Valdez/Miller children

3.7K 78 16

Hazel and Dylan Miller

Nolan Miller- 20

Derek Miller - 18

Chris Miller - 18 (Derek's twin)

Luke Miller - 17

Rose Camryn Miller - 14

Alvin Miller - 5

Ivan and Fiona Valdez

Timothy Jr. Valdez - 24

Andrew Valdez - 24 (Timothy twin)

Sylvia Valdez- 14

Alan and Melissa Valdez

Adam Valdez- 21

Hal Valdez - 18

Leo Valdez- 15

Scott Valdez - 3

Percy and Sophie Valdez

Alex Valdez - 17

Douglas Valdez - 6

Russell Valdez - 2

Miles and Emma Valdez

Lawrence Valdez - 19

Miles Jr. Valdez - 7

Simon and Georgia Valdez (didn't marry Stephanie sadly)

Dean Valdez - 17

Carl Valdez - 17 (Dean's twin)

Dale and Adrian Valdez

Blain Valdez - 8

Blake Valdez - 8

This is the cast but the children under nine will not really be in the chapters just the older ones. The next chapter will be in Hazel's point of view but the rest will be in Rose's point of view mainly then maybe the others at intervals. Expect the next chapter soon.

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