Vampire hunter

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This Random thought just pop up I guess-
Rusame (Duh)
●sexual contact/content (?)
●"Language!" -Steve Roger.
Part 1 (?)

Monsters. They took everything. They destroyed my village. They killed everyone. They are real monsters...
I will kill them.
I will get revenge.

I gasp slightly. That dream again.
I got off my bed and walk to the bathroom's sink. I look at myself.
Ugly. Ugh.
I brush my teeth and do the mornings routine for the day. After that I went downstairs and start preparing breakfast.

"Mornin' Ma" Texas say and help me set the tables. "You forgetting something Cow-boy" I say and smile. Texas rolls his eyes but I can tell that he smile slightly, I grab his face and gave him kisses everywhere on his face while he laugh. "Ma, StaHp" He say while continuing to laugh. I stop giving my son 'Morning kisses' and start making breakfast. After Texas done with the tables he went to the living room and plop down on the L shaped couch.

"Good mornin'" I heard New York say tiredly "Yorkie how you want your egg?" I ask while holding a smirk. "I want-" Texas interrupt him "Yorkie want his egg 'Yorkie'" Texas said  while laughing and running away with New York after his life. I chuckle and went back to making breakfast.

After I'm done with breakfast, I ask the states that where currently awake to wake up the other states.
I then after giving all my children some 'Morning kisses' I run up to my room and grab my suitcase and my hand-gun. Yes I carry hand gun around, do you have a problem?-
Oops, sorry dear reader didn't meant to break the fourth wall there-

ANYWAAAAYYY, I took my stuff and head to my car and wave my kids good bye before I drive to the meeting.
It took a few hours to be there bcuz my house is literally in the fricken FOREST! And all the traffics too, ugh.

Greaaaatttttttt, I'm 5 mins late.
I speed walking to the meetings room and heard Arthur- I mean U.K trash talk about how irresponsible I am and... 'Good stuff' about me.
I sigh and put my Hollywood smile on and kick the door open.
"The heroes have arrived!!" I yelled in my fake happy voice. "You bloody git! We can tell that! And you're late too!" U.K yelled. "Enough!" Germany shout in anger and rub his head. "Amerika, please just, sit down." He sigh.
"Sure dude!" I yell and mentally cringe at myself. I sat down and I see how disappointed Matthew look.
Then he suddenly start to go invisible again. I use every inch of my Faber in my body not to burst out crying. Calm down Alfred, is not your fault.
I heard Confy said while tried to calm me down. IS IT!! IF I HAVE PUSH HIM AWAY COMPLETELY HE WON'T HAVE TO TAKE THE DAMAGE TOO! HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE HIS POWER! Alfred! Enough! We always have this argument when Matthew is sitting next to you! Confy yelled. I hear Confy sigh. Just, pay attention. Fine..
I scoff and listen to Germany talking about global warming. "Amerika, since you're the host, do you have any suggestions?" Germany ask and look at me. "I-" U.K cut me off by saying "Yeah, yeah, superheroes shit" He sigh and other people where trying to hold their laugh. "It's rude to interrupting someone, da?" Russia smile and dark Aura spread across the room. Everyone is shivering by that, heck, even Confy is shivering I can tell, but not me.

After the meeting was over I watch as everyone else is gone. Is only me and the not so commie, Russia. I stand up and was ready to leave but then Russia said something that make me freeze.
"Aw, is the capitalist pig scared of being in the room with a bear?" He teased.
"Shut up" I growl.
"Not even a Thanks? After I save your ass there?" He tease again.
"Why" I spit out.
"Because, there's something about you that are.. Interesting" He said and walk over to me. I step back while he come closer. We repeat the step till my back hit the wall and Russia's hand next to my head. So basically he is pinning me to the wall. Uhm, Imma leave now... I heard Confy whispers. WAIT CONFY HELP ME! Good luck brother. Silent..
Fuck you too Confy.
"Your scent smells good.." Russia breath out. What?
Russia pin both my arm above my head with a quick movements and put his head on my neck. I can feel his breath on my neck! Ugh! I hate my face so much! They got red every time when I'm embarrassed or something!
"Fuck, I'm hungry.." Russia said.
Uhm, ok..?
He let go off me and clap his hand. Then the lights turn off. After a few second later the lights turn on again. He's gone?!
I quickly went home and speed run to my office.

Oneshot (Mainly Rusame, But Request Open.)Where stories live. Discover now