Chapter 46

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I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the cabinet. I'd put off returning to the Room of Requirement all day, spending as much time as I possible could packing my potion supplies away before dragging myself to the seventh floor. This had to work, time was fast running out and Draco was scared, I was scared. I closed my eyes as my hand gripped the door and pulled it open. Nothing but silence was heard for a moment, before the flapping of tiny wings was heard. I opened my eyes to see the small bird staring at me, not a scratch on it. It had worked. I hesitated for a moment, debating whether I should stuff the bird back in and pretend it hadn't worked, but I knew I couldn't. I immediately sprinted down to the dark hospital wing and flung open the doors.

"I've done it." Draco sat up immediately and looked at me, a mixture of relief and fear in his face.

"You have?!"

"You know what that means."

"It's time then. Tonight."

"I wish we could have tonight but I saw something on my way up."

"What did you see Belle?"

"Something in the sky, over the astronomy tower."

"Something arm?"


"The dark mark. They know. It has to be tonight." Draco swung himself out of bed and began to dress in his black suit. I averted my eyes as he undressed, looking out of the window at the mark in the sky.

"Oh please Belle it's nothing you haven't seen before." He noticed my avoidance to look at him and I turned to see his toned body, scarred with the marks of the spell Harry cast, causing me to silently wince.

"Now you need to go back to your common room. It's not safe, you've done brilliantly my love but now I need to finish it."

"Draco I'm not leaving you now!" I grabbed his hand and he shook it off before cupping both of my cheeks and meeting my eyes.

"I don't want you to see it. Please. I'll come and find you when it's over."


"Promise." He placed a frantic kiss on my lips before grabbing my hand and together we walked out of the hospital wing, him heading left when we got to the seventh floor, and me heading into the Gryffindor common room. As I watched him walk away I felt my stomach more knotted than ever. If we could apparate in Hogwarts I would have grabbed him and taken us anywhere as an escape, but instead I headed into the warm common room where I was greeted by Ron and Hermione, but the absence of Harry made me feel more uneasy than ever.

"Tori are you ok? You look like you're about to throw up", Ron said.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"We don't know. We think he might be with Dumbledore." Hermione said, meeting my eyes with a grave expression.

Before I knew it I was sprinting out of the common room and up to the astronomy tower as fast as my legs would take me, ignoring the shouts of my name coming from Ron and Hermione. "Please please please" I whispered to myself as I ran. When I got to the tower I already heard voices. A mans, Dumbledore, followed by the shaky breathing of the boy I love. I threw my body up the stairs, Dumbledore acknowledged my appearance with a simple nod, that Draco didn't notice. I stood behind him, my hand on my wand in my pocket.

"You don't understand, I have to do this. Or he'll kill her." I saw Dumbledore holding his wand and before I knew what I was doing I drew my wand and casted "expelliarmus!" Knocking it clean out of his hand and onto the floor of the tower. Draco spun around and his face dropped. "Go" he whispered, but I stood my ground.

"Oh well done Draco!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard the distinct voice of Bellatrix LeStrange in my ear.

"Hello half blood" she cackled, before going over to Draco and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Do it." She urged him, but Draco didn't move. His wand stayed aiming at Dumbledore, his arm shaking frantically as he tried to steady his breathing. I was helpless. I had death eaters either side of me, and the constant cackle of Bellatrix was filling the tower.

Just then, I heard footsteps joining us at the top of the tower. Snape was now stood next to Draco and it all clicked into place. The unbreakable vow. Snape knew that Draco couldn't do it so he knew he had to do it himself, but this meant Draco would be punished. Before I knew what I was doing I flung myself at Dumbledore, pushing him as hard as I could. As I watched him stumble and fall out of the tower I heard Snape cast the killing curse, followed by a flash of green light. I watched as the light left Dumbledore's eyes and the reality set in.

I felt a pair of arms around me, pulling me back and heard a whisper in my ear saying "it's ok come on, we need to go." It was suddenly as if I couldn't control my body anymore. I couldn't focus on anything, my brain replaying the same scene over and over again of the headmaster who had so much faith in me, taking his last breath.

"Belle, come on, I'm going to get us out of here." Draco's voice was more urgent and I allowed myself to be pulled by him out of the tower and through the castle. Through the great hall that was now being smashed up by Bellatrix, the classrooms that were full of death eaters celebrating, out of the doors to the castle, and down to the gates. The moment we reached the gates I closed my eyes and held onto Draco.

With a loud CRACK, we left the school behind.

Mine. (A Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now