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School finally ended instead of going home I decided to tour the city. It was reasonably big from the signs I saw around. I saw a pack so I decided to sit at a bench and have the sandwich, soon done I just sat there staring and thinking of nothing in particular. I could hear the chirping of birds, but this particular one was of distress, then I noticed a small bird under the slide with an eagle gaining on it, it felt like me backed into a corner with James nearing on me then suddenly the mother bird swooped down making the eagle to fly away as she picked her baby up. I wished I had a mother or savior to save me from my distress. With a sigh I stood up and started my walk home.

The house looked empty as I neared it so I circled it to ensure no one was around before entering it. I walked quietly to my room, but as I reached for the handle I heard the shower running and James voice, I quickly turned back and fast walked to the kitchen. I decide to leave but then my eyes caught some files on the table they were job applications, I flipped through them, I scanned through one and when I reached the conditions one said you must have at least one child in school. I wasn't surprised I knew there was something selfish behind the whole scheme. James started shouting and his voice came closer so I turned and fled the house. I kept running till I was a street away. I stopped to catch my breath while looking around to know where I was. I felt lost so I walked until I came to the nearest bus stop. Garden estate was a 30-minute walk; I was there in 20 minutes running most of the time. The estate was so large with so many tall buildings. I felt intimidated but I went forward, Simon's house was somewhat away from the rest, with a well-kept lawn and large iron gate.

I walked past the gate, up the marble stairs and to the massive iron door. I knocked once softly but no one answered so I knocked harder, this time a lady in a green pinafore answered. Her hair was tied up in a bun, she looked like a maid.

'hello dear, how can I help you?'

'I'm Hazel, here to see Simon Valdez' she smiled quickly and let me in. the front had a gold charladies and some chairs, there was a glass door covering some area and large marble stairs that led up, I could guess where the kitchen was because of the sound of pots and the aroma of cooking. We heard footsteps and from the glass door emerged a boy, he looked about 20 with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was freakishly tall dressed in a black hoodie. The maid bowed and walked out. He walked towards me and I tensed.

'hi I'm Alan, you must be hazel' I nodded, my hair and hoodie covering most of my face 'okay, come this way Simon will be down in a few and if he causes trouble do tell me' he led me past the glass door into a room, it smelt kinda old. It had many couches, a fireplace, bookshelves and many pictures on the wall.

'make yourself at home, be back in a sec' he said before leaving. I dropped my bag on one of the couches and walked towards the bookshelf. I'd made a list of all the books I wanted to read, and almost all of them sat there accumulating dust from over the years. I couldn't take them because that'll be stealing and I didn't have the courage to ask. Next I went to the pictures, there were so many of them, I could spot Simon in some and Alan also. As I moved the pictures grew older until I came to a corner there stood a picture of my mother. I just stared at it shocked, mentally asking myself what she was doing here.

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