Chapter 14- Haven's Fate

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Author:"Welcome everyone to another and last chapter of Ruby Rose x (OC) Yuji Ishimura and I hope you guys are having a great day today. Now let's get the reading started!"
The White Fang, surrounded and outnumbered by the combined forces of the Menagerie Faunus army, the Mark' own personal guards, and the Mistral Police Force are forced to surrender.

Blake stands proudly over Adam, who was on his knees before standing back up in anger.

Adam:"I'm going to make you regret ever coming back."

Blake:"More police are on their way, Adam. Huntsmen too."

Adam:"Still too afraid to face me on your own."

Blake:"I'm here for Haven and Iris, not you."

Angered, Adam transforms his sheath into his rifle from and points at Blake and his blade in his left hand, while Blake draws her own weapon to defend himself.

Adam:"Heh, you are still afraid, and you should be. I've. I made powerful friends while you've been away."

Stitch:"Oh yeah?"

Adam look to his left as Sun approaches him holding his weapon in it's staff from, followed by Silver, Iris and Stitch.


Adam:"Tell me, does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?"

Iris:"Like how you made my family fight for you? Look who's talking."

Sun:"It's a volunteer gig. Besides, some guys wouldn't like to miss the chance to be a knight in a shining armor that saves the princess. I'm just sayin' but, for someone who claims to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people here willing to fight for you."

Adam looks around, seeing his followers surrendering to the overwhelming numbers of forces Blake brought worth her, only proving Sun's point. As searchlight then shines down on him.

Blake:"You can try and make me regret coming here, Adam, but honestly... I've got more important things to deal with."

Stitch:"It's over, Adam."

Adam let's out a frustrated growl and swings his sword at Stitch, before he could counter his attacks, Emma jumps in between them with her weapon at the ready easily subdues Adam. Kinshin and Ein arrive.

Emma:"Adam Taurus, as a High Councilor to the Kingdom of Mistral, I hereby place you under arrest."

Before they can cuff him, a wipe-like blade separates Emma away from Adam. They follow the whip as it retracts back and see the Imposter, taking the from of Emma, much to her shock. As the Imposter distracts them, Adam grabs the opportunity to bolt away to the bushes and trees with the imposter following behind him. Sun give chase, but Blake calls out to him.

Blake:"Sun, wait!"

Sun:"But he's getting away! We could take him!"

Blake sheathes her katana as walks to him.

Blake:"No, we can't."

Stitch:"It will be unwise to chase him in the woods."

Silver:"He wants to picks us off. One by one."

Iris:"There right. Besides, we need to protect the school and the people here."

Blake:"Now he can see what it feels like to run away. Thank you."

Sun:"Eh, we all need help sometimes."

His attention is then drawn to the Marks family, who are arguing. Silver use his sensitive hearing to listen.

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