Chapter 7-Rest and Resolutions

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Author:"Welcome everyone to another chapter of Ruby Rose x Yuji Ishimura and I hope you guys are having a great day today and let's get the reading started!"
The dinner table is buzz as the currently present members of Team RWBY and SPRO and the remaining if members of Team JNPR all talk over each other. The mood is cheery as they all smiled and laughing.

Yang:"How do you lose your map at a time like that?"

Jaune:"Believe me. I've asked myself the same thing ever since. But Yuji here got it at the end, though."

Yuji:"Yeah, and also I frozen the map to your hand so it won't get lost again."

Yang, Weiss and Ruby laugh, with Sara and Alex shake their heads in amusement, while Jaune smiles band giggles sheepishly.

Nora:"Hey, but you made up for it, mister muscles! You should a seen this guy Blake a giant Grimm head on!"

Jaune:"I couldn't have done it without Ruby wearing it down."

Ruby:"Uh, me? Did you see Ren during that fight? He was out of control!"

Ren:"I'm sorry, I may have lost my temper momentarily."

Ruby:"No, no! Out of control as in "awesome"!"

Ren:"Oooohhhh.*smiles* Thank you."

Everyone at the table bursts into laughter.

Ren:"But you should have seen how Yuji and Hugo were in sync when they were fighting Issac."

Alex:"The Legendary Huntsman fighting? Now that is something I would love to watch. Imagine the pointers we could learn."

Yuji:"If you can keep up, that is."

Alex:"That won't be any trouble for me at all."

As dinner continues, Alex and Weiss tells their story about how Weiss accidentally summoned a Boarbatusk, and Alex lashing out during the charity ball, making Ruby gasp.

Ruby:"You guys did not!"

Weiss has her head in her hands.

Weiss:"Yeah, right in the middle of the party."

Yang:"Please tell me you let that guy and lady have it."

Weiss:"Of course not! Even if we did really want to."

Alex:"Believe me, I had a great urge to do it."

Nora then crosses her arms, looking skeptical.

Nora:"No way, I don't believe it."

To prove her point, Weiss summons her Boarbatusk right next to Nora, the Grimm let's out a small growls, causing Nora to yelp and fall to her side, causing everyone to laugh.

Yuji:"Remind me not to get on your bad sides. And Alex. Hate to bring it up are you post to be in jail?"

Alex:"Yes, but it isn't enough to drag me away from my own goal; protect Weiss and prove my innocence. To do that, I had to hide my identity, hence the mask and the cover name."

Weiss:"But why "Silver"?"

Alex:"Because my Semblance, leaving a sliver line were I go."

Ruby:"You sound even more heroic!"

Sara then tells her story about her Aunt being apart of a clan of assassins that she encountered.

Nora:"You're a ninja?! Like Ren?!"

Ren:"Nora, please."

Sara:"Maybe, but they said my "blood" carries the legacy my ancestors to said clan, so."

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