Chapter 51

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We were stupid to think we could actually be happy. That we could just stay in Paris forever without ever having to face the music. We were so so happy just us, living as muggles, we didn't need magic, we didn't need this life, and yet, the universe once again had other ideas.

We apparated the next morning. As we landed with a thump in the tall grass of the Burrow's outskirts I felt my stomach drop, not knowing what to expect from seeing everyone for the first time since that night.

"I'm right here." Draco said, lacing his fingers with mine. His suit was once again smart and his once fluffy hair was now neat and combed back. His face was back to its usual pale colour, the purple rings of a sleepless night sticking out like a sore thumb. With shaking legs, we approached the place that I used to feel so much comfort in, and now all I felt was fear.

It was Fred we saw first. He bounded over and swept me up into a tight hug. "Greenwood, you had us worried, mum's been beside herself" he said, and I felt my fear beginning to lift a little.


"Yeah, we've all been pretty worried, we thought the death eaters got you" George said as he joined us and enveloped me in another hug.

"Looks like they have." A voice came from behind the twins and I looked up to see the stony face of Harry Potter, followed by Ron and Hermione, walking towards us.

"What's HE doing here!" Harry shouted, drawing his wand. Draco'a hand went into his pocket but upon looking at my face he didn't draw his own wand.

I stepped inbetween the two boys.

"I wanted him here. He's not going to cause any trouble, come on Harry." I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt him nestle his head into my neck.

"God Tori I thought- I don't know what I thought but I'm just glad you're ok."

"Hey, I'm fine. If it wasn't for Draco I probably wouldn't be fine. But we do need to talk Harry, I need to tell you something."

"I know what happened."

"You do?"

"I was there. I know you didn't kill him Tori."

"I might as well have." I felt tears pricking at my eyes. Why was everyone being so nice? Even though I never fired the killing curse, I was still there, I still pushed Dumbledore off of the tower, I'm still responsible for it all. Every emotion that I pushed to the back of my mind was forcing its way out, and Draco was by my side in an instant, his strong arms wrapped around me as I let the tears fall.

"Oh there she is, Victoria! Thank heavens you're alright!" The distinct voice of Mrs Weasley rang through the field as she ran towards us, accompanied by none other than my mother. "VICTORIA" she cried as the two women reached me, and pulled me into a hug. Smothered between my two mother figures I'd never felt safer, but the moment was short lived. Just as we pulled away and my mother placed her hands on my cheeks, as heard a loud pop and the minister for magic appeared in front of us.

"Well, here we go" Harry said.

"I am here because Dumbledore has left each of you something in his will" the minister began.

"A one way ticket to Azkaban probably" I muttered under my breath, to which Hermione nudged me.

Ron was given a deluminator, Hermione an old storybook, Harry the first snitch he ever caught, and then it was all eyes on me.

"Now miss Greenwood I take it you are familiar with wand ownership?" The minister asked.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean sir" I replied.

"That when you disarm a wizard, the wand's allegiance changes?"

"Yes sir."

"And can you tell me who fired the expelliarmus spell that night that disarmed the headmaster?"

"It was me sir."

"Surely you understand what I'm getting at now?"

"Are you saying-"

"The Elder Wand, miss Greenwood. It's allegiance lies with you." He produced the wand from his briefcase and handed it to me. I could feel Harry, Ron and Hermione's eyes burning into me as they looked in shock at the wand in my hand, my wand.

"I-I don't want it." I said, putting it down on the table.

"Tori, it's the most powerful wand in the world!" Ron exclaimed.

"Then you take it, I don't need it."

"We can't, it's allegiance lies with you. You can use it to help us defeat him."

I picked it back up. It looked at home in my hand. I nodded slowly. "Ok, I'll keep it."

"Now, it's extremely important to protect that wand, in the wrong hands things could go very wrong. He thinks the wand is buried with Dumbledore, but it's not, it's a fake. You can't let him know you have that wand Victoria, do you understand me?"

"I understand sir."

The minister soon left and I sat, just staring at my new wand.

"So, guess your charms are gonna be better than mine now" Harry said, breaking the silence.

"Harry, if I can't let him know that I have the wand, do you think it would be wise to not tell Draco? I mean I trust him with my life, but I don't want him to have to keep that secret."

"I think it's the best idea. Besides, you still have your old wand, just hide the elder wand somewhere and keep using your old one."

"Maybe you should test the wand out first though, you know, just to check" Ron said, a cheeky grin starting to spread across his face.

"Urm, what spell?"

"Go on, hit me with a stupefy" Ron positioned himself and closed his eyes.

I raised the wand steadily and said "STUPEFY!" Sending Ron flying back, nearly crashing through the window.

"Well, I guess you really are the most powerful wizard in the world right now."

Mine. (A Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now