A faint memory...

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Gore mentions!
A dark room. A small empty dark room.. Yeah, that's all I know. Just an empty small dark room, with a useless and worthless normal human being chains on the wall, yup that's me! After they chain me here, I never get to see the outside... But everytime I saw the door handle movements... Everytime I hear a faint footsteps getting closer.. Scares me...
Everytimes, ̶h̶e opens the door and close it. Slowly but gently approaching me. I saw his smirk. That devilish smirk that's scares me but also makes me want to wipe it off of his stupid face.
His smirk soons becomes a wide smile. He put on his white gloves and looking at me with a gentle yet somehow crazy looks. He took out the mini knife from his pocket and licks his lips, not breaking eye contact. He puts his other hand on my left cheek and smile sickly sweet at me and put the tip of the knife on my chest, not to hard to draws blood. He slowly but makes sure it's painfully press harder and drag the knife down lower...
My eyes start watering and my vision becomes blurry.. I tried to screams but there's a fabric in my mouth, so my sound comes out like a painful muffled screams. "Awe, c'mon darling~ don't be such a cry baby~" He said in kind of like  a sing songs tone and pull down the fabric. "PL-PLEASE STOPS!" I plead while tears start to falls down like a waterfall. My throat hurts but I don't care! Just get me out of here..
He suddenly started giggling like crazy, and there's a little bit of tears on the corner of his eyes. "Haha, aw, you really think that's gonna make me have a second thought?!" He yelled at me and start to laugh louder. He smiles and start to mess with the chain behind me. My eyes went wide when I heard a click. But he body slam me on the hard cold concrete floor and lock my head. My vision went blurry again because of how little air I was getting... Then everything went pitch black...
I woke up again, oh how I wish I didn't that day... The day that makes me more scared of him.
I slowly lift my head up and groan. But my eyes went wide when I saw how close me and his face where. He smiles sweetly at me and boop my nose. "Good morning sleeping beauty~" He said in a sweet tone. I look at him confuse. Sure he calls me darling sweet heart and such, but never have he calls me beauty or those .
"Awe, the princess is a little confuse I see~" He smirk and smiles. Ugh, again with that smile..
He then shows me something that fears me. He moves the damn chainsaws in front of me and smiles wider. I shake my head side to side as the chainsaw comming closer to my face. Tears start to falls down and he just smile and enjoy the sight he saw. He slowly making the chainsaw make contact mith my right arm and the blood start to splatter everywhere. He got some blood on his face too, and then he stops.  There's a little bit of the pure white bones on the sight. He unlock the chain and-
I screams and cries out painfully. It's hurts!
Ow ow ow! He seems to be pleased with my reaction and took a giant bite out of my arm. He then tose it and start to cut everywhere on my body. My visions when blurry...
Beep... Beep... Beep...
I jolt up awake. A hospital room...

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