Chapter 2-Dread In The Air

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Author:"Hello everyone welcome to another chapter of Ruby Rose x Yuji Ishimura and I hope you guys have a great day today and this chapter this doesn't have Yuji Ruby now let's get the reading started!"
Professor Lionheart sits in his office with his head in his hands, looking disturbed. He then flinches at the sound of sharp metal grazing against na rough surface. He turns to where the sound came from to see Issac, sharping his hook blades. Someone then opens the door to the room, and that was Watts.

Watts:"Are we ready?"

Issac:"She's already waiting."

Issac then sheaths his blades back to his sides. Lionheart lifts his head to look at Watts as he closes the door behind exchange of looks is made as Lionheart turns his head away from Watts who smirks in response. They soon enter a secret hallway adjusted to the office. At the end of the curved hallway is a circular room containing a seer Grimm.

Watts:"After you."

Watts pushes Lionheart closer to the seer Grimm.

Lionheart:"Your Grace, are... You there?"

The red smoke-like is contained in the head of the seer Grimm shifts to from an image of Salem and Cinder at her Domain.

Salem "Hello, Leonardo. Do you have something to report?"

Salem and Cinder are also looking through it to communicate with Lionheart and Watts.

Lionheart:"Of course, ma'am. I would not waste your time, if not."

Watts:"I'm still just so fascinated by this creature. Cinder dear, are we coming through?*tapping the seer*Can you see us clearly? Well, as clearly as you can."

Cinder:"Shut... Up."

Watts:"Oh goody, you're recovered."

Issac:"Not the time, Watts!"

Salem:"Issac, where have you been?"

Issac:"I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner my Queen. When Tyrian and I we're separated, I continued my pursuit with the Silver eyes girl. But I failed. So I had to resort to meeting with Leonardo ad it was still my other mission."

Salem:"I see. Now, your report, Leonardo. What is it?"

Lionheart:"I've... I've found the Spring Maiden."

Salem:"Is that so? Well done. Arthur, had I known how useful you'd be in expediting the progress, I would've sent you long, long ago."

Watts:"As much as I'd love to take credit, ma'am, I can't say that either of us are to thank for this development. I guess you could say, a little birdie told us."


Lionheart:"You see, ma'am, Qrow Branwen arrived at Haven Academy earlier today. He believes Spring has taken residence with his sister's tribe."

Cinder "Is... The girl... With him?"

Watts:"Yes, miss Rose was in attendance, as well as the boy."

Issac:"The Crismon Knight is also with Qrow. Now they can just go down in there stupid memory lane and--"

Salem:"Enough, Issac."

Issac:"Salem if you let me kill them at the beginning there--"

Salem:"I said enough, Issac! Unless you want to end up in the same way."

Issac bows quickly as he starts to shake in fear as the spear of the Grimm's tentacles points at his throat.

Issac:"No your Grace!"

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