11. Hatred

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How good it felt for Melissa to be back at Hogwarts with all her friends, and Jade. Melissa and Fred had been seeing each other everyday in the common rooms while down with their friends. One week in already and she had learnt so many new things. She was finally gone again. She couldn't picture herself with a better place to spend her year.

It was around 8pm and everyone was out doing a job for McGonagall so it was just Fred and Melissa left in the common room together. They were both cuddled up together on the sofa by the fire. Melissa was leaning onto Fred and he had his handi on her the stroking his thumb up and down. Melissa was playing with the rings he had on his fingers.
"Do you like them darling?" He smiled at her. Melissa looked up and nodded. Fred smiled in return and kissed her on her forehead as she laid against him again. She was mesmerised by them. They were so beautiful and well made, she can't imagine how much they meant to him, he never took them off.


The whole school was in The Great Hall having their dinner. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Melissa were all talking at one end of the table while Ginny, Fred and George were at the other. Melissa was about to get a slice of chicken when her owl hooted from across the hall. Everyone looked over and the owl dropped a small box in front of Melissa. She gave her owl some thanks and he flew off back to her common room.
"What's that?" Hermione asked.
"I don't know." Melissa replied.
"Well bloody open it then!" Ron exclaimed back,
"Alright alright." Melissa began to open the small box which looked like a ring box. When she opened it was ring attached to a chain was laying in the box next to a note. The ring was one of the ones Fred had on his fingers earlier on when they were in the common room. Melissa took the note and read:

I wanted you to have my ring because I saw how mesmerised you were by it earlier, I found it adorable so I figured I would give it you. I put it on this chain because it won't be big enough to fit you haha. I hope you wear this and love it as much as I love you.
With love, Freddie.

Melissa looked down the table to see Fred smiling at her. He noticed how much she was smiling when she read the note. Melissa loved her gift from Fred and mouthed over to him at the end of the table,
'Thank you' Fred smiled and blew her a kiss. Melissa put the chain around her neck and held it like it meant the world to her, because it did.
"That was..." Hermione started speaking.
"Gross" Ron butted in. Hermione turned around and slapped Ron on the side of his arm.
"No Ronald. It was adorable." Melissa blushed and glanced down the table to Fred again who was back to laughing with his friends. She didn't let go of the ring all through dinner.


It was night now and Melissa and all of her friends (+Jade) were sat in the common room together.
"Hey guys, why don't we play truth or dare?" Hermione asked the group.

"No way, you know how that ended last time 'Mione." Melissa replied.
"Oh come on please!" Hermione begged.
"I think it's a great idea." Jade said while giving Melissa a dirty look. Melissa rolled her eyes at her in return.
"Of course you would." Melissa replied.
"So, 'Mione, truth or dare?" Ron asks her.
"Truth" she replied.
"Who's your Hogwarts crush."
"Dare" Hermione immediately changed because the last thing she wanted is Ron finding out.
"I dare you to go ove-" Jade butted in.
"Ugh, this is boring. Melissa, truth or dare?" She looked at Melissa and she raised her eyebrows.
"You have to tell us, how far you've been with Fred. And 'you don't even wanna' know isn't an answer this time."
Melissa gave Jade a firm look.
"Dare." She changed her mind. Jade scoffed and said
"I dare you. To make out with George." Everyone gasped.
"No way! My boyfriends right there you dumbass bitch!" She shouted at her.
"It's. A dare. Nothing more. You don't mean anything by it right?" Jade asked in a cheeky tone.
"Of course not." Melissa replied.
"Then go ahead." Jade said.

Melissa looked at Fred seeing if he gave her the go ahead. He slightly nodded and put his head down. Melissa slowly went and sat next to George clearly showing she didn't want to do it.
"Are you sure Freddie?" George asked. Fred just slightly nodded again as Melissa pulled George in and kissed him. She could see Fred out of the corner of her eye watching them kiss. She hated it and wanted to pull away but she couldn't otherwise Jade would say something. It wasn't long until Fred stormed out of the room. Melissa immediately ran after him flagging Jade off as she ran off. Harry couldn't help but laugh at Jade.
"Zip it Potter!" Jade exclaimed.

"Freddie?" Melissa said walking into his room to see him almost crying on the bed. She went by him and sat next to him on the bed.
"I'm sorry Freddie. I didn't mean to-" she was cut off by Fred turning around and giving her the biggest hug she's ever had.
"Promise it meant nothing." He started to cry.
"Freddie.." Melissa started to tear up. "Freddie I promise you it meant nothing to me, I hated it and wanted to pull away so badly but Jade wouldn't stepped up."
"Promise?" He sobbed.
"I promise." Melissa replied looking into his eyes wiping a tear that was rolling down the said of his cheek.
"I've had enough of Jade." Fred said while Melissa pulled him into another hug.
"Me too hun, me too." She replied. She could not explain how much hatred she had for Jade. She wanted her gone. For good.

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