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𝙰 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖:
Also, sorry for the short chapter, I run out of ideas Q^Q Lub u
× Mega  g a e

Ame's POV:

"NO, FUCK YOU!" I rolled my eyes at Russia.
Ugh, can't he just GO AWAY?!
He's so..so ANNOYING!
"FAT PIG!" He yell from across the room.

I scoffed and walk away, slamming the door closed. "Ugh..." I sigh and walk over to the vending machine.
"Rough day?" I heard Soviet ask, appearing beside me.
"Fuck off.." Soviet scoff and floating lazily around. "Y'know, if you make me alive again-" "Don't start that shit" I interrupted him and press the sprite button on the machine cuz, that shit is better than Coke and Pepsi.
He rolled his eyes and look at his nail in a mean girl way.
"Heeeeeyyy~" I heard someone else said, I heavily sigh and drink my drink.
"Hello, Russian Empire.." Soviet growl and went back to his business.
As I listen to them arguing, someone lightly tap my shoulder.
I turn around to see..
"UN?" I ask. What is he doing here?
"Good day Mr. United States of America." He said and smile friendly at me.
"Stop with the fancy name.." I said and take a sip of my drink.

"So uhm, about the fight, why do you left?" He ask curiously.
"He just being a little bitch." I replied and tossed the empty can to the trash can. "Dis bish empty- YEET!" Confederate snicker beside me.
I hold my chuckle and look at UN dead in the eyes. He nervously chuckle and wave his hand in a dis manner way.
"Anyways... I'm not only here to talk about that." He said and his face turn slightly purple. I tilt my head slightly, confused af. "Ara ara~ Koreha nandeska?" Japanese Empire said as she wiggle her eyebrows. I ignore her lenny face. "What did she said?" Confederate ask looking confuse. "She said: My my~ what is this?" My mother said and making the same lenny face as Japanese Empire. I ignore both of them and cough in my fist, making the awkward atmosphere go.
"What is it you wanna talk about?" I ask and dust my suit slightly.
"Oh! Uhm... Uh.. I- I er.." He stutter and his face turn more purple.
I sigh. And turn away. Kinda bored.
"Whatever" I said and walk away, waving at him slightly.

                        -𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙-

"Home at last.." I sigh and walk up to the front door. I could hear kids screaming from the inside.
I unlock the door and walk inside to see... A mess.
"DADDY'S HOME!!" Little Hawaii yelled excitedly and run up to me. I smile at her adorableness. She jump on my arm and giggle. I hear many footstep run towards me and- "Oh no-" I got cut of by my so call childrens. "Dad!" "Father!" "Ma!" "AMERICA WTF-" I froze. I look behind me and saw UN... "Wtf are you doing here." I ask or more like demand the answer. I don't care what he was gonna do, but no one knows about my children's..
"I uhm.." He avoid my eyes. "Bitch" Confederate said and glare at him.
"Language" I whisper and hear Confederate snicker. Hey that's kinda rhyme. Whatever.
"You forgot your paperwork so I thought that...I can give them to you.."

e said and dust he's suit a bit.
"Just get out. Right. Now" I growl lowly and make my states go to their rooms
"Fine, but we will discuss about this later." He said and put my paperwork on a table nearby and walk away.

                          .Time skip.

I'm so fucking nervous.
Like, aight who wouldn't? Your secret is spilling, and you're going to listen to it and talk about it.
I sigh and chew my gum while waiting.
He's late.. That's weird?
"Good evening Mr. United." I jump a little at the sudden voice.
"Gosh you're startled me. Hi." I said and turn to him and give him my signature smile.
He's face turns red for a second but he smile back. "So uhm.." He look down and bite his lip a little.
"So about my states, I want you to keep it a secret, I don't want my states to get hurt physically or mentally." I said gay to the point. "Fine" He sigh and look up at me again. "But there is something I must confess.." He said and turn away from me. "Oooo maybe we could use some blackmail~" Confederate says and look at UN, seeming interest. I sigh at him and walk up to UN. "What is it?" I ask. He seems weird. He's that type of confident guy who just get straight to the point and be blunt. But he seems to kinda change? Idk man. "I.. Like you" He said before bolt out. "What?" "Yeah you heard that right. No fun, I thought we could blackmail. But since its UN we are talking about, he probably will announce it in the meeting." Confederate sigh and just, disappeared. My heart is racing out of my chest and my cheeks flush. I think I'm gonna die. He...he likes me.? M e  o u t  o f   a l l  p e o p l e .
Dis bitch blind af. But...it kinda..feels good.. Not that I like him or anything..it just feels good to be like and love. A smile make it way to my face. I..think..I like him too... "Nah bitch, you're blind." Soviet said and tried to bitch slap me. But as usual, it went through my face. "Said the bitch who have his dad, son and himself crushing on the same person.." I mutter under my breathe. His flash flush bright yellow and yelling nonsense. I sigh and glance at the way Un run of too. Then make my way towards my car. "Todays is a good day after all.." I smile and drive home. Welp, time to drown myself in the paper work and start to bitch about everything. But..tonight its different..I want to make him proud..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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