Ame is a Trap?

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Ah yes, finally my first oneshit that no one request lmao-
W h e e z e  I'm so funny q-p
Credit to the artist btw so don't come and kill me u_u


I sigh.
This class is fucking boring!

Oh, Japan text me.
Japan= NicoBitch
America= Oiladdictedbitch

NicoBitch: Konnichiwa Ame-kun!

Oiladdictedbitch: Wussup Jap?

NicoBitch: Can we met at my house today?? Pretty pleaassseeee!

Oiladdictedbitch: Yeah sure. What time?

NicoBitch: How 'bout after school?

Oiladdictedbitch: Sure, not like I have anything better to do anyway.

NicoBitch: Great! :D

Oiladdictedbitch: Cya after school then.

NicoBitch: Hai! Cya Ame-kun!


Aight, I guess I'll go then.

I knock on Japan's front door.
"Yo Jap I'm here!"
No response?
That strange-

I suddenly got pull inside the house.
"Yo Japan What the fu-" "Shush!" Japan put a finger in front of my mouth.
She then walk up to her room and mention me to follow her. I shrugg and follow her to her room.

"Soooo what was that all about?" I finally ask her.
"Oh. Sorry Ame-kun, I was way too excited about my package!" She said happily..
I don't trust her tone-

A dress slap me in the face.
"Wear this!" Japan say and push me into the bathroom.
Then I heard a click.

Did she just fucking lock the door?!

"Japan let me out!" I whined.
"Wear that first!" She yelled from otherside of the door.
"I-I don't fucking know how to we-wear this thing!" I lied.
"Yes you do! I saw you wear a dress on a restaurant! Before you fucking pulled out a gun!" She shout.

"I wear it! Now let me out!" I whine, this dress is fucking uncomfortable!
This is humiliating!
And most importantly!
Why is the skirt so short?!
I'm so happy that I still wear my boxer.

"Did you wear the underwear I give you?!" She shout
"U-uhm, Yes!" I lied again.
"Are you sure? You're stuttering!" She basically yelling right now.

"Did you wear the underwear I give you now?!"
"Yes! Now let me out!"
"The thigh high sock?!"
I heard a clicking noise again.

Finally! Haha! I'm out!
I heard a camera clicking sound-
Wait a min-
"What?! You look adorable!"
"I don't want people to see that!"
"Oops my hand slip!" She laugh.
I'm start to freaking out! Oh God! What should I do?! If-If North Korea saw that he will make fun of me for sure! Nononono-

I feel a hand on my back.
"Hey, Ame-kun I'm just kidding! I didn't post it! I swear, I won't make you upset" she smiled sweetly at me. I smiled back.

"But I'll still keep the picture"
"What- Why?!"

I heard a knock on my door.
"Yes?" I yawned. And look at my alarm clock. 5 AM? What why would anyone-
New Zealand jump on me while bawling her eyes out.
"Ssshhh, tell me what's wrong hun" I spoke in a soft voice.
"Mr. Kevin is gone!" She cried.
Mr. Kevin is her Teddy bear that she got before 'our' mother pass away. France is not my real mom but I love her dearly, she's my mother's friend. My real mom also known as Native American pass away when I was 3, so my (step) dad, Britain and my (step) mom, France took me in.
'Nada is older then me and he move out a while ago.

Oneshot (Mainly Rusame, But Request Open.)Where stories live. Discover now