23. The Book of Spells

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"Hermione, what are you doing up so early?" Melissa said as she walked down the stairs at around 6 in the morning to see Hermione sat at a small table reading through a load of books.
"Ah Melissa!" She said, "I've been up most of the night trying to find where abouts the book would be in the library, you know, to save time."
"Hermione that's so sweet! You didn't have to do that for me!" Melissa smiled at her kindness and walked over taking a seat next to her.
"No worries! Now go get this book and sort things between you and Fred. Remember it's out last day tomorrow before we go back home for Christmas." Hermione said to you handing you a map of the library with a particular place circled.
"Oh shit that's tomorrow?"
"Well Merida isn't gonna be at the Weasley's with us so I guess I can talk to Fred there."
"Sure thing."

How awkward it was going to be at the Weasley's, Melissa was going to be spending 3 whole weeks with her 'boyfriend' that she doesn't even see or talk to anymore. It was a nightmare in disguise, especially for her. Knowing Fred he was probably going to pull one of his charming tricks and act like nothing's happened. Not on Melissa's watch, getting him and her back to how they were. That is her main priority. She doesn't have time for his handsome charm. Not now at least.

"Helloooo?" Hermione snapped her fingers in front of Melissa's face breaking her from her gaze.
"Hi yeah sorry, daydreaming." She chucked.
"Yeah no kidding, you gonna find that book or what?"
"Book? What book?"
"I- Melissa. The book!"
"Oh right yeah the book! Um catch you later Hermione!" Melissa ran to the door being the clumsy self that she is she tripped over her own feet and tumbled straight out the door falling flat on her back.
"What. An. Idiot." Hermione laughed to herself opening her book and continuing her reading.

"Ow." Melissa said pushing herself up.
"Look who's got their shoelaces all tied up!" Draco laughed taking the mess out of Melissa.
"Piss of Malfoy." She angrily replied standing up and brushing off her robes.
"Ooo not so friendly." He chuckled. God that boy was so full of himself.
"Yeah no kidding, now get out my sight."
"Alright alright, but if you need any lessons on how to tie your shoes. Let me know." He winked at her as he walked off.
"Asshole." She rolled her eyes and took to opposite way to him to the library.

"Where's is it, where is it, where is it!" Melissa had spent ages looking for the book in the library with no hope. She couldn't give up tho. She loved Fred more then anything and she wasn't going to let Jade and her crud get in the way of that.
"Oh hey Melissa." A voice came from behind her.
"Oh, hi Neville. What are you doing here?" She smiled still looking for the book on the shelves.
"Oh i'm just doing some research on plants!" He said in a wholesome voice.
"Oh nice." Melissa smiled at him again still rummaging through the shelves.
"What about you?" He asked.
"Oh uh, i'm just looking for a book."
"What book, maybe I could help. I kind of know this library upside down."
"It's uhhh, it's the book of spells."
"Oh, i've heard of that but it's never really been out. There's only one copy in the world."
"Yeah I know, and it's over her somewhere apparently."
"Um Melissa."
"This is the plant section..." Melissa's jaw dropped. She'd been looking at the wrong place the whole time. How stupid could she get.
"I- Wha- You sure?" She said.
"Yeah, that's why i'm here." He let out a small giggle while Melissa climbed down from the ladder she was standing on.
"Wh- Where's the spells?"
"Over there." He pointed to the opposite end of the room.
"Oh! I had my map upside down the whole time!" The thought of realisation made Melissa feel like more of a fool. "Thanks Neville! Your the best!" She smiled and and ran over to where he pointed.
"Ha! Yeah! Thanks!" He was proud of himself. A girl actually called him the best. He left the library with the biggest smile on his face.

~20 minuets later~

"Book of spells, book of spells. Book of spells! Oh my God i've found it!" There it was, sitting on the very top shelf. Baring in mind that these bookcases where 12 shelves high. She took the book off the shelf and climbed down the ladder.
"Right so, where abouts would it be in the book? Oh god I didn't think of that part." She began reading the contents of the book, looking for something around to topic of a spell to break rings?
"Page 146!" She found the area that the spell might be around and skipped towards the page.
"Uhhhhh," She said as she read through the words, none of which were adding up to the ring.

That was until she flipped the page. A big bold coloured picture of the necklace with writing all down the side of it.
"Oh yes!" She smiled reading through talk the words.
"Break the spell, where is it? There!" She spotted a few lines down in bold and underlined:
Breaking the Spell
"Oh no, there's no way in hell i'm gonna be able to do that." To break the spell she had to destroy the ring and then cast this really hard to pronounce spell that she'd never heard before on the ring. Here's the thing about the ring, when it is worn it is then owned by the wearer. So injuring the ring could potentially injure the person. Even though Melissa wouldn't mind giving Merida a hard time about it, it was too harsh, even for her. She had no idea how to cast the spell, luckily the wand motions were printed onto the page. If she was going to do this it would be risky, very risky. She was at risk of killing Merida. But first the had the destroy the ring. The whole thing, destroyed. Otherwise the person under the spell will be under it for the rest of their life. That was the only way known to man to break the spell.
"There's no way i'm going to pull that off. I gotta speak to Hermione." Melissa shut the book leaving a page marker on the spell page and ran out of the library back to the dorms.

"Hermione!" She said sprinting into the dorms slamming to book on the table panting.
"Oh hey, you found the book I see."
"Yeah, I did and it's bad. Really bad." Melissa panted from all the running she had done. She had literally ran from one side of the castle to the other. That's a long way especially when your carrying a heavy book.
"Why?" Hermione asked her.
"T- To break the spell. Yo- You have to break the- the ring and th- then cast a sp- spell on it." Melissa tried to get out her words at the same time as catching her breath. "But the thing it, I have no idea how to pronounce the spell and i'm at risk of killing Merida.
"Oh, that's bad. Really bad I don't know how your gonna do that Mel."
"Yeah. I don't you if you've noticed m'lady but neither do I."
"You could talk to Fred during the Christmas break? Maybe you could come up with a plan."
"I really don't wanna talk to him much. It's going to be so awkward baring in mind that the last time we spoke he practically screamed in my face for standing in front of him."
"You gotta do what you gotta do." Hermione gave Melissa her usual cheeky smile shrugging her shoulders. She found it hilarious how much Melissa was dreading talking to Fred and honestly, Melissa was dreading it more than anything.
"Wha- Yeah well even if we do come up with a plan it doesn't stop Merida being at risk of death! I ain't no murderer!"
"Like I said, you gotta do what you gotta do."
Great indeed. Melissa could potentially be a murderer. How fun, her main focus now was unfortunately talking to Fred. Which was the 2nd to last thing she wanted to do, the spell being the last...

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