Chapter 29

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"So your mother is French, but you've never been to Paris? That's pathetic Belle!" Draco said as we chatted over a cauldron. I was helping him to get his grade up, plus we were trying to lay low for a little bit as we both didn't know what we were and the last thing I wanted to do was have Harry see us together just a few weeks after our breakup.

We also couldn't be seen mixing together thanks to Umbridge's rule of boys and girls not being able to be within 8 inches of each other (though Draco did pass me a note in class saying that wasn't a problem as he had 9 - which I have yet to find out if he is lying or not) and the fact that Draco is basically working for Umbridge in her Inquisitorial Squad and I'm in Dumbledores Army makes things more complicated as he doesn't know, and I don't intend on telling him.

"Oh my god is that the time?" I looked at the clock in the corner of the room and saw that I was late for the DA meeting, and quickly scrambled my books together. I felt Draco grab me from behind, snaking his arms around my waist and laying his head on my shoulder, his warm breath tickling my neck.

"Where do you always rush off to love? Things were just about to start getting interesting." He pressed his lips to my neck and sucked slowly, knowing that was the spot that drove me crazy. It took all my strength to not pin him against the wall but I had to go.

"Draco, later, please."

"No seriously where do you keep going? Are you ok?" He looks at me with sudden worry in his eyes.

"Everything's fine, it's just somewhere I have to be."

"Why can't you tell me? Do you not trust me." The worry suddenly floods away to reveal a more angry glimmer in his eyes.

"Of course I trust you Draco. But you have your secrets and I have mine."

"Right." He turned away from me and I took this as an opportunity to leave quickly.

"I'll see you later." I run out of the room and sprint to the Room of Requirement, hoping he didn't follow me.

"Today we're working on our patronuses. I want you to think of the happiest memory you have, let it fill you up-" I stumbled in to Harry talking about the expectro patronum charm.

"Hey Tori, where have you been?" Hermione asked as I grabbed my wand and went to join everyone. I noticed Harry looking at me cautiously out of the corner of his eye. Even though me and Harry weren't together anymore we were still friends, we still had the same friendship group, and the same love for each other, but it was just....awkward.

"Studying, potions is getting crazy busy" I said quickly and tried to think of a happy memory.

I had a lot of happy memories from when I was younger. Day trips to London, walking along the pier in Brighton with hot sugary donuts, nights on the beach, and I closed my eyes and casted "expecto patronum!"

Nothing happened.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried again.



I looked around the room and saw various animals dancing around the room in a glimmer of silver. I tried to think about what might be missing to make my patronus not work, and then it hit me.

I had a massive dad shaped hole in all of my memories.

Exhausted, I sat down on the floor in the corner and closed my eyes, attempting to stop the tears from falling.

"Hey, you ok?" I looked up to see Harry standing over me.

"Fine." I wiped my face with the back of my hand quickly and attempted a small smile.

"No you're not." He sat down next to me.

"I have happy memories don't get me wrong. My dad just isn't in any of them. It's almost like he's blocking me from having a patronus." A single tear fell down my dace and Harry caught it, stroking my skin softly.

"It took me a while too. It will happen. I promise." He awkwardly swung his arm around my shoulder and said "I'm glad we're still friends Tori."

"Me too Harry."

Suddenly the glass chandeliers began to wobble and we all looked up, hearing crashing. The wall was suddenly blasted open and there she stood, in her horrible pink dress, smiling devilishly.

But I wasn't focused on her. I was focused on the ice blonde haired boy who was glaring at me, and then his eyes fell on Harry, who still had his arm around me and he looked as if he might explode.

We both stood up quickly and we were grabbed by Umbridges Inquisitorial Squad members. Warrington had originally grabbed me, until Draco said "I'll take her" and grabbed me from him, holding my hands tightly behind my back. He put his head close to mine and spoke in a voice so quiet only I could hear.

"You've got some explaining to do."

Mine. (A Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now