●Pretty Bully/Teaser● Pt.1

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Inspired by that vid!
I want to read the manga but I can't find it lol.... sad-
The manga names is "Please don't bully me Nagatoro-san" Or something.

Anyway warning!:
Rusame (Let me know if you want other ship!)
High school AU
Sexual (a bit-)
Canada x Ukraine (Cankraine-)
Many no no word!
Smug girl! (Lol my fav type of girl!)
Many Times skip
Ame is the Bully here well, more like a teaser
Also, Straight! First time writing straight so sorry if it's bad! Don't worry, a lil bit of Lesbian ship!

~Russia Pov~

~Beep Beep~

"Shut up!" I yell and slam the Alarm clock shut. Shit. I look at the now broken alarm clock and groan. This is the third time this week...

~10 mins later after he took a quick shower and dress up~

"Good morning brother!" Belarus said very energetic. "How can you be so energetic on Mon-fucking-Day?!" Ukraine ask tiredly.
"New school! New chance!" She said excitedly.
Right... New school start today..
"Oh..right..Ughhhh" She groan and start to put on her shoes and grab our bag(s). We do the same and head out.

~At the Bus station~

The Bus pulls up and we get on.
Ukraine decide to sit on the front seat since she got car sick.
Belarus sit next to New zealand since he and she is friend.
I decide that I'll sit in the back seat, since there's less persons there, like 3.
I walk to the empty seat next to a girl with long blue white and red hair that there's stars everywhere.
She wear a white button up shirt, a blue short skirt and a red boots. She also have purple headset on.
((Ya notice what I did there?~ heh.))

I sat next to her quietly. She seems to notice and smirk. She took off her headset and turns her body to me.
Her smirk went to a smile. I also turn my head to her and cock an eyebrow up. "What?" I growl.
"Ohh~ scary big man~" She said and giggle. She also blushing a lil bit.
I scoff and took my phone out.
She whine a little because her new "toy" doesn't pay attention to her.
She soon go back to her business.

~After they reach the school~

We got off the bus and walk to the school.

*knock knock*

"Come in" I open the door and me and my siblings sit on the sofa.
"Ah, you must be the new students here! I'm the principal of the ' CountryYard High ' ((lame name Ik😔)) My name is Mr. UN, And wait- let me guess your name, hmm... Russia?" He ask and point at me. I nod a little.
"And Ukraine?" He then point at Ukraine who sat next to me. She just simply gave him a thumbs up.
"And....wait- wait- Belarus! Right?" He ask and point at Belarus.
She gave him a wide smile and nod.
He smile too and claps his hand together. "Alright! Since you, Russia, and you, Ukraine, are almost as old, you guys can share the same class, and here is your dorms keys" He said and gave us our dorms keys.

~ After the rules and stuff ~

I have to fucking share a room with a girl that are almost as old as me...
G r e a t . . .

I unlock the dorm and walk in.
That's the girl that sit next to me at the bus!
Uhm.... Maybe if I just quietly tip toe to out she won't no-
"Hm? Jap? Is that you?" She ask.
"Jap- oh~ so you are my new roommate huh?~" She purr.
I feel my face heat up a little bit.
"Hehehe~" She make a cat like smile and went to sit to the couch again.
Shit- like, fuck man-

~ Meanwhile with Canada ~

I was walking to my 4 days younger sister dorm. Let's just hope she didn't bully her new roommate, last time, China was the victim and let's say, he can't handle her tease so he almost kiss her, I was there on the couch, and about to slap him but SOMEHOW Ame who is so fucking short kick him in the face and giggle. I swear that I saw Toga Himiko 2-

Suddenly a girl ran into me.
"Oh, sorry" was all she said and dust her clothes. "It's ok, its was me who didn't look" we giggle a little and talk.

~ Back with Ame ~

Ugh, another perv to handle...
Confy said and groan.
Oh c'mon bro, more people to tease!
My sweet big sister but act like little sister, I love you and all but your twin brother doesn't think this is a good idea, remember China?
Well yeah! Ofc I remember my old favorite toy!
I can't believe you, bunny...
I giggle a little and smirk at Ruskie.
This will be fun!~

Oneshot (Mainly Rusame, But Request Open.)Where stories live. Discover now