4. Truth or Dare

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"Truth" Melissa replied still not breaking eye contact with Jade.
"Ooooo" Jade said, "whats the naughtiest thing you've done with Fred?"
Melissa looked at Fred then leaned over to Jade and whispered to her making sure everyone can still hear her, "babes you don't even wanna know." Everyone's jaw dropped as Melissa laid back into Fred and he wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer to him. Jade went bright red and stayed silent.
"Your turn Jade," Melissa said, truth. Or. Dare?"
"Truth." Jade said. Melissa could hear the anger growing inside of her just by her voice and she loved it because that's exactly what she planned to do.
"Is it true you can't leave people's boyfriends alone?" Melissa asked in a bitchy tone.
"You little—" Jade said in anger, "that's a stupid question and of course I can you twat. Now it your turn Melissa, truth or dare" she said... this continued back and fourth for about half and hour, that dares and truths were getting bitchier and bitchier. Everyone was finally going up to their room and Fred was left alone with Jade in the common room without anyone knowing about it, especially Melissa.
"So, do you actually like Melissa or is it just a joke? Because if I were you I'd date her as a joke too." Jade asked.
"Jade, of course I like her, I have for months!"
Jade started walking up to him flirtatiously biting her lip. She put her hands on his shoulders. Fred didn't move or try and get her off.
"Problem Fred?" She asked.
"What are you doing, you know I have a girlfriend" he says.
"Yes you do, but I'm better anyways." She pulled him in and kissed him on the lips. Just as she did Melissa came downstairs and saw the whole thing.
"F— Fred?" She said, tearing up.
"Melissa! What are you doing down here!" He asked.
"I left my book," She said "but that doesn't matter now!" She ran upstairs crying her eyes out. Jade had a bitchy smirk on her face as she watched Melissa run upstairs. As Fred went to run after her when Jade pulled him back to try and get him to stay.
"No wait Freddie, stay with me" she said
"No Jade!" He shouted "I have to go run after my girlfriend!"
"Oh Fred, I doubt she's your girlfriend anyone don't you?" She said with a bitchy and flirty tone.
"Shut your mouth Jade! This is all your fault you fucking heartless bitch!" He screamed while yanking his hand out of hers and running upstairs.


Upstairs Fred saw Melissa curled up into a ball in the hallway crying her eyes out.
"Melissa..." he said. Melissa looked up and with tears going down her face she said,
"Go away Fred!" He went and sat next to her putting his hand on her knee. Melissa looked up and into his eyes.
"Look Mel, she kissed me I didn't kiss her." He said while looking into her eyes.
"Yeah? Well you didn't pull away either" she replied still while crying. She got up and walked inside her bedroom and shut the door on him. Fred put his head in his hands regretting everything that happened when he was alone with Jade. Speaking of the devil Jade came upstairs. Fred gave her a dirty look and without saying a word he got up and went into his room.


It was the next morning and Melissa still wasn't speaking to Fred. That was until he pulled her into his bedroom and shut the door.
"What the hell are you doing!" She screamed.
"I need to talk to you!" He shouted back. "I need you!"
"You should've thought about that before you went AND KISSED ANOTHER FUCKING GIRL!" She screamed louder.
"I DIDN'T KISS HER SHE KISSED ME" they were both shouting back and fourth to each other.
"Wha— what did you just call me?" She aid in her normal voice.
"I called you a jealous bitch" he said
"BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU AR—" his sentence was cut off by Melissa kissing him deeply and locking to door to his room. She flicked her wand to the door putting the silence spell in it while Fred carried her towards the bed still while kissing her.
~20 minuets later~
Melissa and Fred both came out of the bedroom out of breath and a bit messed up.
"Quick tidy yourself up before someone sees!" Melissa giggles.
"Okay okay" he relied while laughing. "There!" He said.
"Right lets go get some breakfast before everyone notices were gone. Then they'll know what we were doing." Melissa giggles. They both ran to the great hall laughing hand in hand. It's almost as nothing happened. Just as they got to the hall there she was, standing outside. Jade Middles-worth.

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