15. Hallucination

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It had been 2 weeks since Fred and Melissa put the truth serum into Jade's drink. Hermione gave them both an explanation of what happened and how Jade was forcing her to do all of the things she did.
"I always kept quiet because... well, she scared me Melissa." Hermione's eyes started to fill with tears.
"She would yell in my face if I didn't do what she said. When she said it." Melissa pulled Hermione into a big hug telling her it was okay and that Jade was gone. But, Jade wasn't really gone... Melissa knew she was going to find her way back to them some how, this time on her own. She didn't know when, or how. She just knew is was going to happen...

Melissa had started to notice every night that Jade was no where to be found, not even in the corridors, common rooms, bedrooms anywhere. She had no idea what happened to her. She saw her in lessons but no where else. Was she hiding somewhere? Or planning something? No one knew, Melissa asked so many people all from different houses, none of them had seen her. Melissa thought she was overthinking and thought nothing of it, 'she probably has a new set of friends' she kept telling herself. Over and over again.


"Goodnight Hermione." Melissa said smiling at Hermione.
"Goodnight Melissa, sleep well." She replied. They both rested their heads on their pillows almost immediately falling asleep because of how exhausted they were from the day they had at school. A good nights sleep should help them both feel better.

There was one thing no one knew about Melissa, she never had dreams. Well, she never had dreams that she could remember. She'd always wake up completely blanked like she closed her eyes then immediately opened them again. She saw nothing wrong with it, she thought it was normal to never remember your dreams. Until tonight, although, this wasn't a dream...

Melissa awoke to a large scratching sound in the common rooms. Loud screeches were roaring up to stairs into her room. Melissa immediately jumped out of her bed, grabbed her wand and ran down the stairs to the common room. There she was, Jade, sat with Fred on the sofas by the fire. They are both laughing and joking together like Melissa and Fred normally do. Melissa walked up to them and stood right in front of them. None of them saw her, it's like she was invisible.
"Fred. Freddie!" She said to him. The laughter stopped. They both stood up and looked Melissa dead in the eyes with serious looks on their faces.
"You don't actually think he wanted you, did you?" Jade's tone was deep, like something you would hear in a horror movie.
"He never like your Clarke, he never will, he's always liked me, not, YOU!"
"Never." Fred started speaking in the same tone as Jade. A few seconds of silence went by, Melissa couldn't say a word, she was speechless. She had no idea what was happening to her, she had no idea if it was real or not. Fred and Jade started screeching just like the ones Melissa heard in her bedroom. They were so loud and powerful. Melissa covered her eyes and starting crying while screaming. The glass windows started shattering all the glass came flying into the room with a large gust of wind.
"MELISSA! MELISSA CAN YOU HEAR ME!" Silence occurred into the room. All the screaming stopped. Melissa was still crying at what she had witnessed.
"Melissa?" Melissa opened her eyes and Fred was crouched down, holding her hands, his eyes full of worry.
"Daring what happened?" He said in a soft tone. Melissa looked up to see Hermione, Ginny, Fred, Harry and Ron all stood looking worried making sure their friend was okay. Melissa burst into tears and collapsed onto Fred, hugging him tightly in her grasp.
"It was her." She sobbed, "she said you never loved me."
"Hey hey hey, that's not true okay. I love you, no one else. Remember what I told you on our date? Your the only one for me, not her, you. Your my girl." Melissa sniffled and pushed her face into Fred's chest. He looked back at the others saying.
"You guys go to bed, she needs to calm down. I'm not leaving her side. There's no way in doing that I'm staying with her the rest of the night." The group nodded and all said their goodbyes.
"I hope you feel better soon Mel."
"Have a good rest Melissa."
"Always here Melissa."
Fred stayed with Melissa for the rest of the night, checking every 5 minutes if she was okay. He rested her on his lap stroking her hair. Melissa had her eyes closed, not trying to fall asleep, just happy to be in the arms of the man she loved.
"What happened to me Freddie?" She lightly asked him.
"I don't know." He said, "Maybe you hallucinated."
"How though, don't they only happen if a spell is put on you?"
"Yeah, that's why I'm confused. I'm trying to figure out what else it could've been."
"Jade" Melissa's eyes widened.
"Maybe she's the one who put the spell on me."
"Well... if it is then that's not good news Mel." Melissa sat up onto his lap looking him in the eyes.
"Why?" She asked.
"You see, when a hallucination spell is put on a person, the only way to break the spell is a potion."
"Okay so why is that a problem, is it the ingredients. I'm sure Hagrid can help."
"No, Melissa. To break the spell with the potion, the person who cast the spell in has to be the one to brew the potion, or it won't work."
"So you mean-"
"If Jade did put a hallucination spell on you, she has to make the potion."
"And if she doesn't?"
"Um, them the err, the hallucinations will keep happening, they'll never go away."
"WHAT! No no no no no! We have to get her to brew it!"
"Melissa, do you really think she'll do it. I mean, Jade's the biggest bitch going. We never see her, how the hell are we going to convince her if we don't even see her."
"I- I- I could talk to Dumbledore!"
"I mean, yes that would word but, we could get expelled.
"What, why! We didn't do anything!"
"Spells like that are banned from Hogwarts. Anyone that has anything to do with them will get expelled. Even the victim."
"That's ridiculous."
"I know. But don't stress about it darling. We'll find a way to get to Jade and convince her. I promise."
"Yes, really. Now have a good night sleep, I love you."
"I love you too." Melissa kissed him on his lips then walked up to her bedroom. She didn't sleep for the rest of the night, she was too scared to. She needed to find Jade, and fast...

My girl ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now