Chapter 22

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Harry led us over to the bed in the corner of the room, neither one of us breaking the kiss for a moment. He placed his hand on the back of my head and gently lowered me down so I was lying on the bed, with him on top of me as we kissed. My fingers were tangled in hair and I bit his lip softly, earning a small gasp from him. My hands travelled down so they were at his waist and I tugged at the bottom of his hoodie, to which he swallowed nervously before taking it off, exposing his bare torso. I placed my hands on him, feeling every muscle he had from playing Quidditch for so many years, and he gently kissed my neck before breaking away and looking at me. "Can I?" I nodded, and he gently pulled me up so he could take off my own hoodie. "Ahhh hello old friend" he said as he held it, realising itwas the one that he gave me last year after the black lake challenge. He tossed it to the floor and looked at me, blushing. "Wow" he breathed and I pulled him towards me, kissing him again, deeper this time, our tongues dancing together softly. Just as I began to run my fingers along his waistband he pulled away, not looking at me and said "the others are probably wondering where we are." He kissed my forehead quickly before passing me my hoodie and pulling his own back on, both of us panting heavily. I couldn't help but wonder why he had stopped so suddenly when we were both in the moment?

That night, I lay in my bed alone tossing and turning, until eventually I decided to find Harry. I knocked on his door softly and was greeted with a "hmm?" I opened the door slowly and he rubbed his eyes, searching for his glasses. When he saw me he said "Tori? What time is it?"

"It's about 3am. I couldn't sleep."

"Oh, maybe you should have a tea or something?"

I looked down at the ground. "I just thought, maybe, Harry, could I stay in here for a bit?"

His face went red again. "Um yeah sure, come here." I crept over to him and he moved along so I could join him, my back to his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. The room was silent except for the sound of our breathing.

"Harry?" I broke the silence.


"Was everything ok earlier?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when we were, you know, you rushed off quite quickly."

Harry was silent and I turned to face him. "Harry?"

He swallowed hard. "I just, I'm not good with intimacy. I've never done anything like this before, felt anything like this before. It's scary."

I reached my hand up to stroke his cheek, his eyes meeting mine. "I'm scared too. I've never done this either."

"I guess growing up with no parents and never really experiencing any kind of love in your life really messes you up huh" he said, his eyes full of sadness.

"Then we're both as messed up as each other. Whenever you're ready Harry, I'll be ready. As long I have you I don't care."

"I love you Victoria Greenwood."

"I love you Harry James Potter."

I never went back to my room that night, instead I stayed all night, wrapped in Harry's arms as we thought about the coming day, the day of Harry's trial. I wasn't allowed to go with him, none of us were. Arthur Weasley and Harry left around 8am to travel to the ministry, and I gave Harry a huge hug before he left, whispering in his ear "don't let them make a mockery of you Potter".

I spent the rest of the day wandering around 12 Grimmauld Place, taking in the vintage interior that clearly hasn't been changed in decades and finding more and more photos of my father. Sirius has given me a small collection of photos to take home with me, and I put together a small memory box to keep them all in. Tonks was extremely interested in muggle music, as were Fred and George and I spent a big part of the day showing them my favourite songs and we danced around the kitchen, Kreature the house elf muttering to himself in the corner.

Soon we heard the front door open and I ran to see Harry and Arthur standing there, Harry gave me a nod that said "it's all ok" and I ran to hug him, kissing his lips softly.

"Hogwarts just can't get rid of you can they Potter" said Fred.

"I reckon the only reason that they would have voted against you was because they want Slytherin to win the Quidditch cup this year" added George.

"But not with us lot in the team that won't happen!" They said in union, and Fred's arm fell around my shoulder as he grinned down at me.

That evening we celebrated, Molly Weasley making us huge amounts of food as we were back to school the next day and we would need our appetites for the journey apparently, not like we were going to have a huge feast the next evening or anything. Harry and Sirius laughed about Umbridge, some woman who works for the ministry for magic, and Hermione and I talked excitedly about the first trip to Hogsmeade this year.

Everything seemed perfect with the world, but we knew it wouldn't last, we were just holding on to what precious happy moments we had left.

Mine. (A Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now