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Tamaki's POV
"You, Midoriya and a couple other sidekicks will help in removing the villains from the city to a more controlled environment,"The pro hero, and my current boss, Takahashi, explained.Izuku Midoriya, the intern and a current UA student was going to be working with our agency until he could get into another agency after graduating.If I recall Izuku Midoriya was a 1st year when I was in UA but now he's a 3rd year, about to graduate.It's been 2 years since I graduated high school and became a pro hero and the job hit me hard, I found out just how hard it is to actually reach to the top."I'd like for you two, to stand by as we assess the issue...if any of them spot you engage immediately,"Takahashi said firmly as we nodded and left to change into our hero outfits.I fumbled out of my clothes and carefully put them into my locker that held my hero costume that I quickly put on.I heard my phone buzz, grabbing my attention making me reach for it.The phone's light glared at me as I scanned the screen reading the various texts and missed calls.It was Mirio.Mirio Togata was my childhood friend who also became a pro, but he was accepted into a different agency than me so we split up after high school.I looked at the text carefully.It showed a picture of the pro hero rankings that showed how popular a hero was.Mirio's name caught my eye in an instant and he was at the top 20.I gasped as I read the second text.
Mirio:Isn't this cool!!!
I typed back my answer quickly before letting out a small sigh.It's not like I was jealous.Mirio knows I don't care about him talking about his ranking.It's not even because I'm at the top 40.It's just....

"Amajiki-kun!!We should hurry before we're late!!"Midoriya calls out making me snap out of my trance.I jolt surprised before fixing up my costume before heading out to fight some villains.

The situation was like this, the villains naively tried robbing a bank but they were cornered by the police and hero's.The problem is that they had hostages and as naive as they were they were very strong and the hero's were running out of time before the villains back up arrived.We were brought to assess and take steps in making sure no one entered or left the building housing the villains and citizens.Me and Midoriya stood on a roof and scanned the area.My boss's quirk telepathy comes in handy in these situations.I told him what the situation was quickly.
"Police and hero's are surrounding the building.The hostages are safe.There don't seem to be any other villains coming toward the building.I'll keep you notified,"I explained as I sat down and tried not  to grab anyone's attention.Midoriya did the same.The back lash of my boss's quirk is that communication can only go to him so he can't communicate back to us very easily from far distances.
"It's a pain but we're going to have to wait this out.."I muttered to Midoriya.He nodded quickly.His face was filled with determination and drive.Reminded me of Mirio.My mind must've wondered at a bad time because once I snapped out of it I noticed that the police and the hero's were getting attacked.I stood up quickly and scanned the area.
"Crap!Midoriya contact Takahashi, leave the villains at the front to me,"My voice boomed as Midoriya stumbled to his feet and nodded.He quickly tried getting in contact with Takahashi but seemed to not have much luck.I used my quirk to dive down using wings to dive toward the police officers and taking the most troublesome villains out of commission.
"Suneater!!"A policeman yelled out and I shuddered my anxiety at human contact rushing back to me but before I could focus on that something, or more accurately, someone tackled me out of the air.It was a villain.They held a knife and was close to stabbing me when Midoriya swooped in his quirk electrifying.I stumbled to the ground and landed quickly.
"Thanks!"I yelled out as Midoriya quickly knocked the villain out, taking away their knife.I quickly looked around before my eye caught a certain villain.This villain had a white mask on and was probably no more then 5 feet tall but something about them seemed almost childlike.I recognized this villain to be White flag, a villain that is rumored to make a hero give up there pursuit toward him.But his quirk isn't confirmed.I tried my best to help the police and after a couple minutes things on their end started to calm down, but only by a fraction.Someone with a very fast quirk tackled me and slammed me to the ground a couple miles away from the police.
"HRGGGGAHHHH!!!"The villain grunted.I gasped sharply as they stabbed me with a knife-like objected that I guessed was from there quirk.The crimson blood trickled but I carefully took action and used my quirk to knock the villain out.
"Amajiki-kun!!!"Midoriya called out as he ran toward me.I hissed as my hands were coated in red.I growled before ripping a piece of my cape to use as a bandage until the injury could be treated."Are you okay?!"Midoriya asked and I waved him off.
"I'm fine...just help me..."I crocked before leaning my weight on Midoriya.We walked over to the police who were tying up the Villains."Is that all of them?"I asked and they looked at me before looking at each other.
"It should be...but what about you...that's a lot of blood.."One of them asked and I shook my head.
"I'll be f-!!"A rumble almost like an earthquake erupted making everything shake.Everyone looked up and saw a Nomu standing with the villain White Flag.He seemed to be looking for someone, before locking his eyes on me.Before I knew it the Nomu grabbed me and took me up to the roof top with White flag.
"Amajiki!!"Midoriya yelled out before running up about to take me away from the Villians before the Nomu hit him making him fall all the way down to the concrete.White flag looked at me before giving me a small smile.
"Your not the one I was looking for..."his voice sickeningly soft spoke as he stared into my eyes, and I noticed quickly that his eyes were pure gray orbs."...I was looking for pro hero Lemillion...to bad I heard he was going to be here..."I jolted at the mention of Mirio's hero name.Why would someone want to attack Mirio?Why not a hero from the top 10 or 15.
"What do you want with M-Lemillion?"I asked but it was obvious I was pissed and I was close to using Mirio's name.If he's looking for him...then I shouldn't look like I have any connection with him whatsoever.
"What do I want?Hmmm~To rip the newbie to spreads,"the villians voice was ice cold and I could tell there was anger in his voice.But all I felt was rage.Revolution.
Not Mirio
"Don't touch him!!"I barked out before pulling my self up quickly and wrapping my hand around his neck, chocking him, ready and willing to kill the son of a bitch when I felt a sharp pain from my wounds, making me slow my pursuit.
"I didn't know that this was such a touchy subject for you, I apologize, Tamaki Amajiki~"He purred and I stopped and stepped back my body feeling like jelly, and before I knew it my vision started to blur I could hear the faint hum of voices around me but my vision shut to black as I spoke out shakily.

Mirio's POV
"You know Tamaki is supposed to be on a mission today, right?"Neijire asked.Neijire Hado is a friend of mine and Tamaki's, we've been friends with her since high school and she's just as bubbly and talkative as back then.
"Oh yeah!He did mention that...shot I hope I didn't distract him with that text message.."I voiced my concern openly with Nejire as she walked with me to my boss's office, former pro hero Ingenium or Tensei Iida, who retired from the field after he got injured by the hero killer.
"I'm sure Amajiki's fine...he can take care of himself!"Neijire encouraged but I still had a bad feeling about this.We walked into Ingenium's office and he was looking at his phone before his gaze went to us.
"Togata...Hado.."His voice was grim which made me even more tense and I asked him why he asked for us.
"What's going on?"I asked my voice shaky
"..."he paused looking away before looking back at me."You two are friends of the pro hero Suneater, correct?"He asked and I froze the worst case scenario popping into my mind.
"Is he okay!?"I basically yelled my voice filled to the brink with cracking emotion.
"He's fine,"He sighed before continuing his eyes still cold."He's been hospitalized,"My eyes widened at this.
"What!!!"I screamed in panic ready to run to the nearest hospital to find him.
"Let me finish...He was fighting the villain White flag and was attacked by the villains quirk, it...how do I put this...affected him physically.He's in the hospital with a fever."He explained and sighed with relief as well as Hado who was primarily quiet throughout the whole panic filled conversation."Although, I called you two because your his closest friends and because of his Parents not being in contact with him.I also called because the doctors have said that he's requesting to see you specifically, Mirio,"My boss explained and I blushed.Specifically.
"He hasn't told me much about his family, and he seems pretty neutral with them...is there a reason why he asked for me specifically?"I asked curiosity kicking me.My boss shrugged.
"I assumed you two were friends...am I wrong?"He asked and I jolted.
"No!I mean we've known each other since elementary school so...yeah were friends."I stumbled over my words quickly as I blushed, my heart was beating erratically but I had no clue why.
"Could I go see him now?"I asked
"Yeah the hospital is...xxxxx Hospital,"He said reading off of a piece of paper."Though Hado could you stay here, I'd like to discuss some issues with you...I'll let you see Amajiki later on today,"My boss asked and she nodded.
"I'll tell you if anything happens,"I told her and she smiled at me reassuringly.I immediately ran out.


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