Chapter 59

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Once again my own ink disappeared and Draco's replaced it.

"Oh my god it is you. I was so worried my gift wouldn't get to you. Owls are being intercepted everywhere."

"I miss you so so much."

"Me too. But he believes we've broken up, which is good. It's saving my life. I told him I only went away with you to figure out what was going on with Potter."

"I'm so glad he forgave you."

"Not quite, but my family and I are spared, for now. But Belle he knows you have the wand"

"I guessed that. What do I do?"

"He'll come for it soon. I've heard them talking about it. Until then, use it. Get Dumbledore's Army back together and practise with it, get used to its power. But don't let anyone apart from them know you have it. You're doing so well, I'm so proud of you, my Belle."

"Perks of being head girl is no one questions me on the seventh floor. The room of requirement should still be accessible to us. Hogwarts is weird Draco, it's so weird."

"It will be over soon. It's happening sooner than you think. Then we can finally be together with no problems or stupid wars. That's all I want."

"God I wish I could see you right now."

"Soon my darling. I love you."

"I love you too."

And then he was gone. Closing the book softly, I reached into my bag and pulled out the aftershave Theo had got me, and sprayed a little on my pillow. Lying down, I took the necklace that was always around my neck out from underneath my jumper and twiddled Draco's ring in my fingers. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that he was right there, and we were alone, with no worries, just us. For a second, I almost believed it, until I opened my eyes and I was still in the burrow, with the protection charm around it, in Ginny's room with her quilted sheets and Holyhead Harpies posters.

At that moment the red haired girl entered the room, carrying a plate piled high with sandwiches.

"Mum thought you might want a Turkey sandwich, so she made enough to feed a whole village....why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"I've spoken to him."

Ginny dropped the plate with a clatter.



Ginny's face fell.

"Oh. Well is he ok? What did he say?"

"Yes. I think. I didn't speak to him in person, it was through the notebook he gave me. He told me to reform Dumbledore's army."

"What? How can we do that?"

"Think about it, most of us are in Gryffindor, the others we can pass the message to in class, me and Theo are the ones who patrol the area around the Room of Requirement, so it will be easy to get in there, I'm sure Theo won't say anything."

"You do realise Theo isn't on our side right?"

"He made a blood traitor comment just before Christmas which pretty much confirmed what side he stands on, but he's made an unbreakable vow to protect me, so he can't go squealing about anything I do."

Ginny stayed silent for a moment, staring at the notebook in my hands, and then gasped, knocking herself off balance in the process.



"I take it you know about what happened in my first year? I mean you weren't there but surely you know about the chamber of secrets."

"I know the basic stuff, whatever the Daily Prophet published."

"Well, I used to talk to Tom Riddle through his old diary. It was a Horcrux. Harry killed the basilisk that was in the chamber using the Sword of Gryffindor."

"Harry was left the sword of Gryffindor in Dumbledore's will! But it's apparently not Dumbledore's to give. Scringemour said it was lost."

"It's not lost. It's in Dumble....Snape's office."

" do you know that?"

"He kept it there after it happened. I've seen it hanging on the wall."

"So we get into the office, take the sword and then what? How do we get it to Harry?"

"Haven't figured it out yet. But I do know that Ron is currently in London, so we could get it to him and he can go find them?"

"Wait, so Ron's ok?"

"He managed to get a message to me Fred and George, via and old galleon we used to use to talk to each other on. He's fine."

"Thank god."

"If we can get this sword to him Tori, he can destroy the horcruxes and then you-know-who should be weak enough to kill."

"We're going to need help to get into snape's office. I can only do so much as Head Girl before people become suspicious."

"Neville will help, and I'm sure Luna will be up for it!"

"Right then. Looks like I know what we're doing when we get back to school."

Mine. (A Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now