8. Opening day pt1

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Today was the day, the day that Fred and George's shop 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' was opening. Melissa woke up really early because of how excited she was too see the opening and the turn out of the shop, she awoke with Fred's arm around her still asleep with a slight snore. It made Melissa smile, she had never been more happy in her life. She got up and put Fred's quidditch jumper on (that was a bit too big for but she didn't mind because it smelt like him) and went downstairs.

Molly was already awake and getting the boys uniforms ready for when their shop opens.
"Oh good morning dear your up bright and early!" Molly noticed Melissa walking downstairs, "we're having a big bre-" Molly paused, she looked down at what Melissa was wearing, "is that. Fred's?" She asked looking at the jumper them into Melissa's eyes repetitively.
"Oh! Um," Melissa stuttered, struggling to think of a reason on the spot to why she was wearing Fred's quidditch jumper. "I- I- um- must of seen it wrong! Yes, um. I though it was one of mine, ha silly me!" Melissa stuttered continuously. Molly glared at her suspiciously, "alright... but I wouldn't let Fred see you with that on! He'd go mad!" She said.
"I'm sure her won't mind," Melissa said with a smirk, Molly smiled and when back to making their uniforms.
"Are you and Arthur coming today Molly, to the shop?" Melissa asked the change the subject.
"Oh no! Me and Arthur are staying here we have many jobs to do! I'm sure you kiddos will be ok!" She said.
"Yes of course, we shouldn't be back late, the shop closes at 8!" Melissa replied.

From the top of the stairs a massive yawn sounded,
"Fred's awake." Melissa said looking into Molly's eyes, Molly let out a slight chuckle as Fred came trembling down the stairs still half asleep.
"Morning Fred," Melissa smiled at him, Fred looked her in the eyes, smiled back and said,
"Morning MC." This made Melissa have a slight smile on her face because it had been a while since Fred had called her MC, it was normally darling, Mel or hun now. But obviously, Molly was around so he couldn't do that.

Everyone was now sat the table eating their breakfast which was huge since their day was going to be very long and jam packed. Molly was looking at Fred, then Melissa, then Fred's jumper still suspicious of why she was wearing it.
"Oh mum," George said, "we were all planning on going a few hours earlier if that's okay because we want so spend some time in diagon alley before we have to get to the shop for opening times."
"Yes yes of course dear that's totally okay you all go have nice friendly start to your day!" Molly cheerfully replied.

Molly and Arthur were both sat on the sofa watching all the kids going to diagon alley ready for the shop opening at 10am.
'Diagon alley!'
Just with a burst of green fire all the kids has gone to diagon alley.


All of the group were in a nice cafe having a quick drink of butter beer before heading off the the shop. Fred had his hands on Melissa's inner thy the whole time they were there, Melissa didn't care of course, it was one of her favourite things that Fred does.

Everyone was having all sorts of conversations. Hermione and Ginny were talking about boys, Harry and Ron were talking about Hogwarts and Fred, George and Melissa were talking about the opening of the shop. Melissa doesn't work at the shop but she's going to be helping around today since it was the opening day, so they were all talking about where they were going to be during the day and how things are going to work to make the day go smoothly. 9:30 hit so everyone was walking to the shop entrance to get everything clean and prepared. Melissa and Fred were walking hand in hand as the whole group were laughing and joking together on the way down.

They all arrived at the shop after a 5 minute walk and started to stock things on shelves and make sure everywhere was clean. Before they knew it it was 9:55, 5 minuets before opening.
"Here we go guys, " Said Fred "it's opening time.'
Melissa gave him a quick hug and he kisses her on the forehead then walked off the the door to open it.
This was it, the shop was officially open.

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