Chapter 30

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Harry was taken off to Dumbledore's office and Draco dragged me into the nearest empty classroom and slammed the door shut.

"So this is where you've been sneaking off to? Dumbledore's Army? Are you stupid Greenwood?!"

"How did you-"

"I didn't follow you or anything, Umbridge found out through Cho Chang. Why didn't you tell me?"

"If I told you-"

"What? I'd go straight to my father and tell him? Do you really think that little of me."

"No! I just, it's not about me, it's so much bigger than you think."

"My parents are death eaters Greenwood, I think I know how big it is. Do you think I'm clueless? I see them all having their meetings, my father keeps telling me there's big plans for me, do you think I DONT KNOW ANYTHING!" He turns away from me, running a hand through his hair. I place my head in my hands.

"I just, I just wanted to make my dad proud. That's all."

"Shit, I'm sorry, I forgot about everything that happened with your dad. But you still didn't have to keep this from me. And don't think I didn't see you cosying up with Potter, the breakup lasted long."

"He's still my friend!! I broke up with him for you, Draco."

He turned back to face me. "No you didn't. You broke up with him because you found yourself questioning whether or not you really loved him. You were in love with the idea of him, the perfect life you could have with golden boy. Well guess what Greenwood, I'm no golden boy so don't go expecting that from me. In fact, don't expect anything from me. This wouldn't have worked anyways." He let out a huge sigh and stormed out of the room, leaving me standing alone.

I thought he would have calmed down after a day or two, but he avoided me at all costs, and when we did see each other I only got so much of a glare out of him. It was like I didn't exist in his world anymore. Maybe I didn't.

Umbridge had replaced Dumbledore as headmaster, meaning that we were her prime targets to abuse. She had us in detention for taking part in "illicit activities". We were writing with the same quill Harry had used, and I watched as the words I was writing on paper were carved into my skin, sending sharp pain through my skin. Hermione had tried to create an antidote to help with the pain but it didn't help much. We were in potions the next day when Draco saw it.

"What's on your hand?"


He grinned my hand rather forcefully and examined it.

"What is this."

"Why do you care?"

"Answer my question."


"I'll kill them."

"You'll probably be expelled for killed the headmaster then."

"She did this?"

"To all of us yes."

"I don't care about everyone else."

"Why are you caring about me then"

"Oh change the record Greenwood."

That's the only real conversation we had for weeks. Even though he still seemed to hate me, he had stopped wearing his inquisitorial squad badge and seemed to spend less time following Umbridge around and more time lurking in the shadows around me, thinking I didn't know he was watching me. It was kind of comforting though, to know that he still looked out for me. It didn't help with the confusing feelings I was having though.

The night before the OWLs was spent cramming as much information into my head as possible, Hermione was practically taking over the common room with her books and Ron was trying to remember which charm did what. Harry was sat by the fire, deep in thought and I decided to join him.

"Penny for your thoughts."

"I haven't heard from him in a while, do you think he's ok?"

"He's supposed to be laying low Harry, I'm sure he's fine."

"I can't help but worry, you know? He's the only family I've got."

"I know what you mean, but you've got all of us, don't forget that."


Just before we were going to head into the exam the next day I was pulled into a corner by the Weasley twins.

"Hey Greenwood." Said Fred.

"Wanna help cause some chaos?" Added George.

"What are you guys planning?" I asked.

"If you go and grab Broomsticks for us we'll tell you everything."

I practically sprinted down to the Quidditch changing rooms and grabbed 2 brooms. Once the twins filled me in and gave me a bag of puking pastilles for helping them out I took my seat in the exam hall, a little late, earning a lot of sneers from the Slytherins and a glare from Umbridge. I opened my test paper, practically jumping up and down in my seat with excitement. When I heard the cheers from the twins I knew it was time. The doors burst open and in they flew, chucking fireworks in every direction. I eagerly threw some fresh ones up at them, which they caught sending me a smile. Students everywhere were cheering and laughing, Umbridge practically turning the same colour as her dress. I looked over at Draco, who looked at me with a confused expression, then he shook his head at me when I shrugged, laughing to himself slightly.

The twins flew out into the courtyard to make their getaway, and we all followed, cheering. I was screaming "GO ON BOYS" when I saw Harry fall to the ground, stunned.

I dived down to the floor to reach his level and he looked at me, with fear on his face and whispered "Sirius."

Mine. (A Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now