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Centerville high was very huge and looked like a castle built in the 1900s. I considered going back but knowing the consequences I continued forward. There was so much yelling and shouting. Parents kissed their children goodbye, passed out lunches or lunch money. I shut my eyes at the scene forcing myself not to cry, I always wondered what it felt like to actually have a parent that cared for you. I walked into the busy hall bustling with students, I followed the signs to the front office while covering my face with my hoodie and gold hair.

Then I bumped into a wall, well this wall was actually a person, thankfully before I landed on my butt he caught my wrist but then I flinched and he let go so I eventually landed on my butt.

'awww, it's a newbie' someone snickered making the others do the same. The one who grabbed my wrist leaned in, I could see his blue eyes clearly boring into my Hazel ones. We studied each other for a minute before he mouthed,

'welcome to hell, newbie' I quickly stood up and continued my walk to the office ignoring their laughter behind me. This wasn't a place for me but I needed an education. I got to the front office, many other loners like me were there but most of them already had friends so I walked to the lady seating behind the computer typing furiously, she looked at me through her gold rimmed glasses before her face broke into a smile. I felt sad I couldn't return her smile because since I was old enough to talk I can count how many times I've smiled.

'hello dear, I'm miss. Cani are you new?' I nodded slightly.'ok, give me your name?'

'Hazel Valdez' I replied in more of a whisper but it seemed she heard me because she began to type furiously, then her face turned to confusion.

'umm.... all I have here is Hazel Andre' JAMES! He'd signed me up with his own name but I always go by my real father's name.

'yeah that's it, I always use my mums name'

'fine do you want to change it? I nodded, she did the changes quickly and handed me my schedule and locker number.

'we'll send the mail of change of name to your home address by tomorrow' she said. I tensed James will kill me but if I told her not to tell it'll warrant suspicion so I just left and resigned to my fate.

Finding my locker was another problem but I did find it anyway after over ten minutes of searching and then the bell rang, I had history first so I grabbed a notebook and ran to the class. the class was almost empty; I chose a back seat earning stares from the other people around. I slid down in my chair so no one would see my face. The teacher walked in it was a lady who introduced herself as Mrs. Pedro, Spanish or Mexican I guessed.

'ok class we'll be doing a research project on some president of America and you'll be put into groups of 2' just then the door opened and 4 boys entered I recognized them as the people I met earlier so I burrowed deeper into my seat so they won't see me.

'excuse me? Why are you late again?' Mrs. Pedro asked seeming annoyed.

'why do you ask all the time?' the leader of the group asked causing the class to laugh.

. detention all of you and next time to the principal' everyone kept silent and she continued the class, at least they feared the principal.

'ok so the groups are....' she listed a group of kids, I hadn't heard my name yet but most of the class was paired already. then finally she said.

'Hazel and Simon' I heard ooohs around the class, who was Simon by the way. I looked up and saw the blonde with blue eyes giving me a disgusted look, he was Simon. I wondered why the fates hate me so much as to give me him for a partner. The bell rang, I grabbed my belongings took the paper our teacher gave me and left immediately not wanting to confront Simon again.

Our next class was maths, I won't say I love maths but I don't hate it either as usual I went to the back seat and a girl my age came and sat beside me she had long brown hair and wore a white crop top with a plaid skirt.

'hi I'm Aubrey, you must be Hazel' she said smiling at me I managed a fake smile, 5th time this year.' I see you're with Simon he's a sophomore repeating freshman history just thought you should know' I ignored her and the teacher came in, as he started to speak I felt my tummy grumble and my eyes began to close. I fought against it till I couldn't and finally fell asleep until someone tapped me. My eyes flung open and the whole class was staring at me, I blushed hard though they couldn't see it.

'Hazel please answer number 5' the teacher said by a quick look, I replied 20. He looked shocked and so did the others what's so special I only calculated it.

'please stay awake in further lessons' he said just as the bell rang. I had biology next so I went to the lab nothing special happened except I got Aubrey as my partner fortunately note the sarcasm. Then we went for lunch I had no lunch money and no lunch so I decided to go to the library to stay. It was really huge, finding a quiet corner I sat down and slept due to hunger because I realized once I slept over it I won't be hungry anymore. I was still in the world of sleep when I felt a sharp shove. I looked up. Simon!

'hey newbie meet at my house at 5, don't be late' he said smirking before handing me a card. It read.



He stood up and left, Aubrey came next carrying a few textbooks.

'oh, hello Hazel, see you and Simon are getting along' she said winking, I ignored her as usual.' anyway didn't see you in the cafeteria' I wish she could just mind her business, I wanted to tell her that but she was the only person who had been nice to me since I came here.

'wasn't that hungry' I replied. She looked at me weirdly.

'too bad but I got you a sandwich and a box of juice, I'm sure you'll have space for them' she answered handing me a jelly sandwich and a box of orange juice.

'thanks so much, no one's been this nice to me' I thanked her gratefully. She giggled.

'no Biggy my mum's like that just giving, I guess I inherited it from her' the bell rang.' See ya I've got music'

'bye and thanks again' I stuffed the sandwich and juice into my bag to eat at a more convenient time before heading to class. The rest of school went in a blur with no incidents thankfully now I had to find the Valdez mansions, I wondered why we had the same surname.

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