30. Breaking The Spell

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Melissa had thankfully made it back before Merida came, it was just her luck that Merida came up late tonight.

"Is everything okay?" Jade asked from her bed.

"Uh yeah, it's fine." Jade nodded and put her head back down to go to sleep. Melissa couldn't go to sleep despite how tried she was, she must stay awake no matter what. At least until Merida came. One thing that was on Melissa's mind was why the hell was Jade helping her. She had been conspiring against her all this time, trying to break her and Fred up, and now she was helping them? God knows how long Jade had been secretly on their side and helping them since Melissa got the book 3 weeks ago.

"Jade?" Melissa said, she looked up from her bed.

"Um, why, why aren't you trying to stop me from breaking the spell? And why did you help me find the book?"

"Because I realised what I did was wrong. I can't force you to be in love with me Melissa. But your happy with Fred, and I don't want your relationship to suffer because of my wrong doings." Melissa smiled at Jade, she was thankful that she had finally come to her senses.

"Call me Mel." Only Melissa's friends and people she liked she let call her Mel. She considered Jade a friend. Not a close friend, just a friend. But Melissa couldn't wait much longer for Merida because she and Fred had to meet in the common room at midnight to hopefully break the spell. But now Merida wasn't even turning up, god knows what she was doing. God knows when she'd be coming back.


Melissa waited for another half an hour before Merida finally showed up, she faked being asleep and of course Merida had she glass of water. That was such a relief to Melissa.

"Oh shit I forgot my book." Merida said quietly as she left the room to go and get her book that she left in the common room. Melissa saw this as her only chance to put the potion in her water. She quickly jumped out of bed, checking that Jade was asleep or not looking before hand, and poured the potion in Merida's drink mixing it with her wand. She managed to get into bed just before Merida got back. The wait was on. Melissa faked being asleep again checking to see if Merida drank the water every so often.

Finally after about 5 minuets she took a small sip of her drink, hopefully that was enough to make her fall asleep.

2 minuets had still gone by and nothing had happened.

5 minuets

7 minuets

10 minuets and Melissa started to see some tiredness in her eyes- well didn't take long for her to fall asleep. She got out of her bed slowly and began to take the ring off, but hold cow that thing was on tight.

"It's fit to stick." Jade said, watching Melissa struggle to take the ring off.


"The ring, it's made so it doesn't come off."

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Not to worry, I know the spell to release it, I told you, I know everything."

Jade jumped down from her bed and pointed her wand at the ring and casted a spell which made the ring slip right off Merida's finger.

"Thank you Jade." She smiled and went back to her bed while Melissa ran downstairs to Fred.


"Not gonna shout at me this time are you?" Fred chuckled.

"Very funny Freddie!"

"You love me really." He gave her a cheeky smile, "Did you get it?"

"Sure did."

"Remember Mel, you don't have to do this."

"Stop saying that! I'm freeing you from her grasp."

"I know but, the risks."

"Just trust me for once?"

"I always trust you hun."

Melissa placed the ring in the middle of an open space in the common room.

"Can I do it? Pleaaaaaaaase!"

"You really are a child aren't you? Fine, go ahead."

Fred jumped on top if the ring breaking it in half, a huge line of black smoke shot out of the ring all the way up to the ceiling. Winds, so powerful they blew both Melissa and Fred against the walls. The large amount of black smoke filled up the whole room, Melissa couldn't see anything. As if it couldn't get worse dust started to fly around like on a dessert, straight into Melissa eyes. The rings will was so powerful, almost so powerful it was unbearable, it gave Melissa a feeling right in the pit of her stomach, it was a sick feeling. Something you get when your nervous, but worse.

"DO IT NOW MEL!" Fred shouted, loud enough for Melissa to hear through the strong winds.

She said the spell out loud pointing her wand towards where she put the ring, even though she couldn't see it. The wind, the dust everything got sucked back into the ring and the room went silent. Fred and Melissa both slowly approached the ring, anxious to see if it worked or if something else was going to happen.

"Uh, did it, work?"

"I don't know, I did everything the book said to do while you say the spell."

"I guess only time will tell. Mel?"


"Come here." Fred smiled pulling Melissa into a tight hug.

"I'm proud of you." Melissa blushed hard, harder then she did when they fell on top of each other before they started dating. "Thank you for taking them risks for me."

"I'd do anything for you Freddie."

And she would, Melissa would go any lengths to protect Fred and make sure he was okay at all time. All they had to do now was wait until the morning, then they can see if the spell worked with no injuries...

My girl ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now