my hardest not to scratch my wrist again.I hated when this happened.Mirio always knows about my little gestures or habits and it's scary how well he gets how I'm feeling but, this isn't the first time this has happened.When we were in middle school I had said something awkward and three boys started laughing at me.That's when the habit of scratching my wrist started to develop.But that time...it was the worst.They kept laughing and laughing...I had a panic attack, and I was scratching so much that I was bleeding.It was only when Mirio came along to stop me that I calmed down.Ever since than he's stopped me from going further with this habit.I try not to when I'm with Mirio but sometimes I can't help but relieve myself and it's become such an addicting thing that I...it hasn't really stopped being a habit...even after all these years.

I looked back up at Mirio who faced his hands as he looked down.I reached out my small hand and grabbed his hand.I gasped at my own forwardness before pulling away.Mirio looked up at me and smiled.
"Sorry, I just got a bit distracted!So...what do you want to do first when you get out the hospital?"He asked trying to erase the awkwardness quickly, I gave him a small smile.
"I...um...well, changing out of these clothes would be nice,"I said as I pulled the blanket over me my hands hiding under them.Mirio kept talking and grinning but it seemed as though I couldn't grasp on to that, that happiness like I'd like to.

"If everything's okay, Amajiki should be okay in being discharged,"The doctor said as he looked at a clipboard.He nodded and looked up at me and Mirio."And if it's mutual Amajiki can be in the custody of you, Togata,"The doctor said and we both nodded."Okay if it's decided your going to need to sign these,"He said handing out a packet of papers and Mirio grimaced.Mirio really much preferred using his quirk than writing stuff down.He nodded before grabbing a pen and sitting down.He frowned before he started writing."While your filling that out I'll be preparing for you to be released."The doctor said as he started walking toward the door, he turned over to me before he left."Amajiki, we've been told to keep your condition a secret to the public until your ready, you can talk to your boss if you want to say anything,"He said before leaving, closing the door shut behind him.I sighed, Mirio wasn't the only one grimacing now.I groaned as I flopped down on the bed as I looked up at the ceiling Mirio talked to me.
"So...when are you going to tell the public?"He asked and I sighed.
"I don't know...I'll probably have my agency take care of it but that's if my boss is willing to tell them,"I said as I closed my eyes.I was starting to get used to my new form.Though I was still being stared at a little to much at times."Wait...um..are you going to be telling people about me staying with you?"I asked nervously.
"Hmm...Maybe?I don't know....if you want me to I can.."He said as his hands swiftly rolled the pen across the paper.It took an hour before Mirio gave up and took a ten minute break."This is taking to long....I really don't know what to write on some of these..."He muttered and I tilted my head as I moved my body facing him.
"What is it,"I asked resting my legs off the edge of the bed.
"Some of this info is only known to you or your parents..."He said scratching his neck as he groaned.
"Well ask me the questions and I'll try to answer them.."I said and Mirio looked at me before nodding.
"Um well this one...it's asking, 'The name of parents or guardians'..."He said and I laid back feeling my stomach tighten.I sighed before answering.
"My mother...her name is Yua Amajiki, and my fathers name is...Kai Amajiki,"I said my eyes closed in part not wanting to see Mirio's face when I told him there names but also...to try to remember what they looked like.It was a lot harder than I thought.I opened my eyes to see Mirio writing down the names quickly before nodding.
"Thanks....so Uh should I read the others?"He asked and I flinched before nodding.He had no reaction.He read off the questions and they were pretty easy to answer except for one.
"This on says 'Current address or contact information of parents or guardians'."Mirio said and I paused swallowing thickly.I shook my head, my mind spinning.
"I....don't know..."I gritted my teeth as I grabbed the fabric of my hospital gown.I stifled a growl as I felt the memories flood almost consuming me.I gasped when Mirio grabbed me his arms wrapping around me.I tried to get away not feeling comfortable as his warmth crowded me."M...Mirio..."I gasped as I felt him lean his weight on me.
"Tamaki..."He whispered in to my ear making me shiver."It's okay....you...you can let it out..."And once he said that I felt my face become wet with tears.I hiccuped as I tried to bring my hands up to my face.I rubbed my eyes fruitlessly not being able to stop the wet tears from, forming.
He always....makes me let my guard down

After 15 minutes I had calmed down and Mirio sat back down on the chair as we stared at everywhere except each other.
"Tamaki..."Mirio broke the silence as he looked up at me his eyes shinning with there usual empathy."What...exactly is your relationship with your parents...if you don't mind me asking..."He asked and I chocked on a sob.I bit my lip as I tried calming down but I ended up hugging a pillow as I looked at nothing in particular.
"I...me and my family....used to be very supportive of each other...they were thrilled when I told them that I wanted to be a pro...but..."I chocked as I tightened my grip on the squishy blob of comfort.
"But?"Mirio Coaxed me on and I breathed in slowly as I tried again to calm my emotions.
"But....when I..."I closed my mouth quickly before any of the rest of the words came out.No!I can't!Not now!I can't tell him that!
I shake my head."I....can't...I'm sorry Mirio...I can't..."I sobbed as I pressed my head against the pillow my sobs being hidden against the fabric.
"It's okay,"Mirio comforted me."It's okay.I won't force you to...."

"It's okay..."

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