25. Small Talk

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It was bright and early on Boxing Day and Melissa was just waking up to start her day. She neatly made her bed and went to open her door when-
"Fred." Fred was stood right outside her door. Almost like he was waiting for her.
"I'm still not gonna talk to you."
"How did you know that was even what I was here for?"
"It's obvious. You wouldn't come here for any other reason."
"Alright then fine, I did come to talk to you."
"Figured. Now leave me alone, i'll talk to you when I want to." She walked straight passed him down the stairs not even looking at him.

"You gotta talk to him some day." Hermione said from the kitchen as Melissa reached the bottom of the stairs. She'd heard everything Melissa and Fred were saying upstairs.
"I'm still mad at him." Melissa replied while stilling down at the table in the kitchen.
"For what? Saying something to you while he was under someone else's control? Hanging around someone yet again while he was under someone else's control? Come on Melissa see the light, he wasn't himself and you know for a fact if he was he'd never do anything like that!" She was right. Fred would never of done the things he did if he was himself.
"But that doesn't stop it from hurting."
"Hey! Wake up! When will you actually listen so someone! Melissa I love you but you need to grow the hell up!" Hermione's patience for Melissa had completely gone, Melissa had never seen Hermione so angry before, especially about a boy. All she knew was what Hermione was saying, she meant. "You need to speak to that boy, no matter how angry you are at him for something he cannot control! I don't care how 'hurt' you are because you saw him with someone else! If you haven't spoke to him by the end of the day I will! And I will tell him your plan and all of your childish feelings! So man up and go speak to him, your just dragging things on now Melissa and it's pissing everyone off!" Well, by everyone Hermione meant her and Fred.
"I- Okay i'll talk to him it means so much to you."
"Thank you." Hermione stormed off into the living room with everyone else leaving you alone in the kitchen.

'come on Melissa, just do it. Like Hermione said, you have to grow up.' The day was almost over and this was Melissa's last chance to talk to Fred since he was alone she took the chance.
~knock knock~
"Come in." Fred said from inside of the room. Melissa slowly opened the door not yet stepping inside. Fred was reading his favourite book that he always read in the common room when you was asleep on his lap.
"Melissa..." He said sitting up, very surprised to see her.
"Hey..." She said stepping into the room.
"I thought you didn't want to talk to me?"
"Well, if that's how you feel." Melissa said closing the door slowly stepping out.
"Wait no." Fred stopped her before she could shut the door properly. "Stay." He put down his book and talked a space on his bed for her to sit down.
"So why now do you want to talk to me?"
"Well, I was talking to Hermione earlier and she said I needed to grow up and get over the things you did under someone else's control."
"I see. I can't lie Mel uh Melissa, I do agree with Hermione. I know you were hurt but I couldn't understand why you were angry at me when I wasn't controlling my actions."
"I know, I was too blind to see it." Fred took Melissa hands and looked into her eyes,
"I'm so sorry Melissa. I really am." She gave him a soft smile.
"No Freddie. I'm sorry."
Melissa cupped her hands around Fred's face pulling him into a soft gentle kiss. It had been such a long time since she'd kissed him, she forgot how amazing it felt.
"Melissa i-" Fred started, he wasn't expecting her to kiss him so soon.
"Call me Mel." She smiled as he did in return. They were both finally okay again. They were both back to how they used to be, let's just hope it continues when they go back to Hogwarts.

"Okay so what did you actually come in here for?" He said, taking ahold of her hands again.
"So um, I kinda have a plan." Melissa replied.
"What kind of plan?"
"So I got the book-"
"You did!?"
"...Yeah. And the spell can only be broke by another spell."
"Oh easy we can just cast it when we get back and boom i'm free from her grasp."
"Not quite so simple Freddie. So basically, you have to break the ring and then cast the spell. It's really hard to pronounce, I've never heard of it before and it had a ready precise motion. The motion has to be perfect or the spell will go wrong."
"Well what happens if the spell goes wrong?"
"It will injure and um... Potentially kill Merida..."
"You see, when the ring is worn by a person it's just a normal ring. But when there's a spell on it like Merida's the wearer which is Merida is the owner of the ring. And damaging the ring could also damage the owner like I said, potentially killing them if gone wrong."
"Soooo that means..?"
"If the spell goes wrong, I kill Merida."
"That's too risky Mel, is there ANY other way of doing it?"
"That's the only way known to man i'm afraid. All though I would love to have the pleasure of giving Merida a run for her money, i'm not that mean."
"Are you sure that's the only way?"
"Yes. I scanned through the whole section of spell breaking and that's it."
"Great. I hate Merida but I don't wanna be known as someone involved in murder. I mean i'm all it for a good prank but murder? Fuck no."
"I know, me too Freddie. But it's our last hope."
"Well, what if we don't break the spell?"
"The person under the spell will be under it forever..."
"M- me?"
"Well yeah, you are the one under the spell."
"Great. Imagine Merida's little toy for the rest of your life."
"I'd rather be expelled from Hogwarts." They both laughed together and Fred put his arm around Melissa as he picked up his book and read aloud to her. She was so happy to have her boyfriend back, Fred Weasley. They boy who stole her heart, again. They'd had to make the most of their time together because it was all about to go down hill again...

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