Chapter 12-Vault of the Spring

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Author:"Welcome everyone to another chapter of Ruby Rose x (OC) Yuji Ishimura and I hope you guys are doing well today. Now let's get the reading started!"
Outside Haven, Silver waited to make a move suddenly feels something off as he looked at Haven Academy then run towards it.

Silver:"I'm, sorry Iris."

Upon arriving, he tries to open the large double doors and finds out it is locked tight. Quickly drawing his great sword, he slices the lock between the doors with a horizontal cut. And when he walks inside he was shock as he sees his childhood best friend laying on the ground with a gaping wound on her abdomen. He immediately snaps out when he hears sudden blast of ice cutting through the air.


Upon Yuji's rampage, he unknowingly damaged a support pillar with a beam if ice blast that slowly collapses on Weiss. Silver activates his Semblance and rescues Weiss before the pillar crushes her. Jaune quickly gets up and runs past Yuji and Cinder as they fought. Oscar watches Jaune approach Silver and unconscious Weiss before he watches tbe fight.

Silver:"Yuji! Stop!!"

Silver runs in front of him and tries to calm him down, but Yuji just effortlessly swats him aside so hard that he flies a little distance which angers Yang. But before Yang could lash out at him, Hugo rushes in and stops her.

Hugo:"No? Don't! He's too feral to reason with! If he's not stopped, he could destroy Haven! Just stay back, and let me deal with this."

Due to Yuji's feral manner, he was overpowering Cinder, knocking her a few feet away. Just before Yuji could continue his onslaught, Hugo jumped in front of him.

Hugo:"kid! Stop this. Calm down!"


Angerd Oscar smacks Lionheart with his cane, causing him to fall down the stairs into Hazel, who remains unfazed, as Lionheart falls to the ground. Oscar quickly runs over to Ruby, with Nora joining him.

Oscar:"Ruby, get up! Get up!! We need you!"

Hazel picks up Lionheart by his collar, lifting him off the floor.

Hazel:"You're lettin' that boy make a fool of you."

Lionheart:"That's not just a boy! It's Ozpin."

Hazel's eyes widen in surprise when he heard this.

Lionheart:"He's already reincarnated!"

Hazel drops Lionheart a d looks over to Oscar, who is still trying to nudge Ruby to wake her up, but then notices Ozpin's cane held in his hand.


Suddenly, the usual calm demeanor of Hazel slowly turns anger. After a while, Ruby stirs for a bit and finally opens her eyes.

Oscar:"Ruby! You--."

Hazel:"Ozpin!!! You thought you could hide from me?!!"

He rips his coat off, before grabbing a pair of lightning Dust crystals from his pouches on his legs.

Hazel:"You'll pay for what you did! You'll die over and over again!!"

He stand the lighting Dust into his arms, with his blood vessels turning yellow and popping out from his skin as well as having lighting coat them. His eyes glow yellow, and he let's out an intimidating roar as Oscar slowly backs away, holding his cane up.

Oscar:"Do-- Do we fight?"

Ozpin (mentally):"No, run!"

Hazel leaps forward to charge into Oscar, but Qrow gets him out of the way in time. Qrow transforms his weapon into it's scythe form while Cinder, who managed to escape Yuji's onslaught, watches as Raven and Vernal approaching to her sides.

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