Dumb Fox

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This for my lovely Fonnie shippers!
Foxy x Bonnie
Humans version fnaf
Part 1?
"Mommy mommy look! It's Bonnie!"
A kid said excitedly and runs towards me. I smile a little and do my job, ignoring the child that cling on my leg.
"Jame! Stop running away and step away from the line." The mother state and apologize to the guard. "It's alright ma'am.." The guard groan and yawned.


"Rough day?" Freddy ask and took a bite of the pizza.
"It's always the same day thought." I replied and watch as Chica angrily stomped her way to Freddy and complain about the last slice of pizza.
I shake my slightly and decided to go and scare the night guard.
As I was sprinting towards the office, I heard a creaking noise.
I stop and turn around, which was a dumb moves since someone come crashing on me.
"HEY AR' YA STUPID MATE?! WHY DON'T YA DODGE ME EH?!" The dumb Fox yelled at me angrily and stands up and dust himself.
I follow suit and glare dagger at him.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! IT WAS YOU WHO CRASH ON ME!" I yelled back and cross my arm.
"NO IT WAS NOT YER FLUFFBALL!" He said and walk away.
"Hmhp!" I than stomp my way back to the stage, not even look back.
Foxy POV:
Ugh! That stupid bunny always get on my nerves! Why does he always have to be on my way all the time!
And I can't fucking get him off of my mind!!! It's so annoying! Hmph.

Oneshot (Mainly Rusame, But Request Open.)Where stories live. Discover now