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Mirio's POV
I gasped as my eyes shot open.My vision was fuzzy and my body hurt everywhere but my attention was dragged to my home.There was blood everywhere and holes every which way.The villians!!I was about to stand but then I noticed Neijire.She looked spoked.I ignored her entirely.I rushed around looking everywhere for some clue some sign.I rammed my fist against the wall.
"FUCK!!"I roared.Tears prickling my eyes.I rolled down to the floor.Covering my eyes as defeat washed over me.
"What happened here Togata?"Neijire asked me obviously staying as far as she could of me seeing how my emotions were holding on to the reins.
"There were villians..."I whispered my eyes burning as I cried, chocking.
"What happened to Amajiki?"She asked her voice heightened.
"He....he got kidnapped..."I whispered remembering the flashes of color and images of what I saw before I passed out.
"If I hadn't passed out...maybe I could've.."I whispered feeling my chest tighten at the regret.
"Don't blame yourself, we should go and talk to our agency..!"She said and I nodded before whipping my eyes.

"What the hell happened?!"My boss yelled!
"Tamaki got kidnapped.."I whispered my eyes gazing down at the floor.
"Damnit...was it White flag?"he asked his voice lowered but still rough with frustration.
"No...they were...other villians"I said trailing my words.
"Damn well do you know anything about them..."He asked
"Wait they did say each other's names....one with orange hair named Shinru...another with straight black hair named Sen...and then there was the other one..."I thought back that the memory of the villians leader choking my.My neck stung and subconsciously placed my hand around where there was still probably a mark of the imprint his hand left on my neck."There was another one...a lot stronger than the others...a lot quieter to...he was the leader..."I whispered.
"I see...that might help...."He said quietly as he taped on his computer.
"Then when can we go find him!!"I yell out my emotions roaring inside of me.
"I don't know...we have no idea where they are and how many there are...what we can do for now is wait.."Anger boiled in me, we had no time to wait.We had to save him!My eyes flickered to the window as tears pricked at my eyes.


Please...be safe...

Tamaki's POV
My eyes opened quickly as my gaze scanned the dark area before I jumped hearing yelling.
"WHAT!DON'T YOU DARE BLAME THIS ON ME!!YOUR THE ONE WHO CAN'T T TAKE A FUCKING JOKE ASSHOLE!!"I recognize that voice.The orange haired villain!I was kidnapped and was probably in the villains base.I felt my heart ram in my chest.I had to look around for an exit, somewhere I could go to escape them.My eyes caught a head of white hair.
"White Flag?"I asked catching his attention.
"Hm...oh hey you~I thought you would do fine...so what brings you to this place!"He asked cheerfully but he was also tied up.My body felt the tightened of these ropes, we wouldn't be getting out of here without being noticed.
"I was kidnapped....what are you doing here?"I retorted back his cheerfulness unfaltering.
"Ah!Were in the same boat..."He said a smile pouncing on his lips.
"Hey you two stop talking, your noisy.And you, why are you being so chummy with this kid?"The black haired villain—if I remember correctly was called—Sen, asked.
"Oh...well...let's say he's a friend,"White flag said back as he peeked over at the villains who had finally stopped fighting to notice that we were talking.
"And why the hell are you friends with a hero,"The orange haired villain asked as he walked over to White Flag.
"....no reason..."he said his gazing looking away.
"Why you!"Shinru yelled obviously not liking being ignored.
"Calm down or else.."Sen said back in retort to his seemingly annoying attitude.
"Or else what!Huh!"Shinru retorted back his gaze looked on Sen.
"You two shut up,"The menacing voice rang out—the villains leader.
"Pro hero....do you know why we kidnapped you?"He asked and I felt my blood go cold."It's because your friend is a nuisance....he's unworthy..."...  "Unworthy"what does that mean...it's sounds like...
"You have Hero killer:Stain's ideology..."My raspy voice spoke making the leader look back at me and stare.
"Yes, we all do...yet this so called villain got caught,"He said looking over at White flag who just smirked playfully.
"Who me?"He chirped his playful persona coming back quickly.
"So what you broke him out...what for?"I asked as I ignored white flag's playful manner.
"It's none of your concern hero,"The leader said back his eyes glowing red.
"What do you want with Lemillion?"I asked and right when I did I knew this wasn't good.

"...to kill him,"


"YOU CANT!!!DON'T LAY A FINGER ON HIM!!"I shouted my voice cracking with emotion, but before the emotion could soak I felt an agonizing pain erupt on my cheek at the force of the leader kicking me.I felt tears well in my eyes.I bit my lip.In this form I had no power and...I felt hopeless.


Not Mirio


Mirio's POV
I felt my anger boil in me as I walked out into to the fresh morning sun.My boss insisted I take a walk and cool off before we do anything but...
It must be because of the form he is in now because I have this urge to protect him.To shield him away and keep him with me, Yet now he's out of my grasp and it's killing me.I feel my chest tighten and I feel like I'm suffocating.I-!

I stoped in my tracks at the sight I saw.White flooded my vision.A lab coat?My eyes widened.

"Doctor Akira!!!"I yelled making the doctor look over to me before sprinting away.I sprinted after him before tackling him.
"Ah!Please don't hurt me I-I!!!"He scrambled but just stopped fighting.
"Why the hell did you help those villains?"I asked anger still rising in the pits of my stomach.
"I...I...had to...they threatened to kill me and my family...I had to..."He said his face covered in absolute fear.
"What did they want with you anyway?"I asked my anger slipping.
"M-my authority as a doctor...personal records of patients....and creating the fire at the hospital so they could steal those personal records,"He squeaked out horror coating his words.
"That's why....that's how they knew..."I whispered figuring out how they knew where we were."They stole my address."
"What...wait...Amajiki...where is..."The doctor grew pale as he stared at me, the realization piercing.
"He got kidnapped by those....those villains,"I hissed as I felt anger boil in me.I looked straight into the pale male's eyes and it seemed like he grew paler."Tell me everything you know about those villains!!"
"I only know one!He was the one who forced me to do what I did!I'm sorry!!"He yelled catching people's attention.I sighed my anger dissipating as I lead him to my agency.
"Where did you two meet?"I asked as we walked.
"In a secluded area...sometimes on the roof of my hospital."He said his voice less shaky now.
"Describe it to me,"I said my eyes glued to the large building that was my hero agency.
"Um...well...it was...near a rundown factory...I just assumed that it was like a temporary hideout."He said as he remembered the events that brought him to being a suspect to begin with.
"Where is  the factory?"I asked quickly stopping in my tracks.If we found out that this was there hideout than....

We could find Tamaki...

"Well the one they took me to was near Kyoto but-!!"Thats all I needed to now.I raced us to my boss's office.If they really were staying near Kyoto there would be a possibility that...

They wouldn't be there for long...

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