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This is the next chapter obviously😀, I'm sorry for the late update😢 and thanks so much for 20k reads😍😍. It's just unimaginable.

SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER. Emma and I were dancing and screaming around the kitchen as we made cupcakes to celebrate. The boys had the last game of the season coming up in an hour so they were up in their rooms preparing. We were singing we are family as we waltzed round the kitchen throwing ingredients into the mixing bowl. Then I felt something squishy slam on my face. I touched it and looked at it. butter. Oh no she did not. I grabbed some flour and poured it on Emma's head. She screamed and grabbed some milk to pour on me. She chased me round the kitchen, I grabbed an egg and threw at her but she ducked and it hit the person entering the kitchen. I turned to see my dad with raw egg all over his suit. He gave me a seriously look and I smiled cheekily.

"what the nonsense happened here?" Ivan asked as he walked into the kitchen with the others right behind him, including Dylan.

"we were making cupcakes, and then we decided to have some fun" I answered him. He glared at me.

"girls clean this up, we leave for the game in 30 minutes" dad said.

"wait, we can't clean this alone, there's flour on the ceiling" Emma complained pointing upward to the patch of flour that graced the ceiling.

"should have thought of that before you made a mess" Percy replied earning a glare from Emma. They all turned to go but I called them back and asked who wanted a hug. They all scrambled to run out but I caught the nearest person being Dylan and hugged him, staining his shirt with milk and flour. He groaned before walking away. Emma and I set to walk in the kitchen until it was cleared up, then we put our cupcakes in the oven to bake while we took showers. I chose a pink blouse over jeans with a boot heel while Emma wore a blue cropped hoodie over leggings. We went down to the kitchen to check our cupcakes and wait for the others. They were almost done so we pretty much just sat on the island using our phones.

Dylan and miles walked in with their gym bags and their letterman jackets in their hands. Dylan dropped his bag beside me and waved the jacket in my face. I looked up slowly and raised an eyebrow.

" I want you to wear my jacket for the game" he told me. I smiled at him and agreed. Miles was staring at Dylan and I, I was sort of confused then he mouthed for me to leave. I mouthed an oh and stood.

"come on, Dyl" I said as I dragged him out of the kitchen. We crouched down near the glass door and watched what was going to happen. Miles stood up and walked to a confused Emma.

'I. um...was wandering if you'll wear my jacket today, if you don't want to I won't be mad" he said nervously as he scratched the nape of his neck.

"sure, I'll love to" Emma replied.

"really, that's awesome" he exclaimed as he helped her to put on the jacket. I knew it from the first time they met, they had something going on. I stood up from my crouched position and so did Dylan. We walked into the kitchen pretending to be in deep conversation.

"oh, hey guys" Dylan said grinning widely once we came in. I nudged him hard making Miles roll his at us. I guess he knew what happened. The others came down finally and we walked out to the cars.


The smell of the cupcakes tickled my nose once we entered the house. I totally forgot about them but seems like someone else remembered. I met Jessica in the kitchen bringing out the cupcakes from the oven.

"thanks, Jesse, I'll decorate them myself" she smiled at me before leaving. Emma and I got to work mixing our icing with different colors. After they were all mixed we put them in the piping bags and applied it to the cupcakes. It was perfect once we were done. The others came in and we all settled to eat them.

"are you guys going for Caleb's party tonight?" Percy asked us. I shrugged. I'll rather stay at home and watch a movie than be in a house full of loud drunken teenagers.

"it'll be so much fun" Miles added.

"super fun" Dylan added. I rolled my eyes at them.

"do you want to go?" I asked Emma. She nodded slowly. I sighed. I guess we are going then.

The party was already in full swing by the time we got there, there were red cups littered everywhere and loud music came from inside the house. Teenagers were also littered around both at the front and at the back. I took a deep breathe before walking inside. The place was packed with people dancing and making out. Emma dragged me to the kitchen, we bumped into a lot of people but I was glad I wore flats so I didn't fall. There were only a few people in the kitchen.

"hey ladies," the guy behind the bar said "what can I get you?". I asked for water while Emma took coke. As we turned to leave, I bumped into someone. It was Caleb.

"oh hi Hazel, and Emma, glad you came" he said. I gave him a small nod. 'Hey, why are you drinking water? Try this" he handed me a cup of some transparent liquid. I looked at it for a few seconds before handing it back to him.

"no thanks, I'll rather have the water" I said slowly as I backed away. A song started playing and Emma squealed and dragged me to the dancing floor. I was just fooling around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Dylan smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"may I join you?" he asked. I first looked around for Emma but she'd already gone off with Miles so I agreed. The song had slowed down now so arm in arm we moved slowly to the song until it ended. Suddenly I heard someone yell my name. it was Emma.

"Simon got into a fight, come on" I followed her outside quickly. The yard was packed with teenagers who were clearly enjoying the fight. I broke through the crowd until I got to the front. Simon was punching a guy who was on the floor bleeding. I ran to them and pushed him off.

"are you insane? You could kill him" I yelled at him but he pushed me off and told me to leave. I refused to go as I tried to help the guy stand, then somebody grabbed my arms and started dragging me away. I looked up into Dylan's face as I struggled to release myself from his hold. Hot tears ran down my cheeks as I followed Dylan like a lost sheep.

We were walking down a street, it was basically empty. Only a few cars passed by and I could still hear the music from the party all the way from where I was. He led me to a small gathering of trees. We started to walk inside slowly, it was lighted a bit by the moon though.

"are we trespassing? Cause I'm too young to go to jail" I said making him chuckle. We walked until we came to a clearing and I saw the second most beautiful sight apart from the waterfall Dad showed me. It was a small pond with millions of fire flies hovering over it. Their reflection on the water added so much to the beauty of it that I felt like crying. We both just stood there and stared at it, enjoying the silence and the occasional sound of the moving wind. Dylan tugged at my sleeves, meaning it was time to leave ubt I didn't want to go. It felt so peaceful and heartwarming.

I finally agreed to leave and we started the walk back to civilization. The people who came to watch the fight had gone back inside to enjoy the rest of the party. There were only a few people left outside including my brothers. Alan was cleaning the wounds of the boy simon beat up, ivan was talking to percy, simon and Dale while Miles was with emma.

"hey, I've been looking all over for you" simon yelled once Dylan and I came closer to him. I was still mad at him for beating that guy up but I'm sure he has good reasons, he better do.

"went on a little tour" I replied smiling up at Dylan. they all replied with nods and we went home.


May the soul of our dear Chadwick Bosman rest in peace. thanks to all those who have commented so far and for all those who added my book to their reading list and for your votes. God bless.

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