Chapter 4-Lighting the Fire

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Author:"Welcome everyone to another chapter of Ruby Rose x Yuji Ishimura and I hope you guys are having a great day today and now let's get the reading strated!"
Yang is riding her motorcycle with a shady man through a forest in Anima.

Yang:"How much further, pal?"

Shady Man:"This should just about do it."

With that, Yang stops her bike at a clearing.

Shady Man:"You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear."

The Shady Man dismounts from the bike and runs into the bushes. Yang shake s her head in annoyance and discards her sunglasses, sleeves and coat tails before stretching a little. Suddenly, someone pulls the trigger if a gun band Yang blocks the shot with her robotic arm. The Shady Man reappears with several bandits.

Shady Man:"I can't believe you were dum enough to let me lead you here."

The bandits draw their weapons at Yang.

Yang:"Is this everyone?"

Shady Man:"Yes, little lady. That is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way."

He gestures behind him with his thumb. Yang points ba finger in the same direction.

Yang:"That way?"

The Shady Man grunts in confusion, before looking at the tribe.

Shady Man:"Yes. That way."

Yang:"Good to know. Thanks."

Shady Man:"Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take you bike. And you're going to take your lumps."

Shady Man:"You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart. But you really ought to think twice about fighting all--."

He cuts off when Yang engages the gun on her robotic arm. The rest of the bandits gasp and step back in slight fear.

Shady Man:"Alright... Get her!"
Sara I outside the camp patrolling until something caught her attention. She narrows her eyes at the hiding figure a few meters away from her, and recongnized the garb his wearing. It was the leader of the assassin group. When the assassin knew his cover was blown, he retreats.


Sara then chase him until they were a little bit far from the camp. The assassin looks back and sees her catching up to him, when he looks back again, she was gone. The assassin looks confused for a second and then suddenly he was swept off his feet, then a sharp blade already near his throat. The assassin raises his hands in defense.

Assassin:"Peace, sister. Only want to talk."

Sara raises an eyebrow at the assassin before lowering her Axe. The assassin gets up and pats off the leaves band twigs that we're on his cloak.

Sara:"What do you want from me?"

Assassin:"Information. Information, about the women who you're working for. As well as our last sister-in-arms, Yuki Walkers."

Sara instantly glares at him.

Sara:"Aunt Yuki was an honorable Huntress, not a cold-blooded killer."

Assassin:"So, she didn't tell you about, before she became one."

Sara greets her teeth and point her Axe at him.

Sara:"Cut to the chase! What's Raven got to do with this?"

Assassin:"There's no need for violence, I only came to speak bin peace. Now why don't you put that away?"

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